Can I Love You? | Tododeku

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Sorry for not updating in a hot minute. Anyway, I realized I have like one Tododeku onshot, so y'all broccli x icy hot shippers come get y'all juice.

"M-m-," Todoroki mumbled sleepily as he tossed and turned in his dorm bed. All of sudden shooting up and gasping, "Midoriya!"

He wiped a loose tear away, and threw his head back onto the pillow. That same dream, the one where I can't save you. No matter how hard I try, it always ends the same.

Shouto had been struggling with this repetitive night terror for weeks. It was probably correlated to his growing care for the green haired boy. The more he thought about him the more consistent the dream became.

Todoroki knew for a fact that he wasn't the best with identifying emotions. However, he knew that if he took some time and thought out the entirety of the situation he'd be able to at least piece some stuff together.

The peppermint haired boy rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sat up once again, but instead he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

Shouto stared blankly at the dorm wall, his mind racing despite the late hour. He desperately wanted to figure out why this kept happening. Was it some form of foresight, was his friend in trouble?

Don't be ridiculous, Shouto.

He ran his hand through his tangle-free hair, exhaling deeply before standing up. His hair wasn't even parted correctly anymore, the icy white thrown loosely across into the crimson color.

The boy made his way to the door, not quite sure of his plan but nonetheless continuing in his half dazed state. Probably wasn't the smartest idea he'd ever had, but we all have our moments.

After securely shutting the door and making his way down the hall, he found himself in front of his best friend's door.

Shouto was positive the green haired boy was asleep, but to him it didn't really matter. What was sleep when something this concerning was at hand.

After a swift knock the boy let his gaze drop to the floor. Only lifting when a light creak sounded.

"Todoroki?" a small voice questioned, the owner was obviously quite tired.

"Midoriya," he responded, adjusting he tone, sounding like he'd been awake for hours.

"What's wrong, why are you-," Izuku stretched his arms into the air, yawning, "why are you awake?"

"You," Todoroki answered bluntly and leaned onto the door frame, letting his eyes settle onto those comforting emerald ones.

"Wha-," he shifted, blinking a few times, "me, what did I do?"

"You won't get out of my head, Midoriya."

"Oh?" Deku rubbed his eyes like a toddler. "How fix- I- can I- how do I fix that?"

"Can I come in?" Shouto asked with a soft snicker, amused at the other's tired mind process.

"Sure," the green haired boy moved to the side, letting his body rest against the wall while gesturing for the other boy to enter. "What's the plan, how am I gonna help?"

"Can I test something?" the bi-colored haired male questioned while walking to the end of Deku's bed.

"I guess, what do I do?" he followed drowsily, his steps mismatched. Izuku causally chucked himself onto the bed.

"Hold me," Shouto requested nonchalantly.

"Todoroki, what..," the green haired boy cuddled into his comforter before mumbling, "prob dreamin' or smthn' this would never happen unless the Earth was titled at the exact right measurement of 2345910.2838494 degrees on a day where the temperature was exactly 89.34 degrees Fahrenheit when the clouds were positioned-.."

All the meanwhile, Shouto was working his way into the bed beside Midoriya. "You can hold me now," Todoroki spoke to him as he nuzzled his head into his friends chest.

Deku blushed and stuttered like mad, even though he'd just been woken, "Oh wow, I- sure o-okay." The green haired boy slowly but surely placed his arm around the other. It ended up snuggly in the crook of Shouto's neck, but neither of them seemed to mind. "Feels like a real human.. Todoroki, am I dreaming?"

"I know you aren't, but I might be."

The half and half haired boy didn't think twice about what he was doing. Instead, just letting himself drift off contently.

When he awoke an hour later his mind was so painfully tired that when he went to move his arm it slid directly under Midoriya's shirt and onto his bare back, and he had no clue of such occurrence.

Deku hummed contently at the interaction not really questioning it since he was mostly asleep.

However, when morning broke through the window and an alarm sounded both boys were somewhat brought back to their senses.

"Mmhn," the green haired boy mumbled before opening his eyes. "T-todoroki!"

"Hm?" Shouto responded in a hum, "what, oh- shhhh-."

"Why are-," the smaller boy spat out words like fire, "is this what you wanted to test, but why, why would you-!"

"Because I needed to know if what I felt was more than what I thought."

"Huh?!" Izuku responded, obviously not catching on.

"Am I allowed.. may I.., no that's not how," Todoroki looked up at the other boy, "can I love you?"

"Love me!?"

Hehehe don't hate me for the ending.

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