Love me, Wont you? | Momojirou

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It was a sunny day at UA as the bell rang, and all the students from 1A filtered into the classroom.

"Hey, Jirou," Momo waved as she saw her friend enter.

"Oh, hi!" the purple haired girl eyes lit up as she spotted Yaoyorozu.

Kyoka sat down in her usual seat, that was conveniently close to her best friend. Momo couldn't seem to take her gaze off of Jirou as she watched the purple head take out  her books.

A few moments later Mr. Aizawa strolled into the classroom, and called everyone to attention. Which seemed to break the trance like state Yaoyorozu was in.

-time skip-

"Now don't forget to study for the upcoming test," our teacher announced, zipping up into his yellow cocoon.

"Ugh," Jirou sighed audibly, obviously irritated.

The black haired girl reached over and lightly tapped her shoulder, "You ok?"

"I'm going to bomb this test," Kyoka rolled her eyes, stuffing her books into her bag.

A second passed before Momo spoke, "I could always help you study."

"You're serious?" Jirou questioned, lifting her eyebrow.

The taller of the two nodded, "Of course."

"Any chance you could come by later?" the purple head smiled hopefully.

"Absolutely," Yaoyorozu smiled back, "but for right now we should head to lunch, I could eat a horse." They both laughed before standing up, and walking side by side to the lunch room.


Momo and Jirou fell into step with each other on their walk to the lunchroom. The non-chaotic ambience seemed to give off a sort of peacefulness.

"Meet up with me before you sit down, yeah?" Momo beamed as she spoke.

The purple haired girl nodded, and headed towards one of the food stalls.


A few minutes later they spotted each other. "Hey, let's sit with Kami today," Jirou spoke, allowing a small smile to creep onto her face.

"Oh, sure!" Momo returned the smile, and tried to hide the jealous insecurity in her voice.

They both walked towards the table where the yellow haired boy sat with Sero. "Hey," the purple head sighed, dramatically setting her tray across from Kaminari's.

"Oh, heyo," he halfway waved at the two.
Watching as Yaoyorozu sat a little too close to Jirou.


The group of them quickly ate up their food while making small talk.

"Yeah I know, right," Kyoka laughed, happily letting her guard down.

Denki replied with a smile that was seemed almost a little too friendly.

Momo took in the whole scene, a feeling of extreme jealousy washing over her. Slowly she slipped one of her hands under the table, and placed it on Jirou's thigh before she could overthink the consequences.

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