Hickey Pt. 1

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???: "Are you Kim Y/n?"
Y/n: "Who's asking?" He gulped again and cleared his voice.
???: "I don't know how to tell you this.." he said. I was confused, and nodded slowly.
Y/n: "Here. You can come in. I'll make you something. Would you like anything to eat? Or drink?" I asked as he hesitantly stepped inside.
???: "W-water is fine. Thank y-you." He stuttered. I smiled and went in the kitchen. Jungkook followed me.
Jungkook: "I admire your kindness babe. I really do. But you just let in a sketchy old man in our home!" I blushed and looked up at him. Not only did he call me babe, but he said OUR HOME!
Y/n: "O-our?...." I asked. He blushed too.
Jungkook: "I-i meant mine!" I nodded, biting my lip. I finished getting the glass of iced water and gently grabbed his arm, smiling at him.
Y/n: "He seems like he came over for a reason. I trust him." Jungkook looked worried, but eventually nodded slowly. I walked over and gave the man the water.
???: "Thank you." He smiled and drank it immediately. Alright....
Y/n: "You can sit down if you'd like." I smiled kindly. Jungkook stayed close. The man nodded and sat down on the couch, then set the cup in the coffee table. He messed with his hands, rubbing them together nervously. Me and Jungkook sat down too.
Jungkook: "Um, if I may ask, how did you know Y-, I mean Miss Kim, was here?" The man hesitated to respond.
???: "Um, it's a long story." What does he mean it's a long story? He cleared his throat once more, then folded his hands and turned to face me.
???: "I didn't come with a script or anything, but I feel like you need to know." I have him a weird look. He smiled, but he couldn't hide how nervous he was. Who is this man?
Xxx: "Y/n..." He struggled to speak.
???: "I'm Kim Kang Dae." I nodded. He looked at me, waiting for a response.
Y/n: "Um.. it's a cool name?" I said confused. He bit his lip.
Kang Dae: "Does it sound familiar?" I shook my head slowly.
Y/n: "I'm sorry Sir. Am I supposed to?" He shook his head.
Kang Dae: "I guess your mother never told you. Aish...that woman." He muttered. My eyes became watery. Jungkook noticed.
Y/n: "Look Mr. Kim. I don't know who you are or what you want from me, but you have no right to talk about my mother like that." I choked.
Kang Dae: "I didn't mean it like that! I'm just saying-"
Y/n: "What do you want from me?" I asked slowly. He sighed and looked down. He looked back up at me with a small smile.
Kang Dae: "I'm your father Y/n. I came back for you." I was shocked. Angry. Sad. What would my mother want me to do? Jungkook was stunned as well. None of us knew how to react. I sniffed and shook my head.
Y/n: "No. No you're not.. my father left us. He abandoned his family years ago." I said with a shaky voice. He nodded with watery eyes. I let a si gle tear fall then quickly wiped it away. I'm not going to cry over him. Not again. I stood up and walked to the door, but stopped and looked at him.
Y/n: "After all these years... This is when you come back?!" I exclaimed.
Father: "I-i know I'm in the wrong here. I just.... Things haven't been going well, so I came back to say hello." I scoffed.
Y/n: "That's why?! You came back when things weren't going well for you?! You really took some guy to get here, didn't you?" I said angrily. All he did was nod. I looked away then back at him.
Y/n: "What do you expect me to say? Thank you for ruining my life? I'm so happy you abandoned me! Abandoned my mother!!!" I said angrily.
Father: "I deserve this, I know, but you didn't miss me?" I rolled my eyes.
Y/n: "I missed you years ago. Every day I asked my sick mother when daddy would come back home! She would cry every night in pain and frustration because of you!" I choked.
Y/n: "I worked my entire life saving my mother! You left us, left HER! Now when your new life shatters you come running back?! That's not how it works." I crossed my arms.
Father: "I'm sorry Y/n-"
Y/n: "Don't. Don't say my name. Don't apologise. Don't talk to me anymore."
Father: "But-"
Y/n: "I said don't! You caused so much pain to us... Look, I'm sorry your perfect life isn't perfect anymore, but you can't just escape who you started with! My mother's dead, and she dies alone!! Now you want to come back?! After losing you, I lost her. I lost...so many people...!! So just go." I said.
Y/n: "After years crying over you, and wanting to see you again... That's the last thing I want to do." He stayed silent.
Father: "I.. I didn't know about your mother.." I opened the front door for him.
Y/n: "You would've if you didn't leave. But guess what? Now I'm letting you. I'm asking you. Begging you. Please... Please leave me again! Walk out of my life like you did before!" I said with watery eyes. My throat hurt. I was suffocating with a painful lump in my throat. He stared at me, then nodded and stood up. He walked outside then stopped in front of the door and looked at me. I looked away. He walked off and I shut the door gently. It was silent for a moment.
Jungkook: "I'm sorry. I should've said something." I shook my head, but looked at him with a smile.
Y/n: "No, it's fine. You didn't have to." He nodded and took a deep breath, then stared at me again. I wiped my tears away until I stopped crying. Jungkook stood and walked up to me.
Jungkook: "Hey..... Why don't we do something together? To help lighten the mood?" I smiled.
Y/n: "We don't have to.." he smiled.
Jungkook: "Sure we do! Besides, when was the last time we've gone on a date?" It's true, we haven't for a couple months. Seven to be exact. I smiled and bit my lip.
Y/n: "Ok." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back before he let go.
Jungkook: "I have an idea." He smiled. When he has an idea he has an entire plan. From beginning to end. I giggled.
Y/n: "Of course you do." He chuckled then walked to grab his keys, wallet, and phone. He grabbed my hand and opened the door for us. We walked outside and into the car. My father was no where to be seen. Thank goodness... He drove for a while, and seemed super excited. What was he planning? I appreciate what he does for me. He cares about me, and I care about him. More than anything.

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