Surrender | Tododeku

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This is my first 'songfic' oneshot, so apologizes if it's bad. Song is 'Surrender' by Natalie Taylor.
Edit: I added the song to the second slide above.

Major Character Death(s)?/Angst

Izuku and Shouto had been sent on a suicide mission. The truth was, no one knew what quirk this new villain had. Everyone just understood the threat he was.. how much everyone feared him.

The power he supposedly had consisted of multiple things, but one of the most known was mind warping.

Although the chance of survival was low, the two of them agreed to go together. They'd been a couple since year 1, and rarely went on missions without each other. This would be no different.


We let the waters rise

The green haired boy held his shattered fists in front of himself, and continued to fight through the searing pain.

We drifted to survive

Todoroki lay against some rubble, frostbite taking over more than half of his arm.

I needed you to stay

Midoriya screamed a battle cry as he ran towards the villain. The images of his fiancé drifted through his numb mind.

But I let you drift away

The half and half haired boy reached out with his burnt arm, and tried to push himself off the wall.

My love where are you?

"Shouto!" Deku shouted as he attempted to land a shot on the no named villain. Like before, he disappeared and the boy's fist hit harshly against a wall. Agh!

My love where are you?

"Here!" the said boy called out as he finally got onto his feet again. "I-I'm on," he stumbled, "my way."

Whenever you're ready, whenever
you're ready

"Come on!" Izuku yelled in frustration, and then took off running. No particular destination in mind, but anger powering his movements.

Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready

"Midoriya," Todoroki called out weakly to the broken and horrifically injured boy.

Can we, can we surrender?

The boy responded to his partner with a simple glance, tears filled his eyes.

Can we, can we surrender?

Shouto exhaled, his limbs trembling in pain, "I'm done."

I surrender

"No, come on, we've got this," Midoriya muttered out, "Todoroki we can't give-." The green haired boy's knees buckled and he fell to the rubble.

No one will win this time

"Maybe.. maybe we're supposed to lose this time," that was all the other boy could say as he watched his lover fall.

I just want you back

"No..," Izuku's voice broke as he let his arms fall to his sides.

I'm running to your side

Todoroki stumbled over till he was beside the boy he'd grown to love.

Flying my white flag, my white flag

"Maybe it's time to wave our white flag," Shouto let his forehead fall against Izuku's.

My love where are you?

"I wasn't..," Midoriya started, an angry sob leaving his lungs, "good enough!"

My love where are you?

"My love," Shouto ran his hand over the other's cheek, "you're always good enough."

Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready

"Is this it?" Izuku asked.

Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready

"Are we going to surrender?" he continued his questioning, his aching body going limp.

Can we, can we surrender?

Todoroki brought the green haired boy's head onto his shoulder, and then exhaled shortly. "Whenever you're ready."

Can we, can we surrender?

Tears spilled down the shorter boy's cheek.

I surrender

The oxygen around them seemed to disappear, and both of their world's faded to black.

I surrender


The hospital monitors beeped as the two boys lie in adjacent beds. They had been put into a coma from the moment their eyes landed on the villain. Neither sustained physical injuries, but mental is different story.

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