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Today's the day. I get to go home!!

Since my car is in the shop, I can't drive home myself... But Jungkook's been staying with me! Maybe he'll give me a ride?? Jungkook's texting someone, and he seems really happy. I cleared my throat.
Jungkook: "Are you ok?! Is your throat hurting? Should I get the doctor?!" He looks up at me quickly and rushed towards me, inspecting my neck.
Y/n: "N-no, I'm fine!" I giggled. He nodded and chuckled nervously. I smiled.
Y/n: "Um... I have a question." He smiled with a nod.
Y/n: "I don't want to cause any trouble... But do you mind if you give me a ride home?.." he looked at me as if I was joking.
Jungkook: "Well of course I am! Why wouldn't I?" I shrugged my shoulders. He chuckled cutely.
Jungkook: "God you're adorable." He said, staring into my eyes. I blushed and bit my lip. I quickly let it go, knowing I was told not to. He smirked and looked away. Suddenly, his phone rang.
Jungkook: "Hello?" I couldn't here anything.
Jungkook: "Yeah, I'll ask. Anything else?" There was a pause.
Jungkook: "Really?! That's great! Yeah. We should be on our way now." He chuckled.
Jungkook: "Alright, love you too. Bye." He hung up and bit his lip. Did he just my heart sunk. Everything became cold. Was my vision just a desire? Something I wanted? Just a feeling?.... I looked away, trying not to overthink it.
Jungkook: "Um, Taehyung asked if you and him are good. Did you two fight?" Taehyung? Was it just him?
Y/n: "Was Taehyung on the phone?"
Jungkook: "Yeah. The other guys were too, but mainly him." I nodded and smiled
I was warm again. Maybe it was more than a vision.
Y/n: "Um yeah. We're good. Why would he think otherwise? We've never fought."
Jungkook: "You know, you seem excited when I told you it was him. Is there something going between you two?"
Y/n: "Of course not! We're just friends! I promise!" He chuckled and licked his lips.
Jungkook: "I see. You thought I was talking to another girl, right?" I looked away.
Y/n: "No." I muttered.
Jungkook: "You're scared I might fall for someone else, huh? Don't worry princess, I loved you first. I always will." He winked. Is he trying to kill me?! I blushed and tried to look at him. Making eye contact was hard, so I stopped trying.
Y/n: "Um... W-why did Tae ask again?" He smirked, then answered me.
Jungkook: "He said you haven't answered your phone since the accident. He wanted to see if you were ok."
Y/n: "Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. We're fine. The man just smashed my phone that" he nodded.
Jungkook: "Should we get you a new one on the way home?" I looked upa t him.
Y/n: "Oh no! It's alright! I can do it myself! Just.. when I need it I guess." He smiled and nodded. The doctor came in.
Doctor: "You see better. Did the medication work?" I nodded with a smile.
Doctor: "Good. Your car is ready when you are Sir. And thank you for staying." He shook Jungkook's hand, then waved at me.
Jungkook: "Of course. No problem." He smiled. The doctor smiled and walked away.
Jungkook: "Should we go?" I nodded. He helped me up, and held my wrist. We walked outside and into his car. I embraced the air. It's warm outside. Not to hot and not to cold. It's perfect. Jungkook smiled as he stared, then I walked in the car and sat down. On the way home, Jungkook played some music. It was my favorite song! He started humming to it, so I sang along quietly. He turned it up a little louder, so I sang louder. I looked at him and smiled as we both sang along, laughing. It sounded pretty. Our harmonies came together well! We pulled in, and I noticed it wasn't my home. It was his. He parked the car, but he didn't unlock it.
Y/n: "What are we doing here? Is there something you need?" He looked at me and smiled.
Jungkook: "Actually, there's something I want to show you. But I need you to close your eyes."
Y/n: "ok.." he unlocked the car and we got out. He walked and placed his hand on the handle. I closed my eyes.
Jungkook: "Do you need help?" He chuckled. I giggled.
Y/n: "Yeah..." He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. He helped me step up, then stood me somewhere. It was silent. He closed the door and walked somewhere.
Jungkook: "Ready?" I hummed.
Jungkook: "Alright. Now....... Open!" I opened my eyes. I was so happy. Everyone was here!! I squeeled a little and ran to them. I hugged the laughing boys one by one. Even Jungkook.
