New girl

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After lunch, I ordered Jungkook's food , then Rose drove us home to meet them. They were at Jungkook's place since he has a gaming room now. He spends a lot of time in there when he can. I knocked on the door. I heard running, then the door opened.
Jungkook: "Baby!!" He said excidinglly. I blushed and giggled. He hugged me, picked me up, the twirled me around, kissing my cheek.
Y/n: "Why are you so excited?" I asked.
Jungkook: "Because I haven't seen you for a long time."
Y/n: "It's only been twelve hours." I laughed. He nodded. Rose giggled and walked inside. Namjoon waited for her and scared her. He held me hand and walked us in the house.
Y/n: "Oh! Here you go." I said kindly, handing him his bag of food. He seemed excited and thanked me, taking it and opening it. His eyes widened and he looked at me.
Jungkook: "Did you really?" I nodded, biting my lip. He jumped and closed the bag, then hugged me.
Jungkook: "You're the best!" I giggled and hugged him back.
Rose: "Awww, you guys make me so happy! You're so adorable!!" He smiled.
Namjoon: "What about me?" He asked cutely.
Rose: "You're cuter. No offense Y/n" we laughed. She kissed his cheek.
Y/n: "None taken." I bit my lip. I got lucky!
Y/n: "Hey Joonie..are you sure you didn't want anything? I can go back if you'd like."
Namjoon: "That's sweet of you, but I already have something. I enjoy eating sweets, so I already got one."
Rose: "Just one? Where?" He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.
Namjoon: "Right here." He smirked. She hid herself in his chest, blushing. I giggled.
Jungkook: "That's cute. But we're cuter." He smirked.
Y/n: "Oppa. It doesn't matter. We're both cute." I giggled. He blushed and bit his lip. I call him Oppa a little bit because I love his reaction when it happens randomly. Rose knows it.
Namjoon: "Is that a challenge Kook?" He smiled, licking his lips. Jungkook chuckled.
Jungkook: "It depends. Do you want it to be?"
Namjoon: "I'd ask you the same thing."
Jungkook: "Are you really challenging your boss?"
Namjoon: "Are you really challenging your superior?" He crossed his arms, raising a brow. Jungkook laughed.
Jungkook: "You can't use my age against me!" We all laughed.
Namjoon: "Says who?" He chuckled. Jungkook just laughed. I held Jungkook's arm.
Y/n: "Don't worry Kookie, you're always a winner in my heart." I said kindly. He blushed.
Jungkook: "Ok, you can't tell me that wasn't cute." He looks at Namjoon. He chuckled.
Namjoon: "Maybe."
Jungkook: "Good enough."
Jin: "I heard the word Superior! Who called for me?" He asked jokingly. I giggled. Jungkook ate his food and talked with the guys while me and Rose talked in the living room.
Y/n: "Do you really think Jimin had a girlfriend?" Rose shrugged her shoulders as she ate the dessert I made.
Rose: "I still don't get why you decide to watch kids instead of baking for a living." I giggled.
Y/n: "I appreciate that, but I'm not that good. There's better! Besides, I enjoy doing it! Especially if it's something that hasn't happened to me before." I smiled. She nodded and seemed a little sorrow.
Y/n: "Was it something I said?" I worryingly asked.
Rose: "No! It's fine. I just...feel bad." I smiled

Y/n: "Don't be. It's normal for me." She smiled and ate another dessert. I took one as well. I heard the guys laughing loudly. I noticed taehyung looking happy for once. It's been a while since I've seen him smile.
Rose: "I don't know who Taehyung's going on dates with, but if he's this happy, I like her." I giggled.
Y/n: "Me too." We 'cheers'ed our desserts and ate them.

