After All | Todobaku

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This takes place after both boys graduate and become pros.

The drunk hookups made up most of Todoroki's weeknights. Bakugou would come over completely out of it, and said events would ensue.

The half and half haired male had his suspicions that tonight wasn't going to be any different, and as the evening edged on he almost seemed to be waiting for the tell-tell knock.

Then the rhythm sounded on the door and his heart began to race.


It was early when the blond woke up, he lifted up the sheet and stared at the signs of his actions.

Todoroki was still asleep. Although he had made a mistake, his back was pressed flush against Katsuki. That wouldn't have been a problem, but Bakugou was starting to remember.

Last night Shouto did something he shouldn't have. They had made an agreement to leave it at friends with benefits.

Bakugou was surely overthinking this and the other boy had just moved in his sleep, last night had just been a fluke, surely that was the case. Feelings were kept out of matters like these, or they were supposed to be anyway.

It wasn't as if the blond hadn't thought such things himself, what if they were more-. No, they had promised not to, he couldn't.

All the emotions of the morning aggravated Katsuki, he slid the covers off of himself a bit before starting to get dressed.

After putting everything on but his shirt, he sat down on the bed, the piece of fabric in hand.

"We're better off as strangers," Bakugou sighs as he pulls his shirt back on.

"Katsuki..," Shouto rolls from his side to his back, "you don't-."

"Damn it, Icyhot," the blond angrily runs his hand through his own messed up hair before standing once again, "I can't do this anymore."

Todoroki sits up quickly, not quite sure if he had heard right, "Wait, what."

"I'm done."

And before Shouto could get another word in he was gone.

"What the hell," he mutters, throwing his legs over the side of the bed.

Todo can't help but think back and realize what a grave mistake he'd made.

"No..," he shakes his head in an angry realization, "no, no, no!" The half and half haired boy throws his face into the pillow he'd just been lying on. "Dammit, I'm so stupid!"

Feelings can be too overwhelming and hard to control. He'd known that much all his life, and he was able to control it in sensible situations. Now.. now Shouto has lost his stability. A routine that seemed to give him a purpose.

That's what seemed to keep him going the last few weeks. Knowing that'd he'd get to see the blond at least one more time.

Now that's gone.

"What did I do," Todoroki slams his fist onto the mattress where Katsuki previously was, "to deserve this."

He rolls over partially to look at the now empty sheets, tears sting the corners of his eyes. "Why can't I ever be what somebody needs me to be."


Shouto fell into a dark depressive episode, he'd barely get out of bed and hardly had enough motivation to brush his teeth. Eating had become a total chore. Living was a burden.

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