Im Sick of Fighting | Bakukiri

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Ayooo guys! Sorry it's been a hot minute since the last update, but I'm back with some a n g s t. Ah, yes, if you've been reading my deaf bakugou story you would understand that it is in fact my forte. Anyway.. have fun w the sadness.

The tension between Bakugou and Kirishima had been getting worse as weeks progressed.

A lot of people in 1A were aware of their relationship, which says a lot, considering they never officially announced it. Well to most people anyway. Apparently the media knew, or so Kirishima thought.

The Bakusquad had talked about them being together before they even were official, so it wasn't a surprise for them really.

Except, some friendships within the squad were stronger than others. For example, Kirishima and Mina. They were quick to gossip about random things.

This friendship, and Mina's connections with a lot of the 1A girls, led to some interesting secrets. Including one about the red head's boyfriend, and a certain brunette she knew.

So with new secrets came new feelings.. every single night Kirishima would come over to Bakugou's place and he would be pissed off about something. They would start fighting over something stupid, and would go to sleep fuming at one another.

It was just like one day a switch flipped, and suddenly they weren't the happy, perfect couple everyone knew them as.


Today wouldn't be any different, Kirishima thought as he poked at his lunch. He almost didn't want to go back to the dorms.

"The rumors are true," Mina looked sympathetically in the red head's direction, "about the.."

"About the hookup," he sighed, "I've heard."

"I'm sorry," she sighed, placing a caring hand on the others cheek from across the table. The action lasted only momentarily, but gave the boy some comfort he didn't know he needed.

"Let me know if anything happens again," Mina let her tone slip on the word 'anything'. It didn't take much thought for Kirishima to figure out what she meant though.

One time when Bakugou had been mad he got physical, and ended up almost breaking Kiri's nose.

The red head nodded, and looked back to his lunch. "Will do."


Kirishima was right, tonight it was going to be the same, if not worse.

"I'm so sick of arguing with you!" the red head yelled, throwing his hands into the air. He steadily exhaled a breath, and brought his arms to rest behind his head.

"You think I don't feel the same way," Katsuki replied in a frustrated tone, "all I ever wanted to do is love you."


"Excuse me," the blond scoffed, his eyes widening, "you think I want things to be this way?"

"If you loved me you wouldn't have slept with Uraraka," Eijirou reinforced his previous statement with his lover's heart shattering secret.

"That was just a hookup, it didn't mean a thing!" Bakugou replied, he was shocked that the other knew.

"If I wasn't good enough you could've just told me," the red head clenched his teeth together in a hurt whisper.

"That's not it, Kiri, you've always been good enough.. I never.. I never," Katsuki tried to think of an explanation, an excuse, anything.

"That's what I thought, you don't even have an excuse."

"It's was a cover, Ei," Bakugou began, "I didn't know how the media would react if they found out I was gay!"

"You told me they knew about us," betrayal ran coldly through Kirishima's vibes.

"I-," the blond's face flushed, "shit."

Kirishima moved to pick up a bag of his that was in the floor. He threw it on the bed as he began to put his stuff into it.

"No," Katsuki made a weak attempt to stop him, but was instantly pushed off, "don't."

"Shut up, I'm sick of hearing you speak," the red head continued to gather his things, even the hoodie that he'd let his boyfriend borrow the previous night, "since, apparently, all you ever do is lie."

After a few minutes of tense silence, Kirishima had his bag packed. He lifted the strap above his head, and then let it fall onto his shoulder.

Eijirou turned his body to leave, not saying a word. Katsuki was quick to react and raced over to him.

Bakugou held onto the red head's forearm with tears burning in his eyes.

Kirishima tried to rip his arm away, but the grip was too strong. "Let go, you're hurting me."

Katsuki immediately dropped his hold, a look of shock crossing his features once he saw the burn mark on the others arm. "Ei, I'm sorry- I-."

"Kirishima," the red head corrected him as he walked out the door, "it's Kirishima."

Hope everyone doesn't hate me! Please leave a vote if you enjoyed.


Y'all want some Tododeku?

*insert lenny face*

Angst or Fluff?


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