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I wiped down the counters the best I could until I saw my own reflection. I wiped and wiped and wiped, then looked up as Jungkook was finishing up his daily routine for work. The longer I stared, the slower I moved. I stared as he fixed his hair, slipped on his shoes, buttoned his shirt, and put his blazer on. He looked very professional. You'd think a video game designer would be more relaxed, unless that's just me. He noticed me staring and licked his lips, smiling. I blinked, then came back to reality. I started wiping again, not realizing when I stopped. I looked down and pretended like I was still working.
Jungkook: "You do realize I saw you, right?" He smirked. I looked up at him and bit my lip.
Y/n: "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. He chuckled, but I ignored it. He grabbed his tie from the couch.
Jungkook: "Do you know how to tie a tie?" He asked. I looked up and stopped cleaning.
Y/n: "Um..... I think so." He smiled.
Jungkook: "Do you mind helping me?"
Y/n: "Not at all!" I smiled and walked over to him.
Jungkook: "Thank you." He said kindly. I nodded, and he handed me his tie. I gently wrapped it around his neck, then looped it. I did another loop, wrapping it around, and gently tightened it. I felt a stare so I looked up. I was right. He was staring at me, then immediately looked back up when I looked at him. I smiled and continued to tighten it a bit more. I flattened his jacket and backed away.
Y/n: "How is it?" He moved a bit and smiled.
Jungkook: "It's nice. Thank you!"
Y/n: "Anytime." I smiled, then continued to work. He grabbed his car keys, then opened the door. He stopped and turned to face me.
Jungkook: "Oh! I forgot to ask, but what do women like?" I stared at him, confused.
Y/n: "What do you mean by that?"
Jungkook: "What do they like?"
Y/n: "For what occasion?"
Jungkook: "As gifts." I bit my lip.
Y/n: "It depends on the reason, and what that women enjoys doing I guess."
Jungkook: "Yeah... But what?" I giggled.
Y/n: "Hmm... If you don't mind, I'll use myself as an example." He smiled.
Jungkook: "Ok. And can you use it as if you had a boyfriend?"
Y/n: "Uh...S-sure." I smiled.
Y/n: "Well, I personally enjoy things that have a lot of meaning. Most women enjoy those things. I'd like something small! Like a small poem. A homemade card. A song maybe! Or even just spending time with him. Anything that shows he cares and loves me for who I am." I got off track, but immediately shook out of it.
Y/n: "But of course, that isn't going to happen... U-uh anyways! Why do you ask?"
Jungkook: "I'm just curious. I should go. I'll see you soon strawberry!" He winked then walked out and closed the door. I blushed and bit my lip. He's probably seeing someone... W-which is fine!! I'm happy for him if he is! Why do I feel a bit sad about it then?.... Ugh! He's just playing with you! Stop getting it in your head Y/n. You can't trust men these days. Not anymore.... But he isn't like that. He's different from the other one. But that doesn't mean he can't change, if he didn't already. Ugh!! Just get back to work and stop letting him get to your head! I shook my head and went to go buy groceries.

After a while, I was getting the bread, when I noticed a familiar figure in the same aisle. I looked away and tried reaching for the bread Jungkook SPECIFICALLY wanted. It was too high. Of course! Ugh... I balanced on my tip toes, but I still couldn't reach!! Should I ask for help? No.. that's too embarrassing.
???: "Need any help?" Someone whispered behind me. I screamed and turned around. It was Yoongi! I bit my lip and smiled.
Y/n: "Uh...N-no! I got it." I lied. I didn't want to cause any trouble. He chuckled and stepped closer. My back was pressed against the shelves. He came closer, brought up his arm, the gave me a package of a load of bread. He kept his eyes on me, then smiled and backed away.
Yoongi: "Was this the right one?" I nodded and took it from him.
Y/n: "Thank you! Jungkook likes this kind! I was hoping to get it for him, but it was too high.... obviously.. thank you again!" I smiled. He frowned, then smiled to hide it. What's going on inside?..
Yoongi: "If you're still busy, do you mind if I walk with you. I forgot what I was here for, so if I walk around I might be able to remember."
Y/n: "Oh, not at all! I enjoy the company." I smile. He smiled back and walked around with me. I had a basket the store offers at the front, since pushing a giant cart is a bit difficult. We talked, and laughed, and got to know each other a lot more. It was fun!
Y/n: "Wait. If Jungkook was going to work this morning, how come you're here? And not there?" He smiled.
Yoongi: "Because I wanted to come here." I nodded slowly and looked around for the next item I needed.
Y/n: "Aren't you going to get in trouble?"
Yoongi: "Most likely. But I'd rather be here with you. At least for a while." I blushed. He chuckled as I pushed him away.
Y/n: "Yoongi~ah!! Go to work! I don't want you to get in trouble!..." He walked back towards me, and followed beside me as I kept walking.
Yoongi: "I'll be fine. Besides, you said you enjoyed the company."
Y/n: "Yes. But not if you'll be punished for it." He chuckled and bit his lip.
Yoongi: "I'll be fine. Trust me. Jungkook's my friend! He wouldn't do that to me." He said. He was trying to convince me, but it felt more like he was trying to convince himself... I bit my lip.
Y/n: "Well, I appreciate it. You don't have to risk your job to just walk around with me." I looked down. He smirked. Was that supposed to mean something? After a while, I was checking out everything when I noticed Yoongi hasn't bought anything.
Yoongi: "Here, let me carry those for you." He took the bags and walked me to my car.
Y/n: "Oh! Thank you!.." I bit my lip. He opened the back of the car, placed everything, then closed it.
Y/n: "You didn't buy anything." He bit his lip.
Yoongi: "Uh...yeah I did. You just didn't see it." I giggled.
Y/n: "You were with me the whole time!" He chuckled and walked me to the driver's side of the car. I hopped in and rolled down the window. He rested his arms on it, smiling.
Y/n: "It was nice seeing you again." I smiled.
Yoongi: "Me too. I enjoyed the time spent!" I giggled.
Y/n: "Me too. Have a good day at work, and sleep well! Health is important." He smiled and pet my head.
Yoongi: "You're so sweet Y/n. And you take care of your health as well. I'll see you soon. Have a good day." He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then winked and walked away. My mouth was partially open, and I blushed like crazy. I stared at the front of me, and rolled the window up slowly. Did he just.....kiss me?? It probably didn't mean anything... M-maybe it was a way of saying thank you! Or have a good day sort of thing! Right?? I started the car and drove off. Alright, let's just....forget it happened. He probably does that with every girl he meets. But he isn't like that, is he? Ugh! Your job is to clean, not to interfere with other people! Especially handsome and kind boys. Gosh...

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