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Y/n's POV

I jumped awake from the loud laughing of Taehyung. When I opened my eyes I saw Jungkook in tears. I became worried and quickly sat up.
Y/n: "What's going on?" I asked with concern. Taehyung slowly quieted down and looked at me.
Y/n: "Why is Jungkook crying?!" I stood up.
Jungkook: "No! I-I just yawned!" He sniffed and wiped his tears. Taehyung laughed a little more. I walked over to them.
Taehyung: "Jungkook thought he was going to die." He laughed. I arrived and stood right beside Jungkook. I held his hand sweetly. He smiled.
Y/n: "Why is that funny?"
Taehyung: "Because he didn't know-."
Jungkook: "Taehyung!"
Y/n: "Didn't know what?"
Jungkook: "Nothing!"
Taehyung: "What constipation meant." He bursts out laughing. I covered my face and tried laughing as quietly as possible.
Jungkook: "It's really not that funny..." I quickly hugged him so he couldn't see me laughing.
Y/n: "I love you so much Kookie." I giggled. He sighed and hugged me back.

After everything the rest of our friends came over for a project. Rose came to keep me company and to support Namjoon. The others as well, but mainly him.

Rose: "That's a lot..." she replied after I finished telling her what happened recently. I nodded. She let out a big sigh and looked up at the guys. The big table was covered with documents, computers, and crazy haired men. She looked back at me.
Rose: "What do we do? Should we help?" I thought about it.
Y/n: "I'm not sure if we should interfere with Taehyung's dating life..." she nods in agreement. Then I heard my tummy grumble.
Y/n: "Hey! Want to help me bake something? I'm sure the guys would like it." She agreed and we head to the kitchen. Surprisingly, the future updates is harder to plan than the game. At least, it is for them. Me and Rose baked, giggled, and joked about many things. It felt good. Being like this again. Then we waited while our treats were in the oven.
Rose: "So, there was this guy that came and looked for you a while ago, but I forgot to mention it earlier."
Y/n: "Oh? Who?"
Rose: "Felix. I don't know him well, but I know you guys are friends." I thought. Then my mouth widened. Felix!! Gosh it's been so long!!! I completely forgot!! I felt so guilty.
Y/n: "Its been so long since we spoke! And with everything going on he kinda slipped my mind. I feel awful.."
Rose: "That's Alright! It's not your fault." I nodded, but didn't agree. I jumped when the oven beeped. It was louder than I remember. Rose laughed and helped me place the treats on the stove to cool. I quickly took my phone and found his number in the last column of my contact list. Dang... I called him. It rang twice, then he answered.
Felix: "Hello?" I was really happy to hear his voice again.
Y/n: "Hey! Um....d-do you remember me? Kim Y/n?"
Felix: "Of course I do!"
Y/n: "Really?! Oh! It's so great to hear you again!" He agreed with me.
Felix: "So, why did you call suddenly?"
Y/n: "Well....Rose told me you were looking for me. Was there something you wanted?"
Felix: "Oh, right. I just wanted to speak with you if you weren't busy. It's been a while." I hummed.
Y/n: "I apologize for that. My life has been.....crazy... lately." I giggled a little. He chuckled.
Felix: "That's ok, don't apologize." I smiled.
Felix: "So! How are things with you and... what was his name?"
Y/n: "Jungkook." I giggled. He laughed.
Felix: "Yeah! Him."
Y/n: "We're doing really well! Thank you for asking. What about you? Have you met anyone yet?" He hummed in thought.
Felix: "Not necessarily."
Y/n: "Oh... may I ask why?"
Felix: "I have an amazing girl in my life, but we're not dating." I hummed.
Felix: "Besides. She's only four." I stuttered.
Y/n: "I-I don't t-think that's l-legal...." he laughed.
Felix: "Not like that. I forgot how funny you were Y/n." He laughed harder.
Y/n: "Pffft." Then he let out a small breath of relief.
Felix: "She's my sister." I love kids!!! My eyes widen happily.
Y/n: "That's so sweet! I love kids!"
Felix: "Me too." I knew he was smiling. I was too. I looked over at the guys. They were constantly talking to each other, writing on papers, typing on computers, and either messing with their hair or loosening their shirts. I hope they do well. I'd hate to see them go through it again. But that's out of my control. The oven beeped, and Rose shut it off immediately so we didn't disturb the boys.
Y/n: "Um.. I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon, ok?"
Felix: "Yeah! Got it. See you soon Y/n!" I smiled.
Y/n: "See you soon." I hung up after that. Me and Rose let the treats cool and stared at the guys from afar.
Rose: "I bet Jungkook's heartbroken deep down." She said quietly to me. I looked at her.
Y/n: "What do you mean?" She looks at me.
Rose: "You and Taehyung kissed. He's probably hurt. I just hope it doesn't effect their work." I worryingly look at them again. Rose's tone of voice isn't very trusting since she uses it when she teases me, but her words didn't leave my head. Or my heart.
Y/n: "What should I do?" I asked. Mainly to myself.
Rose: "You know what brightens up me and Namjoon's mood? Every time?"
Y/n: "What?" She smirks.
Rose: "Sex." I covered my face and hit her.
Rose: "Ouch! What was that for?" She giggled.
Y/n: "You know I'm not ready for that!" She rubbed her arm. I bit my lip. Does that really work?
Rose: "Fine. You know Jungkook better than I do. What do you think you should do?" I thought about it.
Y/n: "I'm better with words... but I'm not sure about him. I mean, does he like gifts more than actions? Or physical touch more than words? Or vise virsa? Or switched? Or even-?"
Rose: "I've heard enough." We giggled. I thought about as many memories with him as I could. After a moment of silence I spoke slowly.
Y/n: "He usually tells me how much he loves me. He tells me how much I mean to him. When I'm stressed out he hugs me from behind and tells me everything's going to be ok." I smile when I think about it more.
Rose: "Go on." I giggle.
Y/n: "He always has me close to him. Physically and emotionally. He usually teases me knowing how I'll react. And the best part about all of that is he does it from the heart." Then my eyes shot up at Rose.
Y/n: "Rosey! I know what to do!" I said happily, tugging her sleeve.

