Date Pt. 2

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Y/n: "You mean... The girl you mentioned before?" He nodded. The man's laugh sounded familiar. It sent shivers down my spine. I heard footsteps come closer, then saw the couple in the corner of my eye ad they sat at a table beside us. There was a big space between, but they could still see us. Soobin sat parallel to Jungkook. Lisa with me. I gulped and just kept staring at Jungkook, trying to hide my face.
Y/n: "So.... How's it been?" He chuckled, hiding his face too.
Jungkook: "It's been pretty good. You?"
Y/n: "Pretty good." We laughed quietly.
Jungkook: "Did I tell you how pretty you look today?" I nodded, smiling.
Y/n: "Did I tell you how handsome you look today?" He shook his head. I gasped dramatically, causing him to chuckle.
Y/n: "I didn't?! That's a shame." He laughed, causing me to laugh louder. I covered my mouth while I laughed, like I normally do.
Jungkook: "Are you sure you're not drunk still?" He giggled. I nodded, trying to stop laughing.
Soobin: "Y/n?" I heard him ask from afar. I stopped laughing. I slowly turned my head and looked at him.
Soobin: "Hey! Long time no see, right?" He seemed happy, but still creepy. I was too scared to respond. He smirked, knowing he still scared me. Even with just one word... I looked down, then looked at Jungkook. He smiled a bit, trying to assure me that I'm safe. I smiled a little back.
Lisa: "Babe. Who is she? Do you know her?" I heard her ask him. I kept my eyes on Jungkook.
Soobin: "Y/n? Not really. She's just a toy I liked to play with back then." Lisa nodded. She looked at me, smirked, then looked at Jungkook, then back to Soobin. I noticed Jungkook becoming a bit angry.
Lisa: "Why? She's not even that pretty." I looked down, trying not to let their words get in my head.
Lisa: "Hey kook." She said, acting all cute. She really wasn't though. Jungkook ignored her.
Jungkook: "Don't listen to their words. It isn't true." I nodded.
Lisa: "Awww, I'm sorry. Are we ruining your date? That's so cute." She giggled. Her laugh gave me a headache. I see why Jungkook didn't like her.
Soobin: "Date? Jungkook? That's amazing! I didn't think you could get on a guy's level like that. Not by yourself." He told me. My eyes became glossy, but I held in my tears.
Jungkook: "Why don't you two leave us alone? There's no point in talking to us. It's useless." I looked down, closing my eyes.
Lisa: "Just like our relationship." She laughed. What did she just say?
Y/n: "Excuse me?!" I said with courage. The other, very few, customers didn't pay attention to us.
Lisa: "Aww. You're so cute when you see your whole face. Oh wait.. sorry. It's just the lighting." My confidence lowered.
Y/n: "You're one to talk." Jungkook chuckled.
Soobin: "Excuse me? You can't talk to her like that." He said stirnly. I couldn't stand up to him... Lisa? A little. But Soobin..... I just can't..
Jungkook: "You called Y/n a toy! You can't talk about her like that either." He said angrily.
Soobin: "I mean, isn't that the same for you?" He chuckled.
Jungkook: "Of course not. I'm not sick and sex-craved like you." He muttered.
Soobin: "At least I actually had sex."
Y/n: "Not with me.. I swear.." Jungkook nods.
Soobin: "That's because you said you'd rather have me beat you than have me inside you." I looked down. The pain came back.
Jungkook: "He didn't. You didn't really let him hurt you..did you?" I looked up at him with guilt.
Jungkook: "And you actually did it?!"
Soobin: "I was bored!"
Jungkook: "There's better things to do then get in a girl's pants!"
Soobin: "Maybe. But have you seen her?! You can't say you haven't at least thought about it." Jungkook didn't say anything.
Lisa: "Have you guys even kissed?" I looked away. Finally, the waiter came back. Jungkook took out some money, payed for the food, then gave the waiter a tip.
Waiter: "Thank you-" Jungkook grabbed my wrist, grabbed the food, then walked out before we got into more trouble with the others. We got in the car and sat there.
Jungkook: "I'm sorry. People like them never change." I nodded.
Y/n: "It's fine. It wasn't your fault."
Jungkook: "Y/n..." I looked up at him. He smiled and rested his chin on his hand.
Y/n: "What?" I said, giggling a little.
Jungkook: "You're very pretty." I smiled and looked away.
Jungkook: "Do you believe me?" I nodded and looked at him.
Jungkook: "Are you sure?" I nodded.
Jungkook: "I'm not going to believe you until you talk to me." I rolled my eyes and smiled. He rose a brow.
Y/n: "I believe you." He smiled.
Jungkook: "Good." I smiled and looked down. Suddenly, he turned on the car and drove.
Y/n: "W-where are we going?"
Jungkook: "The park. Is that ok?" I nodded. I was excited!

