Video Games (2) | Bakukiri

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Holding hands with your best friend is one thing. Holding hands with your best friend after confessing you have interest in dating their gender, is another.

"Or we could just keep playing video games," Bakugou smirked, flipping the flustered red head's hand over before gently intertwining their fingers. The blond tilted his head innocently to the side, "Your choice, Shitty Hair, it's your grade after all."

"I think I'll take the zero," Kirishima grinned mischievously, turning his head. He immediately locked eyes with those ethereal red ones, and his breath caught.

They stayed that way for a moment, simply letting the fact that they were holding hands sink in. Every spot that their skin touched one another's felt like it was on fire. Electricity running up and through their veins. Neither one of them said a word, the atmosphere spoke for itself.


Eventually they decided to get on their phones, not wanting to release the hold they had on each other. "Kiri," Bakugou yawned, "this is great and all, but I should probably go back to my dorm."

"Oh, yeah," Eijirou's voice sounded somewhat disappointed, but he was understanding. "Well," the red head slowly let their hands fall apart as he got up from the bed, "sweet dreams, Explosion boy." A playful tone tugged at the end of his sentence as he opened the door for the blond.

"Tch," Bakugou rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that pulled the corners of his mouth up, "goodnight, Shitty Hair."

"Goodnight," Kirishima laughed, gently shutting the door behind him. His knees buckled and he slid down the door. What just happened.


Eijirou barely slept at all that night, his mind replaying every second after he came out. Those eyes, those crimson eyes that could make him fall into a different world. One where Kirishima wanted nothing more than to close the space between them. "Katsuki," the red head whispered softly into the night, trying out the word he rarely let cross his lips. He hummed contently before closing his eyes, and letting himself slip away into the darkness.


Bakugou tossed and turned under his duvet, throwing it angrily to the side. He grunted before throwing his arm out to silence his alarm. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it!" The blond shouted when the alarm wouldn't shut off. He sat up abruptly, looking over to the vibrating phone. That wasn't his alarm, it was Kirishima calling him. "Shoot," Bakugou grunted as the phone stopped ringing. A notification popped onto the screen.

Katsuki ran his hand through his hair before turning to grab the piece of metal, stopping momentarily when he realized his room was filled with daylight. No, no, no.

The blond had missed his alarm, and class had already started. When he tapped the phone he had fifteen notifications.

9 missed calls

6 new messages

"Ugh," he sighed, swiping up on the screen, "wha-.." The male trailed off, all from Shitty Hair?!

K: Hey, everything ok? (8:45 am)

K: Are you mad? (9:00 am)

K: If this is about what happened last night, just come to class. (9:45 am)

K: Seriously, we can act like it never happened if that's what you want. (9:50 am)

K: I'll leave you alone, but please just come to class. (11:00 am)

Bakugou's vision trailed up to the top of his phone, it was eleven thirty. Shoot.

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