I Always Will | Bakukiri

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Major Character Death/Angst

The day had started off as most, and everything went as most, until lunch. There was a villain attack, and they requested backup from some of the students. Eraserhead had asked if any of students wanted to go assist, explaining how dangerous it would be in the process.

Of course Bakugou, being Bakugou, insisted he would be fine and would be 'essential' to the heroes victory. Then his bright smiled boyfriend, who followed him everywhere, had offered to go as well.

Surprisingly, they were both accepted and sent into the field immediately.


During the fight most of the heroes had been separated into groups. Kirishima and Bakugou had been together since the beginning, and they stuck together through the entire battle.

They were standing back to back in a demolished intersection. Smoke and dust hung thickly around them, and distant screams filled the air. They hadn't even noticed it had started to rain.

Out of the dust a figured emerged, this was.. a villain.. a villain they hadn't met before. Although, whoever it was couldn't be to difficult to defeat, right?

A voice commanded them to stand completely still. With a series of death threats following. At first the blond scoffed, and shook his head, "I bet you're all bark no bite." Bakugou tried to move, but was only met with a thunderous shake from the ground.


Every time either one of them thought they'd come to a conclusion about this mystery figures quirk it was quickly proven wrong. For each guess they made they were met with an answer of a different quirk.

With each passing moment it became more increasingly obvious, one of them had to risk it all. There was no way around it, not this time.

Suddenly, another figure outlined the dust. Uraraka appeared beside the other villain and cracked her knuckles as she stared at the two boys, and with that Bakugou was gone. She had come as backup.

The blond took off at a full blown sprint towards the figure, ignoring any consequences that might ensue.

A scream of agony filled the air.

Bakugou stumbled back after he hit something, he looked up.. that scream.. that voice.., "Kirishima!"

A broken piece of shrapnel from one of Bakugou's damaged gauntlets was pierced through the red head's abdomen. He had jumped in front of his friend when he saw Uraraka position the attack weapon.

Kirishima grabbed for the impaled area, and his knees buckled. A cough of blood emerged from his throat, and he smiled weakly at the villains in front of him, "I saved him."

Uraraka and the mystery anti-hero both laughed and turned towards each other. "Leave them," the brunette smirked, and held two fingers up to her ear, "we have bigger fish to catch."

Bakugou should've felt offended, but he couldn't think at all. His mind was numb as he held his dying best friend in his lap.

"It's okay, Kiri," Bakugou choked out, looking down at the red head's fluttering eyelids, "you can close your eyes, it's okay, I'm not leaving."

A moment of painful silence passed before
"Thank you for the happiest year of my life," Bakugou whispered.

Eijirou softly mouthed the words 'I love you', and let his eyes fall shut. Tears that had been on the verge of spilling flowed down his face.

Katsuki lifted one of his blood stained hands to Kirishima's face, rubbing his thumb along the others cheek. "Oh god, Eijirou," Bakugou watched as his boyfriend's breathing slowed, slowly becoming nothing, "I love you too." The blond let out a gut wrenching scream, coughing slightly as his strong facade quickly diaspeared. He didn't agrue with the sobs that fell from his mouth, there wasn't a way he could with the scence in front of him.

Bakugou stared down at the now lifeless boy, who's head lay in his own lap. "My fault," he muttered out weakly, wiping at his eyes with the back of his gloved hand, "why him."

The rain that beat harshly on Katsuki's back, pounded on Eijirou's face. The artifical red head's hair stuck to his pale skin, his lips formed into a soft smile.

Bakugou's mind replayed him mouthing those last words, and his heart ached. Another gruntish yell escaped his lips.

The blond didn't dare let his vision travel down to where his other occupied hand was. The blood gushing through his fingers was telling enough. "I'm sorry," his voice cracked, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. I love you, Kirishima."

"I always will."


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