Once we arrived, we brought the food and sat at a table. It felt really nice outside! I enjoyed it. While eating, I thought about what they said. Have you guys even kissed yet? She's just a toy j liked to play with back then. Useless.. just like our relationship. It hurt.... But I tried forgetting it. I appreciate Jungkook for trying to cheer me up. I hope he isn't as hurt as I am. After finishing our food, we decided to walk around a bit. While walking, I noticed the nature around us. The trees....the little critters.. even the flowers far away. It was really pretty. Eventually, we came across a long path with cherry blossom trees on both sides. It was beautiful. The petals were everywhere on the ground. Jungkook walked next to me, admiring the scenery. He seemed a bit troubled, so I held his hand. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
Jungkook: "I'm sorry about earlier." He said.
Y/n: "Why's that?" I asked.
Jungkook: "It's our first date. Now it's all messed up.... So I'm sorry." I smiled and stopped walking.
Y/n: "Don't be sorry. Besides, it isn't messed up." He stopped in front of me
Jungkook: "How?"
Y/n: "Because I get to hang out with you." He smiled, biting his lip.
Y/n: "Nothing's perfect Kook. But that doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable."
Jungkook: "Being insulted was enjoyable?" I giggled.
Y/n: "Well no.. but overall, I'm having fun." He smiled.

Throughout the day, we went shopping, got a new phone to replace my old one, and hung out more. I got to know him more, and we had a lot of fun! After everything, we kinda forgot about what happened. When it was getting late, he took me home. After we arrived, he parked the car, then opened the door for me. He helped me out of the car, and smiled.
Y/n: "Thank you." I said.
Jungkook: "Anytime." I smiled. He held my hand as he walked me to my door. We stopped and met eyes.
Y/n: "I had a lot of fun today. Thank you." I smiled. He smiled back.
Jungkook: "No. Thank you. I had fun as well. It wouldn't have happened if you agreed." I nodded.
Y/n: "Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled. Then the thought came back. Have you guys even kissed yet? I blushed at the thought. He noticed.
Jungkook: "What's on your mind?" He asked curiously. I smiled and looked up at him.
Y/n: "Nothing.." I lied.
Jungkook: "Really?" I nodded. He licked his lips.
Jungkook: "Don't lie to me Y/n." I didn't respond. He chuckled, then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. It's just like that strange dream thing I encountered earlier. My heart raced. I heard his too.
Y/n: "You." I answered. He bit his lip, staring at mine. My lips parted slightly. I stared at his eyes, then his lips. His eyes. His lips. He did the same. I stood as he slowly leaned closer to me. He paused for a second.
Jungkook: "If you feel like I'm rushing you... We don't have to. It won't hurt me." I bit my lip, despite being told not to. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. He smiled and kissed back. He brought me closer, so I pulled him closer. It was long. Soft. Sweet. I wanted it to last forever... People said that life isn't like the movies or books. But they were wrong about mine. He pulled away, and I stood normally. I bit my lip and looked away for a second.
Y/n: "So.. you know how I said nothing's perfect?" He nodded, trying to process what just happened.
Y/n: "Well, that might not be..totally..true." we laughed a little. I walked to the door and opened it, then walked inside. I turned around towards him and smiled.
Y/n: "You're my first kiss by the way... I'm happy you are." He bit his lip and looked down, trying to stop smiling so much. I giggled and slowly closed the door. I watched through the window as he dancers little, looking excited, then got in his car and drove off. I went to my room and laid on my bed, contemplating what just happened. I kissed him. I..actually...KISSED HIM!! It was real! I bit my lip, blushing as I thought about it again. I touched my lips. How am I able to fall asleep now? It's all I can think about..!! J should change into pajamas. But these clothes smell like him... I'll keep the shirt on. It's not like he'd know. I changed for bed, got under the covers, and closed my eyes. I'll set up my new phone tomorrow. Today was a pretty good day.

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