Y/n: "I missed you guys so much!!!" I said, hugging Yoongi last."
Yoongi: "But it's only been a couple days." He laughed. I nodded.
Y/n: "It was too long." I said, smiling. He smiled back. Taehyung stared at me. I should let him know.
Y/n: "TaeTae?" He hummed cutely.
Y/n: "That man smashed my phone on the say of the incident. That's why I couldn't respond. But I'd never dislike you in any way!" I said. He smiled. I looked around and noticed decorations around the room.
Y/n: "Is it someone's birthday today?" The boys chuckled.
Jimin: "We planned a party for you! A welcome home party!" I stared at them with big eyes.
Y/n: "Really? Why?..."
Hoseok: "Because we missed you!" I smiled.
Y/n: "Is this a normal thing?"
Namjoon: "Not for us. But generally, yeah." I nodded.
Y/n: "Well thank you. You didn't have to do this."
Jin: "Well we did! We all did! I hope you like everything. We worked hard for today." I smiled.
Y/n: "Thank you. I appreciate everything you've done!" I looked around and walked into the kitchen. Food!!
Jimin: "Jin may or may not have done that by himself." He chuckled.
Jin: "Well, Namjoon WAS helping at first. want to tell her what happened?"
Namjoon: "Well.. I tried cooking with the pan...."
Jin: "Mhmm." He hummed.
Y/n: "It's ok if the food burned Joonie." I said, smiling. He bit his lip.
Namjoon: "It wasn't the food that burned..."
Jim: "He burned the pan." Everyone busted out laughing. I laughed as well.
Y/n: "How's that even possible?" I giggled.
Jungkook: "You never know when it's Namjoon." He chuckled. I nodded.
Y/n: "Well, the food looks great."
Jin: "Thank you! Want to taste it? I bet you're hungry." I nodded. I looked at everything, then picked a dish and tried it.
Hoseok: "She's very cute when she eats." He whispered to Yoongi. Yoongi nodded with a smile. I blushed but pretended not to hear it. My eyes widened and I stared at Jin. He seemed nervous.
Y/n: "I don't like it..." I said slowly. The boys looked at me like I was an alien. He nodded and looked down sadly.
Y/n: "I love it!! You're so talented!!" I took another bite and clapped. He chuckled.
Yoongi: "You're so mean."
Y/n: "I know." I made a cute face and finished eating. For a couple hours we all played games, laughed, talked about nothing... It was great. I had my first drink! Or two.... Maybe three.
Yoongi: "Oh! I have another game we should play!" We all cheered.
Yoongi: "Alright. Everyone sit in a circle, and I'll explain." We all sat down on the carpet and listened.
Yoongi: "It's called "flip a coin". I'll start for an example. When we start, I'll whisper to the person on my left, which is Hoseok. The rest of you will cover your ears while I whisper a question to him. Once I finish, you will open your ears, and Hoseok will answer the question out loud. The answer should be anyone from this group. It can be one person's or multiple. After, we flip a coin. Heads means we say the question out loud. Tails means we keep it a secret. ,Then we go round the circle until it comes back to me. Got it?" We nodded. We covered our ears while Yoongi whispered in Hoseok's ear. After, we opened our ears.
Hoseok: "I think... Y/n, Jimin, and Jin." Yoongi nodded. He flipped a coin. Heads.
Yoongi: "I asked him who would die in a zombie apocalypse first." We all chuckled.
Jin: "Yah! I'm not letting them touch me! I'm too handsome for their dirty hands." I giggled at his reaction. Hoseok then whispered to Jungkook.
Jungkook: "What kind of question is that?" Hoseok laughed. I was curious.
Jungkook: "I want to say myself... So j will." He nodded. What was it?? Hoseok flipped the coin. Tails. Dang it... Everyone groaned and begged to tell us.
Jungkook: "Nope! Rules are rules." He said. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Then Jungkook whispered to me.
Jungkook: "If you had to choose your favorite out of us when doing something, who would it be?" I blushed and looked at him. The boys listened.
Y/n: "Do all guys ask that?" He nodded. Was he telling the truth??
Y/n: "Um... Ugh Kook! Don't make me do this!" I begged. He chuckled.
Y/n: "What if I don't have one?"
Jungkook: "Then choose randomly."
Y/n: "Alright... But my favorite for what?"