After the boys are their treats and finished their first update at 4:25 am, Jungkook let them stay in separate guest rooms since they were too sleepy to drive. Jungkook had a small open area in the living area. Well, the bigger one, not the main one. He had a desk and lamp. He didn't use it often when I worked for him. But it's for night purposes specifically. I finished cleaning the dishes and kitchen and looked at Jungkook from behind. His hair was messed around. His shirt was a couple buttons open and his tie was loosely untied around his neck. He was looking over everything to make sure it was perfect. I appreciate his hard work! I just wasn't sure if his sleepy eyes and tired brain could manage any longer. So I took a deep breath and walked over. He didn't seem to hear me, so I wrapped my arms around him, laying them on top of his shoulders. That's when he noticed. My heart raced and I laid my head on top of his. I didn't expect him to smell so nice... I felt his hand hold one of mine. He squeezed it gently and played with it. I smiled and looked at the work he was doing. It seemed complicated. I bit my lip, then spoke quietly.
Y/n: "Kookie?" He hummed.
Y/n: "Shouldn't you go to bed?" He let out a soft chuckle.
Jungkook: "Later." I frowned.
Y/n: "But you're a mess.. and your eyes are baggy.... please sleep." I burrowed my head in his neck. He sighed and let go of my hand. I backed away as he stood, then he faced me and grabbed both of my hands again. He smiled and hugged me tightly. I hugged back.
Jungkook: "I appreciate your concern Y/n. But-." I didn't take no for an answer. I took his wrist and pulled him as hard as I could. He didn't have as much strength as he normally did, so I used that to my advantage.
Jungkook: "What are you-?"
Y/n: "I'm taking you to bed. What if you get to the point to where you can't even read a single word?"
Jungkook: "But-.."
Y/n: "No buts." We enter his room and I shut the door so he doesn't leave. He lazily sat on his bed.
Jungkook: "you have a nice one though." I blushed.
Y/n: "I-I Umm.... t-thank you...." He smiled and yawned, covering his nod instead of his mouth with his hand in a fist. I bit my lip and walked to him.
Y/n: "Where are your clothes?"
Jungkook: "Well if you stay there they'll be on the floor." What the-!! Why is he like this?! Is he that tired??!
Y/n: "N-no.. I meant your pajamas!" I punched his arm gently. He chuckled and pointed to his dresser.
Jungkook: "They're in the second drawer in the middle." I thanked him and walked over. This dresser is huge!! I opened it and found a neatly folded pile of clothes inside. I handed it to him, but as I was walking out he stopped me.
Jungkook: "Can you stay with me?" He asked in a baby voice. I bit my lip.
Y/n: "But you're changing."
Jungkook: "You said no buts." I scoffed.
Jungkook: "Please?" I blushed.
Y/n: "Fine." I closed my eyes and laid back against the door. He chuckled and I heard him changing.

Not too long after, Jungkook finished changing.
Jungkook: "You can look now." I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the bed again. I smiled at him. He looked exhausted.
Y/n: "Goodnight Kookie." I was about to open the door but he stopped me again.
Jungkook: "Wait.... can you stay just a little longer?" I walked over and sat next to him.
Y/n: "You need to rest." He smiled and nodded. He buried his face in his palms. I rubbed his back to help him out.
Jungkook: "I've been stressed out lately. We all have. It's just frustrating." I nod, though he can't see it.
Jungkook: "It's difficult being in charge of something big like this, but I know the hard work will be worth it. Right?" I smiled.
Y/n: "It will be." I assured him. He sighed. Then I thought about what I was going to do to help cheer him up.
Y/n: "Is there anything specific stressing you out?" He slowly lifted his head and messed with his hair.
Jungkook: "I want everything to be perfect.... if something...anything goes wrong..I'll lose everything." I took my hand away and held his with both of my hands.
Y/n: "You won't lose everything." He shook his head.
Jungkook: "Yes I will."
Y/n: "You won't lose me. Or your friends." He smiled and messed with my hair. He looked away and I frowned.
Y/n: "That's not enough for you." I looked away. He bit his lip. He squeezed his hands with mine.
Jungkook: "That's not it. I just need this to work.."
Y/n: "I get it. It's important for you. But what's going to happen after all this?" I paused.
Y/n: "What's going to happen if this game works? Do you make another one? Do you keep updating this one? Are you just going to spend the rest of your life tired and stressed out?" I asked with concern in my voice. He looked at me from sorrow to sly.
Y/n: "What?"
Jungkook: "You sound like a worried wife." I blushed.
Y/n: "Well....I'm worried." I bit my lip. He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek.
Jungkook: "If this project goes well you won't be worried." I let out a small breath.
Y/n: "Then what would I be?" He leaned in closer.
Jungkook: "My wife." I blushed. I-I heard that right....didn't I? He smirked and cupped my face with his masculine hands.
Jungkook: "I love you so much wifey." He kissed the tip of my nose gently.

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