Then Lie (1) | Bakukiri

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Heavy Intoxication/Angst

It was an unusually quiet night downtown as Katsuki sat alone in a street side bar. The sound of glass clinking echoed as he sat down his eighth shot. "Mm," he grunted, placing his head into his arms.

"Another one?" The bartender questioned. Bakugou didn't verbally respond, but instead lifted his glass.

The blond downed the shot quicker than the one before, letting his head return to its previous position.

A ding rang throughout the small place, signally someone had entered.

"Hey," a low voice mumbled, supposedly talking to the bartender. Bakugou couldn't identify the owner, but he was sure he hadn't met the guy.

Someone lightly knocked on the wood beside his head. "Blondie," the mystery guy spoke.

"Hm?" Bakugou tilted his head and squinted his eyes open.

A thin male that had short black hair with an undercut was standing beside him.

"Yes?" he practically grunted at the guy.

"Are you here alone?" He asked, sitting down beside him.

"Uh," a small explosion accidentally popped in Katsuki's hand as he spoke, "yeah?"

"Well wonderful, I was wondering if I could have the pleasure of drinking with such an attractive guy?" the black haired boy smirked flirtatiously, obviously not phased by his quirk.

"Oh," Bakugou lifted his head, placing his elbow down to support his neck. His words slurred heavily as he spoke, "You're not too bad yourself."


One thing lead to another, and a bit later they had ended up outside the bar.

The blond slammed his hand onto the brick on one side of the black haired boy's head.

Both of them exhaling heavily before the shorter of the two immediately went in for a kiss. Their lips met in the middle. For a few moments everything went as expected. Hands curiously roaming bodies, lips desperately clinging to each other.

Bakugou leaned more into the kiss, but then some emotion hit him like a truck. Was it, why, he felt guilt? The blond couldn't place it, but something felt wrong.

He was forgetting something, or was it someone. There was a feeling he couldn't just let slip away. This was wrong. He had to stop.

A moment later he froze. "I'm sorry," the blond slurred, awkwardly pushing his way off of the other guy, "I, uh, don't think I should be doing this."

"Oh..," the black haired boy slowly pulled his hands away, "that's fine." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he broke eye contact, "I guess I'll be on my way, have a good night."

Bakugou couldn't respond, this feeling, he just knew how much he would end up regretting what he had just done.


The blond stumbled back to his dorm. Looking around before trying to unlock the door. Once inside, he practically threw himself into bed. Not noticing the radiating heat that came from beside him.


The morning light poured through the blinds, and Bakugou flinched at the brightness. Hangovers suck. He groaned remembering the events from last night. Why would he regret-

A warm, low, voice rang through the room, "Morning, sleepy head."

Then everything clicked into place.


How could he forget Kirishima, his boyfriend, his everything.

"Oh no," Bakugou winced as he spoke, "oh my god, Eijirou."

"Katsuki," he questioned, worry filling his voice, "what's wrong?"

"Leave," the blond commanded harshly, "you can come back in an hour."

"Ok..," the red head agreed questioningly while getting out of the bed, "see you in an hour?" He had learned not to question Bakugou when he was like this, so Kirishima just did as told.

Katsuki mumbled curses as he watched the love of his life walk out the door.

Bakugou had promised himself something whenever he started dating Kirishima.

He promised himself that if he ever cheated on the boy that he would have to end things. The blond knew that his boyfriend deserved someone better than him, but if he cheated then he would make him find someone better.

He had to do this. It wasn't a question at this point. No matter what happened, he had to go through with it.

-time skip-

An hour later a quiet knock came from Bakugou's door. The blond hesitantly opened it, and stared at the red head.

"Hello," Kirishima lifted his head when his boyfriend opened the door. Eijirou immediately went to work, searching Bakugou's eyes for any sign of what was happening.

The blond could tell what his boyfriend was trying to do from the moment he started. Kiri wanted to know what was happening.

"The promise," Bakugou grit his teeth tightly, "the stupid promise." No use in dragging this out.

"Wait, what," Eijirou tilted his head in confusion, "promise, what do you mean the promise?"

"Eijirou, I'm so sorry," Katsuki sighed, "I can't." He exhaled shakily, not moving out of the doorway.

"What do you mean, you can't," Kirishima was beyond lost by what the other boy meant, "what can't you do?"

Bakugou felt his chest tighten as he inhaled, "I cheated." His voice cracked ever so slightly as he spoke.

"W-what?" the red head asked, he was sure he had heard him, but he refused to believe that it was true.

"Don't make me say it again, Kiri," the blond didn't dare look at him, it would hurt too much.

"Please, don't hurt me like this," Kiri pleaded, still in shock that this was even happening.

"Already have, leave," Katsuki commanded painfully, internally knowing that the red head wouldn't just listen to his directions.

"I can't," Kirishima eyes were watering, and his fists were clenched, "I can't, because I love you."

"I know you want me to tell you I love you too, but that would be a lie," Bakugou growled lowly as he grit his teeth, trying to make his act seem more convincing.

"Then lie to me," tears dangerously threatened to pour from Kirishima's eyes as he spoke, "just for a little while longer."

"Kiri," the blond struggled to keep his voice from breaking, "don't do this."

"Please.. lie if have to.. just..," the red hair couldn't stop the tears that flowed down his face, "..please." He stared down at his clenched fists as he tried to hold back sobs.

"I can't do that," Bakugou was struggling to keep his composure as his own body began shaking, "please, don't make this harder than it has to be."

The red head couldn't keep it in anymore. Tears flooded hotly down his cheeks. The racking sobs, that couldn't be held back any longer, shook Kirishima's body, "K-katsuki."

"I'm sorry," the blond whispered, and with that Bakugou closed the wooden door and left a broken Eijirou out into the hallway.

Bakugou fell to the floor. His hands shaking so badly he wouldn't be able to hold a glass of water.

The one thing that meant the world to him was now gone, he had lost his best friend, his boyfriend, his everything. It was all over, just like that.

Deepest apologizes for that ending. I'm just in the mood for angst. Suggestions for Oneshots are open!

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