"Eijirou, I love you." | Kiribaku

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The school day started off as any other, but to Bakugou today could be a life changer.

"Hey, Boom Boom Boy," Mina teases as she walks to the blond's desk.

Katsuki grimaces, "What?"

"Don't look at me like that," the pink girl laughs and flicks the boy's forehead before quickly walking away.

Bakugou growls lowly in his throat.

"Bakubro!" a cheery voice rings out across the room, and he feels his heart beat harshly in his chest.

"Mm?" Bakugou answers, lifting his eyes to the red head.

Kirishima gives a toothy grin, "Aw, you acknowledged me!"

"Shut up!"

"I'm joking," Eijirou rolls his eyes and taps Katsuki's desk before heading to his own.

The tension between them had been especially high lately, and both hadn't bothered to acknowledge it.

Kirishima might be oblivious for all Bakugou knew, but he definitely felt it himself.

During class Katsuki couldn't help his wandering eyes from continuously finding comfort on the red head. After all, he did care for him more than himself most of the time.

After zoning out for the one hundredth time in a thirty minute span Bakugou asked Aizawa for a break. The older man knew that Bakugou could get like this and didn't even have to think about his answer.

Katsuki made his way into the hallway and into the restroom. He rested his wrists on the counter and sighed. "Damn feelings."

Only when the lunch bell rang did the blond even care to move.

Once he exited, a red head immediately caught sight of him from the hallway. Kirishima turned to his group of friends, and held up a finger before heading towards Bakugou.

"Hey," the red head placed his hand on the blond's shoulder, "you ok-?"

Bakugou flinched at the contact, "Yeah, sorry."

"Don't apologize man," Kirishima pats the other's back and starts walking, "let's go."


During lunch Bakugou only dares to make eye contact with his best friend, and only chooses to talk to him. After all, leaving class like he did would raise questions, and he just wasn't in the mood.

Sometime during the commotion of the Bakusquad acting crazy, Kirishima noticed Bakugou getting visibly uncomfortable. He slipped his hand under the table and onto the other's knee.

Although there wasn't a clear cut reason as to why he did it, Eijirou didn't get swatted away so he didn't move.

After lunch period ended Bakugou pulled Kirishima wrists and brought him to a corner, "Hey."

"Hey?" the red head asked, clearly bewildered by the situation at hand.

Without question the blond kept on, "Your dorm, after school."


A knock sounds on Kirishima dorm door, and he doesn't hesitate to answer.

A tense silence fills the room as Bakugou makes his way over to the other's bed. He sits criss cross and stares into his lap.

"I've been meaning to tell you," Katsuki inhales deeply, "actually for a while now."

Kirishima hurriedly sits on the bed to join him.

Without raising his voice above a whisper, Kirishima questions, "Yeah?"

"Eijirou, I love you."

"It's ok," the blond sighs, "you don't have to feel the same." The thoughts rushing through his mind are louder than any outside force. "That's never what I envisioned, I just needed to tell-."

Kirishima cuts him off by caressing his cheek, "Hey, I love you."

Katsuki's eyes widen and he narrows his eyebrows, "What?"

The red head smiles, "I said, I love you."

The blond's mouth is dry as he accidentally smiles, "Kiri."

"Come here," Eijirou opens his arms and gestures for the other to hug him.

Bakugou gladly accepts and basically tackles him, but in the same instant he makes their lips meet.

Kirishima smiles through the kiss, and Bakugou can't help but hug him tighter.

The end of an era, thanks for sticking around. Watch out for other upcoming books!

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