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You know, even though Jungkook's wealthy and all, how come I'm the only one working for him at home?

I was tasked to go shopping while Jungkook went to work. He gave me a list, and the particular grocery store. Once I arrived, I received many stares from many people. Guys my age, disapproving parents, and older men. I was used to it, thinking they are all looks of disgust. I looked at the list while walking in.
Y/n: "White shirts." I whispered to myself. I'm...not gonna ask. Once I entered the men's clothing section, I looked around for white shirts. There were a lot! But not all of them were plain. Some were designed. Does he want something in particular?

Make sure the shirts are plain please. Thank you! :)

Well, that answers my question! I get a small stack of shirts hanging on hangers in his size. I didn't know it, so I guessed. Let's hope I'm somewhat close!...
I was at the store for a while, but I love shopping! Finally, after a few hours, I only needed a couple more things!

Y/n: "Alright. He needs flowers, chocolate, [your favorite food], and...... a dress with matching heels of my choosing and size??..." I read the last of the list. Does he......have a valentine? It was February, so I'm assuming it's for someone on Valentine's day. His girlfriend, perhaps?? My heart dropped. I frowned a bit. Why should I choose it? I don't even know who this girl is...... Shouldn't he buy it for her to show how much he loves her? Gosh!! What am I thinking?! It's probably for his mother. Or sister! Does he have a sister?? Maybe a friend? Family member? Oh, goodness Y/n, get a grip! Pull yourself together! I chuckle at myself and my crazy overthinking and look for the items. He didn't say a specific type of flower, so I chose my favorite ones! Who wouldn't love these?! Next, chocolate! I chose my favorite as well. If this girl doesn't like it, I will. *Mentally giggles and winks*
Now.....the outfit. It felt a bit strange...walking into such expensive aisles. I've never been dress shopping of any kind before. It kinda feels like a highs school dance. Or a nice party. Or a first date..... I looked around, rummaging through almost every dress I thought could ever exist. The I laid my eyes on something. Something that stood out from the rest... I looked at the dress the same way I did when I first met Jungkook... Maybe...if I buy it...this girl might feel the same way. So, I took the dress and entered a dressing room, then locked it. I changed into the dress. It fit me perfectly!! I looked in the mirror and stared. I'd look better if I had my hair and makeup done...but this will do! Will the girl like it? Will he like it??

