Talk to Me | Tododeku

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Izuku had just gotten in a particularly harsh disagreement with Kaachan, and to say the least, he wasn't taking it well.

The green haired boy sat on the bed in his dorm, and leaned against the wall. The afternoon sun poured in through the window, the sunlight allowing him to see some dust particles flying throughout the air.

He sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, overthinking the argument he had with the blond.

Izuku would usually head out into the common room at this time, but he decided it better to stay in here after what happened. Nobody would notice anyways, and if they did they would probably just send him a message.

Shouto Todoroki walked out into the common area at his usual time. Which, just so happened to be, a few minutes after Deku would usually come out.

He watched as Uraraka laughed at the wooden table in the corner of the room, lying her head on someone's shoulder after. The blue haired hair boy, sitting beside her, face lit up a light red at the contact.

Todoroki turned his attention to the crowd sitting in front of the TV as he walked down the stairs. Most of the Baku-squad was there, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina. Kirishima and Bakugou were missing. Odd. Nonetheless, the three of them were all playing a game on Uraraka'a Nintendo Switch.

Almost everybody else seemed to be in their respective, usual, spots. Except the one he was looking for.

Shouto made his way to the table that Jirou and Momo sat at. "Have you guys seen Midoriya?"

Momo shook her head 'no', but Jirou's eyebrows peaked in interest. "Hasn't showed up yet," the purple haired girl exhaled, "but I heard him and Bakugou got into it."

Todoroki let out a small sigh while pinching the skin in between his nose, "Great." Momo hummed in agreement.

Shouto decided it was best to sit down and wait a bit before taking any drastic measures. After all, he didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea.

-time skip-

Izuku was in his room quietly sobbing under the duvet. He could hear all the laughing and commotion coming from the common room. Deep down he was hurt that no one had come to check on him, but the green hair boy truly hadn't expected it. He held tightly onto the covers, and tried to hold back his sobs.

Down in the common area Shouto shifted on the couch. Forty minutes had passed already, and he decided it had been long enough. The half and half haired boy made his way back up the stairs unnoticeably. He didn't have to walk far, he knew the room number he was looking for.

A few moments later he approached the door, and knocked gently. Shouto cleared his throat before speaking, "Uh, hey, Midoriya, it's me."

The green haired boy froze under the covers, he knew that voice. A second later he pulled the heavy covers away, and shakily stood up. "O-One second," he quickly tried to wipe away his tears before opening the door.

Todoroki stared at the disheveled Midoriya that stood in front of him. "Hey..," he shifted, leaning on the doorframe.

The green haired boy was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, and an old faded All Might t-shirt. While Shouto wore his usual white hoodie with some black ripped jeans.

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