Video Games (1) | Bakukiri

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The night seemed to drag on as Kirishima stared down at his homework. He wasn't dumb, but he wasn't the sharpest when it came to certain subjects.

The red head had recently taken a shower. Therefore, his vibrant, usually spiked, hair was lying down against his face. He lazily pulled it into a low pony tail, and continued to stare at the seemingly impossible worksheet.

A few moments later an almost inaudible groan escaped his lips. He couldn't help but think how pathetic this was, that he couldn't do something so simple.

Kirishima thought for a moment before begrudgingly picking up his phone. He just so happened to be friends with one of the smartest kids in school. However, the boy only happened to excel at almost everything, not including human decency.

Bakugou was, how do you put it, not the best at people. Although, he seemed to not resent Kirishima as much for some reason. Whatever that reason was, he appreciated it.

He opened up their messages, and waited a split second before beginning to type.

K: Hey, sorry I know it's late. Any chance you could come over and help me for a bit? I'm REALLY struggling with this homework.

Kirishima sat his phone back down into its previous position. Not even a minute passed before his phone dinged.

B: 10 minutes

He sat there a moment, furrowing his eyebrows. Did he mean he'd help him for ten minutes, or he'd be over in ten minutes? He assumed the latter, but we were talking about Bakugou after all so who could really know.

Kirishima had been resting his head on the desk when a sudden, aggressive, knock at the door startled him.

He slowly stood up, and walked towards the door. When he pulled it open he was less than surprised to see, a pissed off looking, Bakugou.

"Hi," the red head smiled gently with his shark teeth, and tucked some loose hair behind his ear.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, following his movement, "What's up with your hair, Shitty Hair?"

"Oh," Kirishima yawned, "I took a shower."

The blond hummed and nodded slightly before pushing his way past his friend, and then making his way into the mostly clean apartment.

Kirishima took the opportunity to stare at Bakugou. The blond wore grey sweatpants and a red hoodie, which at the time he didn't realize, accentuated his friends eyes perfectly.

On the other hand, Kirishima wore a white and black checkered hoodie with a black pair of exercise shorts.

The red head had always known that he wanted something a bit more than friendship with Bakugou, but internally he knew that there was no way someone like him was gay. The thought hurt him, but he realized that them being in a relationship was probably never going to happen. Nonetheless, he couldn't help his heart beating faster, or the shaky nervous feelings. Even after being friends for years, Bakugou didn't even know Kirishima was gay. Speaking of, he should probably tell the blond at some point.

"Thanks for, uh, coming over," Kirishima laughed softly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Mhm," Bakugou walked over to the, out of place, dishelved desk. He lifted the paper his friend had been struggling with all night, lifting an eyebrow while questioning the red head, "This the one causing you problems?"

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