After purchasing everything with a card he gave me, don't worry there's a budget, and drove back to his house. I struggled to carry the "thousands" of bags and took 2 minutes to open the door. Finally, I placed everything on the counter after kicking the door closed behind me. Jungkook still wasn't home yet. I've noticed that we talk with notes a little more recently. It kinda sucks, but he's a bit busy with his "New Project" he says. I haven't visited my mother in a while, and I should do that at the end of the day. I feel terrible for leaving her alone, I've just been super busy with everything lately... I put everything away, and gently placed the dress and shoes on the sofa. He never showed me his room. Now that I think about it, he's never given me a tour of the house. So it's a bit difficult to do his tasks without knowing where to do them. Should I talk to him about that?? I looked for the time on my phone. 4:35 pm. My shift doesn't end until 8:00!!! I can't overwork, because I need to visit my mother, but I can't slack off just because he's gone. I looked around to see if I was tasked for anything else. I jumped with a small scream when my ringtone went off. I giggled at myself after and went towards my phone, then picked up the call.
Y/n: "Hello?"
???: "Good evening Ms. Kim. This is Dr. Stone. I have some news about your mother." I bit my lip.
Y/n: "*gulp* Um...yeah, what is it?" I asked kindly. Before he responded the door unlocked and opened.
Y/n: "I-im so sorry Doctor. I have to go! Can we talk later? I'm off at 8:00 tonight."
Doctor: "Sure Ms. Kim. Talk to you later."
Y/n: "Ok, thank you so much! Bye bye!" I hung up and placed the phone on the countertop. Jungkook entered inside looking extremely tired. His tie was undone, and his hair was sexily messy. He had darkish, baggy eyes. Did he even sleep??
Jungkook: "Who was on the phone?" He asked in a groggy voice.
Y/n: "U-um.. just a doctor." I smile. He nods, yawning. I walk to close the door, then offer to help him.
Y/n: "Is everything ok Sir?" I asked. He wasn't paying attention. I gently poke his arm. He looks down at me, then smiles. He shakes my hair on the top of my head like a puppy and smiles cutely. I was speechless, staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips. I was blushing, and my heart fluttered. He yawned and shuffled his feet towards the kitchen, then grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge. I rushed over to him.
Y/n: "Sir.. I don't think it's a good idea to drink when you're this tired..." I said shyly. He chuckled and poured a glass.
Y/n: "What if something happens to you when I leave? You should get some rest." He looked at me and smiled.
Jungkook: "Aww, my little maid cares about me." He cooed. What's up with this guy?? I bit my tounge. He Rose his glass and was about to sip, but I interrupted.
Y/n: "Mr. Jeon!!" I exclaimed. He froze and looked at me with his eyes.
Y/n: "You need rest! Please excuse my tone, but I don't think it's a good idea to drink like this..." I bit my lip. He slowly set the glass down and bit his lip. He ran both of his hands through his hair, and sighed deeply.
Jungkook: "You're right. I'm sorry. I haven't slept in three days." He chuckles awkwardly. I frowned a bit. I felt bad..
Jungkook: "We're working on a big project. I mentioned it at least once to you before. We're trying to develope a new video game. Something unique and fun for all ages. But it's difficult...... Especially being the CEO with no good enough ideas." He trails off, putting his face in his hands. He was incredibly stressed.
Jungkook: "This is why I seemed desperate for help when we met." He admitted. I bit my lip, and thought of something I normally wouldn't do. Not with my boss at least. I walk over to him and hug him from behind. He looks up from his hands slightly, but stays there.
Y/n: "Don't worry Jungkook. I'm here to help." I smiled, reassuring him I'm there. I let go and back away. He turns to me and smiles.
Jungkook: "What would I do without you?" I giggled.
Y/n: "You wouldn't." I smiled, biting my lip. He chuckled and sighed.
Y/n: "Here. I need you to change into more comfortable clothes. I prefer pajamas. I'll make you some tea and cook an early dinner for you. If you want, you can take a warm bath first. After that you need rest, and lots of it." I said. He smiled.
Jungkook: "But I still have work to do. I need to design characters, build the system, an-"
Y/n: "Nope. Not happening. You still have time for that, but now isn't that time. Go get ready please." He bit his lip. He smiled and nodded, then walked off. I smiled, feeling proud of myself, then started making the dinner, then the tea. I heard water running, so I assumed he was taking a shower instead. While I was cooking dinner, I heard the water shut off and the door open. He's probably changing now. I hear footsteps getting closer.
Jungkook: "hey, where's my- Oh! Nevermind, I found them!" I watch as Jungkook walked to the sofa and grabbed his pajamas, then walked back. He was only wearing a towel around his waist!! Jshskhksjjsskskjdlfjfs I couldn't stop blushing, so I pretended that the hot steam hit my face, just in case he asks. Minutes later, he comes back, fully clothed. Thank goodness....I almost died...again!! I finished dinner and placed everything on his plate. I whipped up some tea and poured it in a cup. I walked over to him as he sat down lazily. The past couple of hours felt like we were a married couple...... I bit my lip trying not to think about it.
Y/n: "Here you go Sir." I smiled. He looked at me, smiled, then rose a brow. He took the cup from my hands.
Y/n: "Oh! And be careful. It's hot." I warned him. He nodded.
Jungkook: "Thank you." I nodded and walked off.
Jungkook: "Wait. I wanted to talk to you about something." I turned back and bit my lip.
Jungkook: "When you comforted me earlier.... You said my name." I nodded slowly.
Y/n: "Yes...and?" He chuckles.
Jungkook: "And I thought you said you wanted to be "professional"." He smirked.
Y/n: "I was just trying to comfort you. That's all." I said. He chuckled.
Y/n: "Enough chit chat. You haven't touched your food or your tea." I crossed my arms. He sets the tea down and stretches. He stands up and walks towards me.
Jungkook: "You know, I'm not tired anymore." He smiled. I rush to him and try sitting him back down.
Y/n: "Sir please!" He chuckles and pulls me away.
Jungkook: "Alright, I'll eat. But on one condition." I nodded, desperate to just get him to sleep.
Jungkook: "You have to always call me by my name." I blushed a bit.
Y/n: "Your first or last?"
Jungkook: "First." He smiled. I bit my lip.
Y/n: "Fine..." I whispered.
Jungkook: "What was that? I didn't quite hear you." He smirks. I roll my eyes.
Y/n: "Sure." I smiled. He smiled back and sat down. He patted the spot next to him for me to sit. I sit next to him as he eats.
Y/n: "Um... I have a question.." he hums.
Y/n: "When your friend said he hasn't seen a maid and her "master" connect like we do....what did he mean by that?" Jungkook swallows his food and set his fork on the plate.
