Truth or Dare | Bakukiri

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Kaminari stood with Sero by the door of Kirishima's dorm. The golden haired boy scrolled up on his screen as the black haired boy knocked. "Anybody home?" Hanta joked, twisting the knob.

Both boys knew what was going on inside. Kirishima and Bakugou were probably making out, and needed to make themselves presentable before answering the door.

As if on que, the red head answered the door. His blond counter part already sitting on the bed. Kirishima looked back and forth in the hallway, "So.., no one thought to call Mina?"

Kaminari slipped his phone into his pocket, and pointed some quirkless finger guns at the red head. "She's out with the other girls tonight."

"Oh cool," Eijirou smiled a bit at that, he always felt bad when they left her out. "Well, come on in."

Sero fist bumped Kirishima, and Denki high fived him as they entered.

"Where's Racoon Eyes?" Bakugou questioned as he noticed Kirishima shutting the door after the electric boy.

"Out with the girls," the red head replied, walking back over to the bed.

"Tch," the blond shrugged, and looked off to the side.

Kaminari pulled up his usual beanbag chair, and Sero pulled up Kiri's desk chair.

"So.. what do you guys want to do?" the black haired boy questioned.

"Truth or dare," Denki replied a little too quickly. Clearly he had thought about this.

"Oh, uh, sure," the red head smiled and shrugged. Sero just nodded in response, and Bakugou grunted like usual.

"Alright then, I'll go first!" the golden haired boy smiled before looking to Bakugou. "Oi, Kaachan."

The blond gave him a death glare, and Denki quickly apologized. "Ok then, Kirishima, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Eijirou smiled in anticipation, not having a clue why the other boy looked so excited.

Denki inhaled dramatically, "Were you and Bakugou making out before we got here?"

Kirishima flushed and felt heat burn on his cheeks, "I-uh, what, why would-."

Bakugou cut him off, "Hell yeah we were." The blond smirked confidently, but kept his gaze averted from the others.

The red head's eyes widened, and he swallowed, "Uhm, yeah, yeah we did."

Kaminari smiled victoriously while Sero laughed. "Ok, your turn," the golden haired boy gestured towards Kirishima as he spoke.

"Oh, right," the red head smiled and looked towards Sero, "truth or dare?"

"Dare," tape boy replied, shaking his head.

Eijirou contemplated for a moment, and then he raised his eyebrow. "I dare you to finally make a move with Mina."

Sero choked on air, "Excuse me, what?"

"It's obvious you like her, man," Kirishima smiled, "and I'm pretty sure it's mutual, so just go for it."

"Ok, ok," the black haired boy waved his hands in front of his face, covering the blush he was sure was visible, "when she gets back." Sero scratched his neck as he laughed nervously and looked at Denki, "Truth or dare?"

"Hmmm," the electric boy pondered for a moment, raising his hand to his chin, "truth."

"What color underwear are you wearing right now?" Hanta asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"Woah bro, that's a little gay," Kaminari joked, pulling his shirt up so they could see the edge of his under garment, "hot pink."

"And I'm the gay one," Sero laughed, "joking!"

"It's only gay if I don't have socks on," the golden haired boy retorted, looking down towards his bare feet, "well shoot."

"Rest in peace Jirou," Bakugou muttered while raising his eyebrow. He was clearly trying to fight back a smile.

Kaminari shook his head and laughed, "Ok, Bakugou, truth or dare?"

"What do you think Pika-freaking-chu, I'm not a wimp," the blond replied confidently, "dare."

"Give the person to your left a hickey," Kaminari replied innocently, looking to the red head who just happened to sit on Bakugou's left side.

"Hah," Katsuki smirked smugly before pulling Kirishima closer to him, "bet." The blond turned his head, and got to work on the others neck.

"Now that's gay," Sero couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Eijirou bit his lip and death stared the golden haired boy. He mouthed the words, 'I'll get you back.'

Once the job was done Bakugou smirked with a cocky expression, "Shitty Hair, truth or freaking dare?"

Before Kirishima had the chance to respond, Denki's phone started buzzing constantly. A sly smile appeared on the boy's lips. "Oh, ho, ho, guys-." He flipped his phone around, "Mineta found out where the girls are at." The screen showed a picture of a club with several familiar cars in front.

"Bro, that's not our business, what's wrong with that perv," Kirishima scrunched his eyebrows in disgust.

"Wait, wait," Kaminari started wheezing as he flipped his phone around again. Mineta had gotten inside the club, and was trying to do creepy perv things, when he dropped his phone and Uraraka found it.

"Holy crap, is that Mina?" Sero questioned as he stared at the screen. Uraraka had sent a video of Mineta trying to look up the pink girl's skirt, and her then beating the absolute crap out out of him.

Bakugou laughed deeply, "That's our girl, she doesn't take anyone's shit."

All of the boys turned towards Bakugou before laughing.

"Right on, Bakubro," Kirishima wheezed.

"Kiri, you cant just bro me after I gave you a hickey."

Hope you guys liked this one. It was so much fun to write ahahaha.

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