Just Hanging Out | Shinkami

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Shoot, I haven't updated in forever, my apologizes. Also, credit to the artist up above for the lovely art. (I can't read their signature, sorry. 🥺)

Kaminari was just lounging around during first period. Legs crossed and tossed onto the corner of his desk, while both hands were placed behind his head.

Aizawa had decided it was an appropriate day to give the kids a study hall so he could catch up on the sleep he was always missing.

After attempting to do his work like three times the blond gave up. Denki assumed he'd just chill on his phone for the rest of the period. That was until he got a text.

S: Hey.

Kaminari tilts his questioningly as he reads the incoming message, but isn't slow to reply back as his fingers move quickly across the phone's surface.

K: sup

S: Why don't you ever keep caps lock on weirdo?

K: mmmm coz it's cool

S: Mhm, whatever you say, Kami.

K: how r u texting me rnt u in class?????

S: Aren't YOU in class, dumbass?

K: shush now we r in study hall

S: Then study dimwit.. unless you have a better idea?

K: keep texting you sounds prettttty good

S: Mm, I might have a better idea, meet me in the bathrooms near the lunchroom.

The blond smiled excitedly to himself, texting Shinsou always gave him an adrenaline rush he didn't always acknowledge. He'd always brush it off as the excitement of having a friend from 1B that actually seemed to care about him. Maybe even care a little too much at times.

Whatever the reason for this 'adrenaline rush' Kaminari was already set on meeting the other boy, no matter the consequences. He had to know what Shinsou's idea was!

Denki elbowed his seat neighbor on his left side, who just happened to be Jirou. "Hey, J, could you cover for me?"

"What the hell you up to, Bolt Boy?" she whispered jokingly in response.

Denki takes his legs off the desk while grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I just- I'm going to- he-, I have to use the bathroom."

"Mhm, just make sure he doesn't give you any obvious hickeys," the purple haired girl winks with a sly smile.

The blond blushes a bright right and looks to his phone screen, "It's not like that, J."

"Mhm, have fun with your lover boy, don't be gone too long," she dismisses him with a wave.

"Mm, whatever, class is almost over anyway."

Kami snuck quietly out the door, quickly making his way down the hall towards the restroom. Was that what this meant, was he in- no. Couldn't be.

Once he was the bathroom door he cleared his throat and slowly pushed the chunk of wood open.

Leaning on the sinks was a fairly attractive purple haired male. "Heyo," the boy smiles with a small wave at his side.

"Hey," Kami waves back with a bigger smile, but that's just his personality.

"Can you," Shinsou motions to the door, "you know."

Denki lifts an eyebrow in question, "Leave?" But before the other could react he turns around and looks for anything else the other boy could've been talking about.

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