Jungkook: "Well... Most wealthy people hire multiple servants, butlers, etc. While I only hired you. I never really understood the harsh treatment towards the people working for you. After multiple projects, I've been thinking about hiring one person. At least for now I guess. I wanted someone that was kind, caring, hard working, and had potential. I saw all of that, and more, from you." He paused and turned to face me. I smiled.
Y/n: "Thank you.... That means a lot." He smiled and looked at his plate again.
Jungkook: "My friend noticed how close we seemed for our business-ship. He was just a bit surprised, that's all." I nodded. Then I remembered my main question from earlier.
Y/n: "If I may ask, who's the lucky girl?" I joked. He looked at me, confused.
Y/n: "One of my tasks was to go shopping earlier. You had me buy a dress and shoes of my choice and size." He stared at me like I was an alien that just asked to probe him. I bit my lip.
Y/n: "Was I not supposed to do that?"
Jungkook: "I-its not that! I just feel bad.."
Y/n: "Why's that?" He ran his fingers through his hair.
Jungkook: "I'm sorry."
Y/n: "Why? You shouldn't be. You didn't do anything wrong."
Jungkook: "Have I done anything for you?"
Y/n: "What? Well, no. But you don't need to. That's not how it works. I asked if you have a girlfriend or not, well technically.." I giggled. He chuckled.
Jungkook: "No, I don't. I'm waiting for that special someone, you know?" My heart dropped, but I smiled and nodded. He notices and smirks.
Jungkook: "What if I did?" My eyes widened. I blushed and bit my lip.
Y/n: "I'd be happy for you." I looked up at him kindly. He smiled and drank his tea.
Jungkook: "Since you asked, it makes me curious." I nod.
Jungkook: "Do you have anyone? A partner I mean." I bit my lip and look down.
Y/n: " I've never had great experiences with guys." I chuckled softly.
Jungkook: "What do you mean?" It was a bit personal, but I didn't want to lose my job by ignoring his questions.
Y/n: "I've been abused, rejected, and emotionally torn apart by a few men in my high school years. You're the only guy I've met that hasn't greeted me by saying something dirty or offensive. So thank you for that." I chuckle awkwardly. He bites his lip, then places his hand on mine. I look up at him, shocked.
Jungkook: "I'm sorry... I didn't know. I'm sorry I asked. And I'm sorry you went through the things you experienced." I smile.
Y/n: "Stop apologizing." I giggle. He chuckled and took his hand away. He stared into my eyes kindly, causing me to heat up all over. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, then my phone rang again.
Y/n: "Oh, I should get that. Sorry." He smiled and I walked off, answering the phone.
Y/n: "Hello?" I asked cheerfully.
Doctor: "Good evening Ms. Kim. I apologise for burdening you again, but it's urgent." My eyes widened. I tried not to panic.
Y/n: "How is she? Is she ok!?" I asked fearfully.
Doctor: "Yes, your mother's fine. She just needs we medication. I called because this specific type of medication costs a big amount." I bit my lip.
Y/n: " how much?"
Doctor: "$15,000"
Y/n: "WHAT!? It's medication not a surgery!!!" I exclaimed. I looked at the worried Jungkook, then looked away.
Y/n: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice..."
Doctor: "Don't worry, I'm used to it." He chuckled.
Doctor: "I'm supposed to inform you that you have a deadline for the money due." Oh gosh..
Y/n: "Alright." I said.
Doctor: "In...... Two weeks." I started panicking. I feared the question I longer to ask.
Y/n: "Um.... What happens if I can't pay in time?" The doctor hesitated.
Doctor: "We'd do what we always do..... Pull the plug..."
Y/n: "You're kidding right?? You can't kill someone because the payment isn't on time! You can't just out a price tag on my mother's life!!" I exclaimed through a shaky voice. He apologized.
Y/n: "Stop saying you're sorry! You have no idea what it's like being a lowly maid working 24 hours every day for 14 years of your life!!" I bit my lip. He kept saying my name, but I didn't respond. My eyes became watery.
Doctor: "Look, I'm very sorry. It's just our policy, and I'm only doing my job." I sighed a bit.
Y/n: "I'll do what I can" I hung up the phone and bury my face in my hands, crying quietly. I bit my lip to try and stop, and sniffled.
Jungkook walked over and hugged me tightly, causing me to cry harder. He hushed me and caressed my hair.
Jungkook: "It's alright. It's ok..." I cried in his chest, grabbing his shirt.
Y/n: "It's not fair Jungkook. I've worked so hard, and they still can't help! No one can..." I cried. Jungkook stayed silent for a bit.
Jungkook: "It's ok. Just let it all out, then if you want to, we can talk about it when you're a bit more calm. Does that sound ok?" I sniffle and nod. He lays his head on top of mine and runs his fingers through my hair. His heart was beating fast, but his breathing was calm. I let go of his shirt and wrap my arms around him. He tightens his grip slightly. After a while, I let go while he does the same, and sniffle. He smiles sympathetically.
Jungkook: "Here. Let's sit somewhere comfortable." I nod and follow him throughout the house. Not to far from the kitchen, we entered his room. I sat on the edge of his incredibly soft bed, and he sat next to me. He sat there silently and patently waited for me to say something. I took a deep, shaky breath. Should I get closer with him? Should I tell him? Will he react the same way the others did?.. I look down in my lap and play with my hands.
Y/n: "My mother..... She's sick." I said slowly. I bit my quivering lips.
Y/n: "My mother's been ill ever since I was seven. And I had my first job on my eighth birthday." I confessed. Jungkook looked at me in surprise.
Y/n: "I've done......many unspeakable order to earn enough money for my mother's medical bills. I regret it, but at least I was able to pay it off." I said, biting my lip.
Y/n: "I just don't understand..... As soon as I pay off all of her bills for the rest of the year, the hospital decides to inform me that I have to pay even more money than before in order for my mother to have the medication she needs, or else...... They kill her.." I said, slowly trailing off.
Y/n: "It just doesn't make sense.. why can't I pay afterwards? Why pay so much in such a little amount of time? Why??? Why is life so unfair?.." I kept asking questions that always ran across my mind. I bit my lip and looked up at Jungkook. He stared back at me.
Jungkook: "How much are they asking for?"
Y/n: "$15,000.... Just for the medication alone."
Jungkook: "What!? Why so much??!"
Y/n: "My mother has a rare disease. She's only the third history recorded individual to be diagnosed with it......" I look back down.
Jungkook: "I'm.....very sorry.... If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to tell me." I smile and look up at him.
Y/n: "Thank you, but I don't think you can.... Not for this." I said sadly. He thought about something, then grabbed the keys to his car.
Jungkook: "What's the name of the hospital?"
Y/n: "Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. Why?"
Jungkook: "I'm going to talk to them." My eyes widened. I stood up and followed him as he walked quickly. He grabbed the doorknob, but I held onto his arm.
Y/n: "Wait! I-its fine. I can find a way to pay it off in time. We don't need to-"
Jungkook: "No." That's all he said, then grabbed my arm and took me to his car. We got in and drove to the hospital.