Jungkook's pov

I watched Y/n from afar while I finished eating. The food tastes better when she makes it, but it's still pretty good since she got it. I looked away when I was hit on the arm.
Hoseok: "Yah! Stop staring. You look like a creep." He chuckled. I smiled.
Jungkook: "I'm not creepy." I defended.
Suddenly, we heard a scream, and a giggle. We looked to see Y/n climbed on the highest level of the couch as Rose giggled. I'm not surprised. I giggled at her cuteness. She saw us and smiled nervously.
Y/n: "Sorry!... I just saw a spider..."
Rose: "That wasn't a spider! It's just a piece of fuzz." She laughed. The other guys laughed. I smiled and threw my trash away. I got lucky. A lot more lucky than I think.
Jimin: "She must be a handful." He joked, chuckling. I chuckled and sat back down.
Jungkook: "Yeah. I guess you could say I'm never bored." They laughed.
Taehyung: "You're very lucky Kook. Never forget that." He words echoed in my head. Even if I wanted to I still couldn't get them out. I nodded.
Jin: "She's.....very special.... I don't know if it's just me, but does anyone else think she's an angel sent down to make the world a better place?" I smiled. I wouldn't be surprised. But.... that's a big compliment for her.
Jimin: "So.... Have you told her yet?" He smirked. I blushed and licked my lips, looking away.
Namjoon: "Really? You haven't told her yet?!"
Jungkook: "It's only been seven months!"
Yoongi: "So? It's not too early to tell her."
Jungkook: "It IS too early." I said.
Yoongi: "You can never love someone too early Jungkook. You just love the wrong person." Again...more words that stick in my head.
I bit my lip.
Jungkook: "I'm just.....nervous..." I looked at Y/n again. She was laughing. Smiling. When I first met her, she wasn't doing that as much. I'm happy for her. She has a female friend! And some other guy. I keep forgetting his name.. no that I want to, it's just difficult to remember. Felix, was it? Yeah, I think so. I haven't known him that long, but he seems nice. At least from the last time I met him.
Hoseok: "You shouldn't be. Besides, it's not like she doesn't love you back." He smiled.
Jungkook: "I doubt that.." I muttered.
Namjoon: "How?! That doesn't make any sense! I mean, look at her!" I look up again to see her. He looks at me, then back at Rose, then back at me. She smiles and waves. I smiled back and wave. She bites her lip, then looks back at Rose to respond to her.
Hoseok: "Told you."
Jungkook: "Smiling and waving doesn't mean she loves me."
Yoongi: "Yet you love her and did the same thing." He smiled.
Jungkook: "That's different.."
Jin: "How?" I shrugged.
Jungkook: "It just is. You do realize this is the first time I've loved a girl, right?" They nodded.
Taehyung: "You know, there's this trick I used to use to see if a girl was into me. It always worked. I can show you and see if it works for her." He smiled. I knew wit wouldn't, but he's happy for once! Might as well.
Jungkook: "Sure. Thank you."
Taehyung: "Anytime! See, you just go up to her and ask a simple question. Red or white?" I just stared at him.
Taehyung: "For this specific situation those are the colors. It depends on the girl, and you." I didn't understand a single word he said. He chuckled.
Taehyung: "You're favorite color is red. She chooses either your favorite color, or something different. If she chooses red, she cares and is into you. If not.....well." I doubted him, but looking at Y/n made it more difficult to deny it. I nodded slowly. I walked up to her and smiled. She smiled back.
Y/n: "Hey Kookie! What's up?"
Jungkook: "Not you obviously." I joked. She gasped cutely and giggled. I chuckled.
Jungkook: "I have a small question to ask. Just choose whatever you'd like. For any kind of reason." She nods.
Jungkook: "Red or White?" She stares at me confusingly, then bites her lip.
Y/n: "Should I tell you my reason?"
Jungkook: "You don't have to. But if you want, go for it." She smiles.
Y/n: "Can I choose both colors?" I look up at Taehyung. He stares in shock, then nods. I smiled and nod.
Y/n: "Ok! I like red because it's your favorite color. And white because it reminds me of a blank canvas. I like to think that I can put any color I want on it, like paint a picture. As if I can tell my own story. Does that make sense?" I smiled at how thoughtful and creative she was.
Jungkook: "Yeah, that works! Thanks cutie." I wink.
Y/n: "I hate you." She giggled. J
I laughed and walked back to the guys.
Jungkook: "So? Did that mean anything?" He bit his lip and nodded.
Taehyung: "When she chooses both..... It means..." He paused. I started getting scared. I panicked.
Taehyung: "It means she loves you.... And plans on staying with you forever.... I'm not saying she's crazy, but that's just what I've learned from experience. She loves you and wants to paint her future... With you in it." That made sense. She said painting picture. Like telling her life story. I bit my lip to try and stop myself from smiling. I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it worked, didn't it? I mean, does it work??