Jungkook: "Anything." I thought about it.
Y/n: "Can I give multiple answers for multiple reasons?"
Yoongi: "Sure? Whatever that means.." he chuckled. I nodded and smiled.
Y/n: "I'd choose Taehyung when I'm in an artsy mood. Yoongi when I'm tired and want a nap. Hoseok when I have a bad day. Jimin in case I'm hungry for ice cream. Jin when I want to cook in my free time. Namjoon when I want to go shopping for clothes. And Jungkook when I want to do things like sing, dance, or even just walk around. But I'd choose all of you when it comes to fun things like amusement parks and things like that." I smiled. Jungkook flipped the coin. Heads.
Jungkook: "I asked her who would be her favorite person to take when doing something." The boys nodded.
Yoongi: "I'd be your favorite when you want a nap?" He smirked. I nodded.
Y/n: "You seem chill. And I've heard you enjoy sleeping."
Yoongi: "Yes, but that's because i work hard."
Y/n: "Exactly. Therefore you'd be extremely tired. So if I wanted to cuddle with you if no one else able to, you wouldn't be able to stop me." I said confidently. He chuckled, blushing a bit.
Jimin: "I don't mind cuddling!" He said. I smiled. Taehyung tried hugging Jimin.
Taehyung: "You said you didn't mind." He smiled. We all laughed. We continued the game, had another drink or two, then bid the boys goodbye. It was just me and Jungkook. It was a bit late as well.
Jungkook: "I didn't believe that you've never drinker before until now." He chuckled. I smiled.
Y/n: "Hey!" I hiccuped. I gently punched his arm. He smiled.
Jungkook: "I'm glad you're home." I nodded, hiccuping again.
Jungkook: "Do you think you're going to remember any of this?"
Y/n: "hic- nope hic-" I laughed and fell off the couch. Jungkook attempted to help me, but he fell on top of me. I giggled, then looked into his eyes. They're so pretty.... I don't want to get lost, but his eyes are too gorgeous not to stare into. He stared back and stayed still. His tall, muscular body on top of mine.... I felt warm. I felt safe. I felt protected. He snapped out of it and stood up, then offered to help me up. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
Y/n: "Thank you." I said. He smiled. I looked away, then yawned. I sat on the couch and stared at the TV. It was off, but I kept staring at it.
Jungkook: "Are you tired?" I shook my head. He smiled and turned on the TV, then sat next to me. He grabbed a blanket and offered to share it with me. I thanked him and sat closer so the blanket covered me completely. During the movie, Jungkook was starting to say something, but I slowly dozed off before I heard it.

Jungkook's pov

During the movie, I couldn't focus knowing Y/n was right next to me. She wasn't sober, but she was still there. Sitting there. Cuddling me. Dozing off. I just wanted to scoop her up and kiss her all over. Ugh..... Why are you playing with my heart Y/n? Why do you keep looking at other guys? Why can't you only look at me?.... I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. Only mine. Suddenly, I felt her lay her head down on my shoulder. Her breathing was steady and calm. The funny thing was how she smelled like alcohol. Just a little. I turned the TV off and looked at her. Should I wake her? She's probably too tired.. besides... I wouldn't mind the company. It's lonely when you're living alone. I slowly got up and carefully laid her down. I tucked the blanket around her body and looked at her. Haven't I done this before?... Oh..right. Her first day of work.. she worked so hard to impress me. She's so cute, isn't she? Haha... If only I've known you sooner. I would've made you mine before. Not as a maid, or a friend... but as something more. She made a small humming sound and gently wiped the tip of her nose. I guess it itched. How is she so cute at everything she does?! Why do you have to bless my life with your curse?... I sighed, then turned and walked away. I felt something grab the bottom of my shirt. I turned to face Y/n. Her eyes were still shut, but she was gently holding onto my shirt.
Y/n: "Sleep..... Here.. please..." He whispered. What did she mean? The couch? With her?..
Jungkook: "I have to sleep in my bed. You need some rest. Sleep well._
Y/n: "Please..... I'm scared and alone..." She muttered. It was quiet and soft, but her words hit me. I felt sorry for her. She moved closer towards the back of the couch, leaving me space. I laid next to her, facing her direction. She came closer.
Y/n: "Thank you." I smiled and closed my eyes.
Jungkook: "Of course. Anything for you."

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