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I'm so so sorry for not updating recently!! It's been forever!! 😂I've been working on a big project involving my future, and I tried working on this as well. Again, I deeply apologize, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Soon I'll get back on track and update more recently. My apologies, and enjoy! 😊

???:"Are you alright Y/n? You're not hurt are you?" I froze in shock. What just happened?! And...why is he here? Why him? The bathroom door opened and two other people rushed inside. It was Jungkook, and a girl I've never seen before. Jungkook froze once he laid eyes on the man in front of me. Soobin. How is he here? I thought he was in jail!! What if that means....Lisa might be free too. All the pain and fear rushed back through my body.
???: "What happened?.." the woman asked rushing towards us.
???: "For Pete's sake hun, don't block the poor woman's doorway!" She pushed Soobin away and smiled warmly at me. She reached her hand out towards me. Who is she? I stared back. Frozen. She frowned a little.
???: "The poor thing. We'll call the authorities. The man you're with is here to help as well. We'll give you some space. I'm so sorry for whatever you just went through." She grabbed Soobin's hand and walked outside the bathroom. I rushed to Jungkook and held him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and let out a big breath. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel. My breath was wavy.
Jungkook: "I'm never leaving you alone again." I felt warmth from his words. I didn't want him to. I was frightened. He held me so tight it was difficult to breathe.
Y/n: "He w-wouldn't stop t-touching me.." I said in a quivering voice. He buried his face in my neck, bent down like his back would break in half any second. The door opened and Jungkook slowly stood up, but didn't let go of me. He turned and we faced the couple again.
???: "The police are on their way." Soobin grabbed paper towels and covered the open, revealed part of the unconscious man quickly. He didn't enjoy it. She walked closer to us. She stared at me and smiled.
???: "I'm Kim Ye-rim. But my friends call me Yuri." She stick out her hand towards me again. I hesitated and stared then shook her hand gently. She looked through the transparent sleeves of my arm so I quickly took my hand back. She frowned with a sigh and looked up at Soobin as he walked back to us.
Y/n: "T-thank you...for helping me.." I thanked them while looking at the ground. Mostly thanking Soobin.
Yuri: "Of course!" There was an awkward silence. Jungkook cleared his throat.
Jungkook: " did you know she was in here?" He looked at Soobin suspiciously.
Soobin: "I was on my way to the restroom when I heard a door slam inside the woman's restroom. I moved closer and heard muffled voices and rustling. At first I thought a couple was having a bit of fun, but when I opened the door Y/n screamed for help."
Yuri: "Her scream startled me so I came over to help. Next thing I know you rushed there as well with that pervert on the ground." I gulped.
Y/n: "You didn't have to do that."
I slowly looked up at Soobin. My eyes became watery.
Y/n: "You could've ignored me. Why did you help?" I said trying to stay calm, despite my quivering voice. He licked his lips.
Soobin: "I couldn't live knowing I could've saved you." Jungkook let out a sarcastic chuckle.
Jungkook: "Do you really expect us to believe that? After what you did?"
Yuri: "Please let him explain." She seemed scared. Jungkook crosses his arms angrily.
Soobin: "What happened before... what I did was wrong. I know that. I regret it and would gladly take it back if I could." I smiled. Jungkook wasn't as naive as I was though.
Jungkook: "So you couldn't let a guy rape her, but you'd like someone kill her?"
Soobin: "Lisa's plan wasn't to kill Y/n!"
Jungkook: "Then what was it?!"
Soobin: "She was using Y/n as bait."
Yuri: "Guys please. We shouldn't talk about this here."
Soobin: "She tried bringing you to her so she could hurt you."
Jungkook: "Ha! She was in love with me! How could she hurt me?! You're such a lying piece of sh-."
Soobin: "She loved Y/n!!" There was silence. That couldn't be true. That doesn't make any sense.
Soobin: "She wanted to get rid of you.... she used you to get other girls. She pretended to be straight around you. I was the only one she told. It was.......our little secret."
Jungkook: "That doesn't explain her threats for Y/n to stay away from me. Or why she kissed me. Or why she hurt Y/n in the first place."
Soobin: "She was trying to make Y/n jealous. She wanted Y/n to stay away from you and pay attention to her. And Lisa has a strange kink.....involving pain in that horrifying way. I participated, even though I didn't think it was right. And I deeply apologize." He bowed to show his apology. I was frozen. Stunned. It much to take in. But I'm straight.... everyone was shocked and confused.
Jungkook: "So you're saying.....I was never the target?.." Soobin stood up and nodded. I looked down at my arms.
Y/n: "I did this.....for nothing?...."
Jungkook: "You saved my life risking your own! That's not nothing." I nodded slowly and put my arms down. After standing there processing everything the best we could, we all left just as the commotion was coming to an end. Police officers and the ambulance arrived, taking away the man who was just starting to awaken. We thanked the couple and returned to our table. It was quiet despite the soft murmurs around the place. I thought about Soobin. Then Lisa. Then the incident. Then what happened before I was kidnapped. We were at Jin's home. Jungkook joked around about marrying me for sure. I know it's a random thought, but it just came up. I mean, I know I started it, but his words still run through my brain. Before that Rose FaceTimed me and gave away my multiple job chaos. I still need extra money for everyone's big surprise!! Gosh!! Ugh...

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