Y/n's pov

While talking with Rose, we heard a knock on the door.
Jimin: "I'll get it!" He said, smiling. He walked over and opened it. A very pretty woman smiled cutely and looked at Jimin.
Woman: "Jimin~ssi!!" She said, hugging him. Who was she? And why is she so pretty?...
Rose: "Don't worry. She's nothing compared to you." She whispered.
Y/n: "Oh Rosey, stop! I'm fine! Gosh.." I giggled. Jimin brought her in and closed the door. She smiled and said hello, then looked at Jungkook. Her eyes widened as she stared at him. Why is she looking at him like that?.. she stuttered and grew shy when she saw him. I walked up to her with a smile.
Y/n: "Hello! I'm Y/n! This is my friend Rose. It's nice to meet you." She smiled and took out her hand. I shook it. Then rose did too.
Woman: "Hello. I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you too." She seemed sweet. But, she looked familiar.
Jimin: "You guys, especially Y/n, didn't believe me when I mentioned my girlfriend, so I thought you'd like to meet her."
Y/n: "That's because you didn't let us meet her...." I giggled. Jennie smiled and looked back at Jungkook.
Jennie: "I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you." He smiled and shook her hand. His smile wasn't genuine though.
Jungkook: "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jungkook." She blushed and bit her lip. That's it! That's what's so familiar! It's Lisa! Lisa always made that face to be seductive. How come I didn't see this before? She may have changed her hair and stuff, but still. But the way she tried to be seductive.... I didn't like that..... I shouldn't be jealous.... I trust him.. he wouldn't do anything, would he? And Jennie wouldn't too, right? Of course not! She's dating Jimin! And If you cheat on someone like him you're crazy. She didn't really say hi to the others... That's a bit rude... They brushed it off and sat in the living room. Hoseok looked the most bothered. When we sat down, Jimin sat with Jennie, who sat next to Jungkook, who sat next to me, who sat next to Hoseok. It's a big couch. I held Hoseok's hand and smiled. He smiled a little back.
Jennie: "So. Are you two a couple?" She asked me and Hoseok. I let go of his hand slowly.
Y/n: "No. Actually... I'm dating Jungkook." I smiled. She looked at me with jealousy. I ignored it. Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I enjoyed the fact knowing he was holding me instead of her. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that she's so beautiful compared to me. A lot more... She was taller, and kinda hot. She had the assets, you know? Even though she was Jimin's height, still taller than me. I.... Am shorter..... And not as sexy. Cute? Definitely. Pretty? Maybe. But sexy? Not really my thing.
Jennie: "That's...cute. I'm happy for you two." She faked a smile. Jimin seemed proud to have her next to him. He was happy.
Jennie: "So... What do you do for a living?" She asked Jungkook.
Jungkook: "I'm the CEO of a video game designing company. Actually, everyone here, minute Rose and Y/n, work with me!" He smiled cutely. She bit her lip.
Jennie: "So.. you like....are the boss of everyone?"
Jungkook: "Well.. not exactly. They're still my friends." The boys smiled at his wholesome response.
Jennie: "So I assume you like taking control, do you?"
Y/n: "Um. I'm gonna go.....real quick..."
Jungkook: "Why?"
Y/n: "No reason! Jimin... Can I speak with you for a sec?" He nodded and walked with me. Jungkook stared at me as Jennie kept talking to him. The other guys felt uncomfortable z and I could tell Rose was getting upset. Namjoon tried silently calming her down.

Jimin: "What's up?"
Y/n: "I don't know.." I bit my lip.
Jimin: "Is there something wrong? Do you not like her?.." he asked worried.
Y/n: "No no! It's not that! It's just...." I paused. I couldn't say this to him. Besides, it's just a suspicion.
Y/n: "It's nothing... I forgot.. I-i'll let you know when my thought comes back.. sorry." He nodded then smiled.
Jimin: "That's ok! If there's anything wrong, don't hesitate to tell me, ok?" He chuckled. I nodded and smiled. He walked away and sat back down. Rose walked to me, furious.
Y/n: "What's wro-?"
Rose: "She's totally flirting with your boyfriend and you're just going to let her?!" I bit my lip.
Y/n: "I trust him...."
Rose: "He looks uncomfortable, that's for sure... But you need to show her he's yours and yours only!"
Y/n: "It's fine.. maybe she's just super nice to him.. he is an interesting person."
Rose: "Not to the point where she's basically on him!"
Y/n: "What?..." I asked. She was right. Her hand was on his thigh. Is Jimin seeing this?! Does it not look bad to guys?! Is this normal?
Y/n: "M-maybe it's an accident?.." I muttered. She wasn't leaving her hand. Jungkook took her hand and took it off, but she slyly did it again. I should save him from his uncomfortable situation. At least, he seems uncomfortable. I walked Dover and sat back down. Jennie moved her hand. Finally.
Jungkook: "Please don't leave me alone with her again." He whispered. I giggled.
Y/n: "I promise." I whispered. He stared back and smiled. Jennie looked upset.
Jennie: "You know.. I was thinking..... Would you guys like to play a fun game before I go?" Jimin obviously agreed, so we chimed in. She smiled and had an annoying giggle.
Jennie: "Great! It's called...."

"Spin the bottle."

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