Far From Fine | Kamideku

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Panic Attack

Kaminari walked out of the lunch room, his hands were shaking violently. He was aware of the signs, this was always how his body reacted when he was starting to have a panic attack. Next would be.. the golden haired boy's chest rose and fell quickly. The rhythm of his heart beat picked up. He just needed to get to his book bag, the medication was in the top pocket to the right.

Although, what Denki hadn't realized, was that someone saw him. Usually he was pretty good at hiding these attacks, making up some kind of excuse to leave for a minute or two. However, a certain green haired boy caught sight of him making his escape in a not so mentally stable manner.

The electric boy walked down the hallways, running his non-steady hands through his hair. "Classroom, classroom, classroom," he muttered under his breath.

Izuku followed behind at a distance, worry running through his veins. He glanced back and forth as he hid behind a locker. Kaminari?

When Kami finally got into the classroom he was practically hyperventilating. "Where?" he questioned aloud breathlessly. After a moment he spotted the yellow bag in the corner, and ran over to it.

Izuku had followed him, but he didn't enter. He watched as Denki unzipped his bag, and then pulled out a bottle of.. are those pills?

Denki took two of the pills from his
trembling hands, and then quickly swallowed them. He felt something.. a stare? He looked to the doorway and spotted some curly green locks.

Somebody saw.


Deku's eyes widened when he made eye contact with the other boy. "Hey, I.."

"No!" the golden hair boy shouted and scrambled against the back wall. "Please, please, please." He grasped desperately at his own face, the anxiety he was trying to prevent now skyrocketing.

"No, Kaminari-," Izuku tried to reason and explain, but there was no use. He slowly walked towards the boy who was holding his knees to his chest. "Just- just let me."

"Shut up!" Denki yelled, he threw his hands harshly against the floor. Tears continuously slid down his face.

The green haired boy kept his mouth shut, but silently started making his way closer.

Kaminari closed just eyes tightly and shook his head, "Pathetic.. I'm pathetic." His words were quiet and jumbled. "Sorry, sorry, sorry."

Izuku squatted onto the ground next to him, "Hey, hey, what's wrong." He kept his voice soft and gentle as he spoke.

Denki barely glanced at Midoriya, he was too ashamed of someone seeing him like this. "I-I tried to hide it."

"Hide what?" the green haired moved to lean against the wall.

"These.. at-tacks..," Kami sniffled quietly, "my men-tal st-state."

"But why-," Izuku questioned, "someone could help."

"They-they'll make fun of me," the blond's voice cracked.

"Who, who will?"

"The squad."

"Oh, Kami..," Deku frowned and softly put his arm around the other boy, "they would understand."

"Bakugou would call me weak.. Kiri wouldn't see me as manly.. Sero wouldn't think of me as an equal.. Mina would probably just think I was weird."

"Nobody would think any less of you," the green haired boy assured him, pulling him into a side hug, "I know I don't."

"Y-you don't?" Denki sniffled in question.

"Of course not," Deku smiled as a soft blush pierced his cheeks, "I adore you."

"Adore?" The blond breathed in shakily as the pills started to take effect.

"Now probably isn't the time," the other boy muttered under his breath.

"No, I'm ok, tell me," Denki wiped his eyes and stared at the other boy expectantly. His breathing slowly evening out.

"Hmph," Deku huffed and looked to the side, "kinda obvious don't you think."

"What, no," Denki laughed softly at himself with deep insecurity, "I'm dense as a rock, we both know that."

"You're actually quite smart, people just overlook it," Izuku replied looking back to the other.

"Look who's Mr. observant," the golden haired boy looked the side and shook out his hands. "Anyway, I'm waiting for my answer."

"I think your cool, in a more than.. friendly way, uh, even with everything you go through," Midoriya smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck.

"More than friendly, The Izuku Midoriya.." Denki blushed softly and smiled, the attack symptoms slowly dissolving entirely, "you think that about me?"

"Don't sound so shocked, you're a great guy, even though you are friends with the purple perv."

Denki leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling, letting out a shaky laugh. "I feel the same, but your friends aren't pervs."

This oneshot is dedicated to Alithetheatrekid, thanks for the idea! Sorry, it isn't great. I kinda didn't know where to take it, and it's really, kind of, hugely obvious.

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