Once we arrived, he walked quickly out of the car and into the building. I rushed behind him, trying to stop him. I found Jungkook in front of the receptionist's desk.
Jungkook: "Where's Ms. Kim's doctor?"
Receptionist: "Are you her family?"
Jungkook: "I'm her daughter's fiance." What??? The woman rose a brow at him, then sighed.
Receptionist: "I'll call him over." He picked up the phone and called for the doctor. He walked over and smiled. Jungkook didn't look very happy, and I bit my lip.
Doctor: "Who called me? Was it you Ms. Kim?"
Jungkook: "No sir, I did. I need to talk to you. Immediately." He said sternly. The doctor chuckled nervously.
Doctor: "I'm afraid I don't have time S-"
Jungkook: "I'm not leaving until you give Ms. Kim's mother her medication immediately!!" He slams his fist on the desk, causing all of us to jump. The doctor stiffens up and fails to fully hide his shaking and fear.
Doctor: "Young man, settle down. We're doing the best we can."
Jungkook: "Don't tell me to settle down!"
Doctor: "I'm sorry sir, it just doesn't work that way. It isn't that easy."
Jungkook: "Why?! Why can't you just help a patent?! She has a daughter for Pete's sake??" He exclaims. The doctor looks at me, then back up at Jungkook.
Doctor: "Her daughter must pay for the medication in order for us to afford it. If not, we don't have any other choice at the moment then to-"
Y/n: "Don't. Please don't say it..." My eyes become glossy. Jungkook fiercely takes out his wallet, and throws a big stack of cash on the desk.
Jungkook: "There. Now take your filthy money and help her!!" My eyes widened. My mouth was halfway open, and so was the woman's and doctor's.
Y/n: "Jungkook, you don't need to-"
Jungkook: "They gave you two weeks to pay for a ridiculous amount of money. I'm not going to sit back and watch your life become stressful and fall apart. Not if I can help." He bit his lip and stared down the doctor. The doctor apologized, took the money, and rushed towards the opposite direction.

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