Sick (Not Really)

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Taehyung's POV

There's no point watching this movie if I'm distracted the entire time. I look at Y/n again before I decide to move. She looked so peaceful and warm. I spent more than enough time staring, and stopped thinking how creepy I may seem. I attempted to set her down carefully, but the blanket corner on the floor caught my foot and I grabbed the blanket holding Y/n to catch myself. It didn't work. Y/n woke up from the sudden movement and fell on top of me. Fully. What I mean by that is........I fell in my back. Y/n fell on top of me, including her head. Her lips pressed against mine suddenly. I expected her to quickly jump off and ask what the heck just happened, but she didn't. And neither did I.

Y/n's POV

My slumber was abruptly interrupted, and I woke up falling forward. I landed comfortably on something other than the floor. I felt my lips on someone else's. I didn't move. My hands laid flat and gently on his chest. Taehyung. It was obvious. It's wrong. I shouldn't be kissing him. I should be climbing off and asking what happened. But I'm not... he kissed me back. I couldn't leave him. He slowly and hesitantly placed his hands on my back. I placed my hands on his shoulders. After realizing what we were doing we both stopped and pulled away. I stared into his eyes.
Y/n: "I-I......" I didn't know what to say. I mean I knew I just couldn't do it. He smiled and nodded. I nodded and got off of him. I helped him back up, but we stared at each other awkwardly. My lips felt soft. Warm. No Y/n!! Will you stop?!?! I bit my lip and looked away.
Both: "I'm sorry..." we said in union. We looked at each other in surprise and laughed a little. We forgave each other, then silence.
Y/n: "So......." I trailed off. He understood.
Taehyung: "Yeah." We needed to tell Jungkook. Of course it didn't mean anything. But we'd have to tell him eventually. And that's exactly what we did the next day. I drove the both of us to Jungkook's house. I couldn't stop thinking about it. But why?
Taehyung: "Hey..." I looked at him, then back on the road.
Taehyung: "Thank you. For comforting me before." I smiled and nodded.
Y/n: "Of course." I bit my lip.
Y/n: "Um...About last night....." I paused.
Taehyung: "I'm sorry about that. I tripped and accidentally pulled you with me. And the kiss..."
Y/n: "Yeah, it's fine. I'm sorry too."
Taehyung: "For What?" I gulped.
Y/n: "For kissing you..." He licked his lips. I looked at him just in time to see him smirk.
Y/n: "What's with that face?" I asked with a small laugh.
Taehyung: "I never thought I'd hear you say that to me. That's all." I smiled.
Taehyung: "I'm sorry for kissing you back. I'm vulnerable and got carried away."
Y/n: "Don't apologize Tae. I understand." I figured calling him by his nickname would lighten the mood. And fortunately it did!! For the rest of the ride we talked like everything was normal. Like nothing happened. But we grew silent once we reached Jungkook's house. We took a deep breath and walked to the door together. Before I knocked on the door Taehyung spoke.
Taehyung: "Y/n?" I hummed and looked at him.
Taehyung: "No matter how this ends....would we still be friends?" I smiled.
Y/n: "No. we'd still be best friends." He smiled happily with a soft chuckle. I let out a quiet breath and knocked on the door. Eventually Jungkook opened the door. He just finished taking a shower and was busy brushing his teeth. He had a small towel around his neck, and we was still in pajamas. His eyes widened in happiness and hugged me.
Jungkook: "Baby!!" He exclaimed like a kid. I giggled and hugged him back. It felt right. Perfect. Well, that is until I remembered why we were here. He shook a strange handshake with Taehyung I'm assuming they made up together a long time ago, and welcomed us inside. He excused himself to clean up, then after an eternity came back out. I sat next to Taehyung, and we sat in front of Jungkook. I was a little nervous, but I'm not keeping secrets from my husband. Er... um...b-boyfriend. Haha... I cleared out the nerves in my throat.
Y/n: "Kookie?" I asked, hoping to ease the atmosphere. He looked at me with full attention. Why does he treat me like this? I feel like I haven't done enough for him.. It breaks my heart...
Y/n: "Um.. you see... I-."
Taehyung: "I kissed her." He interrupted. I looked at him the same way Jungkook did. Both confused.
Y/n: "Wha-?"
Jungkook: "What...? Hyundai that's not funny."
Taehyung: "I'm not kidding. I kissed Y/n." Jungkook looked at me with sadness and confusion.
Y/n: "What? No! I-I kissed him!" That didn't make anything better.
Jungkook: "Is this your way of breaking up with me?" He looked a little bit angry, but sadness piled over more.
Y/n: "Of course not! It was just a kiss." Taehyung looked at me. Then back at Jungkook.
Taehyung: "She offered to comfort me at her place last night after my date stood me up. She fell asleep when we were watching a movie and I didn't want to wake her up. I tripped over the comforter and accidentally brought her with me. Please understand it was a complete accident. It wasn't planned at all. You know I would never do that to you. Neither would Y/n. We agreed to tell you first thing today instead of keeping it secret." He said frantically. I agreed with him. Jungkook just stared and tried processing everything. We stared in anticipation as we waited for his response. He rubbed his hands together. He just kept staring in his lap.

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