Maybe Youre All I Need | Kamisero

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Sero sat alone in his dorm room, and scrolled through his phone. The screen illuminated his face in the darkness.

It was probably 11pm, or maybe even later. Hanta was a hardcore insomniac, and he knew that sleep wasn't coming anytime soon.

A wild rush of adrenaline buzzed into his veins, and a random idea came to mind. He swiped to his messages app and clicked a certain contact.

S: Want to go to Best Buy?

K: y e s

S: I'm coming to get you, be ready.

K: YEET. *rolls on floor to grab shoes*

S: I'll take that as an ok.

Sero stood up and pulled on his favorite black hoodie. It was a little oversized and it draped over his grey sweatpants. He slid on his worn out dark purple high tops, and grabbed his car keys on the way out.

He knocked on the blond's door and waited. A minute later the door swung open, and Hanta was greeted by a smiling boy wearing a plain grey shirt with blue, ripped skinny jeans.

"Can't sleep?" Denki questioned as he hopped out into the hallway, pulling his left yellow boot  on.

"Exactly," Sero winked and finger gunned at the other boy. He led the way as they walked out of the dorms.

"Where are the others?" the blond questioned as he pushed open the button for the main entrance. Hanta's answer made his heart race.

"I was thinking just us," the raven haired boy stopped and turned abruptly, "unless you want them to come too."

" Oh," Denki smiled, "no I like just you." Once he'd realized what he'd just said, and how it sounded, heat flooded his cheeks. Denki kept his mouth shut though, knowing if he spoke he'd only dig a deeper hole.

Sero only laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Ok, well that's good because I like just you too." He really liked the electric boy too, and it was pretty obvious to most people. Except Denki was pretty dense, and he never caught anybody's signs except the ones he accidentally gave himself.

Kaminari couldn't help but take notice of how attractive his friend seemed tonight. So he decided to do something stupid, and something he would probably regret in five minutes. He ran up behind the other boy as they neared his car, and spanked his butt. "Sexy ass."

"Excuse me," Sero lifted his eyebrows and laughed as he stared at the other.

"Me the yes," was Denki's response as he practically threw himself into the passenger seat.

"Oooook," the taller male sighed and shook his head. Sero opened the driver side door and sat down. "Kami, did you smoke something before I texted you?"

"Nah," the blond shook his head, and then rested his elbow on the center console, "this be 11pm energy, aka, the start of my crackhead hours."

"You're always in crackhead hours," Sero smiled, and put the key in the ignition.

Denki snorted in response, but didn't say anything. They pulled out of the dorm parking and merged onto the main road.

"Hey, hey," Kaminari broke the comfortable silence that had been in.

"Hey, hey, what?" Hanta questioned as he made a left turn.

"You're like my bestest friend, did you know that?" the blond smiled like a toddler, and then proceeded to stare at the other boy.

"Did not" Sero responded shortly, quickly looking over to Denki before giving his attention back to the road. "However, you've always been mine, and you seem to care about me the most out of the.. what are we calling it now Bakusquad?"

"Awh yay, true," Denki smiled, but then soon frowned, "but they care about you too you know."

"Never said they didn't.. just said you care most," the taller boy pulled into a parking spot and turned the key. "Which isn't a bad thing, in fact, it's the same vice versa."

Kaminari tried to understand the meaning behind what Sero had just said, but his brain simply couldn't process at this hour.

They had parked at the back of the lot, so it would take a minute to get to the entrance. "Sero," the blond spoke in a sing-song tone.

"What is it Kami?" the taller boy rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

The shorter boy walked closer to the other, and leaned over to his ear. "Can we pretend to be boyfriends in Best Buy?" Kaminari whispered, and smiled sheepishly. It sounded like a fun idea in his head.

"Wait, what, why?" Sero's cheeks burned, and he looked to the asphalt.

"Oh," Denki sighed, he thought his offer had been rejected, "I don't know.. just sounded like a fun thing to do.. it's ok though."

"Shut up Lightening Bolt," Hanta smiled and held out his hand, "let's do it."

"A-hah, YES!" Kaminari did a small victory dance before placing his hand into Sero's.


Sero pulled at the phone charger on the shelf, "Do you-?"

"I can use that one to charge your phone, yeah," Kaminari huffed.

"No, I was going to ask if you thought this one was long enough to tie a noose."

"Sero!" the blond screeched and looked at the other boy worriedly. He elbowed him and pointed to the shelf, "Put it back now."

"Ugh, fine," the raven haired boy rolled his eyes and lazily tossed it to the bottom of the shelf, "only since you say so."

"Thanks, babe," Denki smiled playfully and led his fake lover down another isle.


After they had officially finished their pointless shopping visit they exited the store.

"That was so much fun," a happy chuckle came from Kaminari as he fidgeted with his own hands.

"I'll have to agree with you," Sero smiled to the other boy, and then felt a familiar heat warm his cheeks at the blond's next question.

"Could we do it again sometime?" Denki asked innocently, as if acting like a couple with your best friend was a normal thing to do.

The raven haired boy swallowed nervously and entered the driver side of the car. "Denki..?"

"Hm, yeah?" the blond tilted his head in question once he was seated.

"Why pretend?" Sero only answered his question with another question.

"What do you mean?" Denki continued the endless cycle of questions.

Hanta rubbed his temples, he shouldn't have expected the other boy to understand. "I like you, dumbass."

This book will contain more Kamisero Oneshots. It's such an underrated ship, and I struggle to find stories EEE.

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