I Accidently Stayed | Iidaocha

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"Sorry!" Uraraka shouted as she bumped into someone. She was racing full speed towards classroom 1A. The bell was about to ring, and the brunette was determined not to be late.

Her body was easier to maneuver at the moment because she had used her quirk to makes herself lighter.

"And..," the girl gasped, turning the corner and practically throwing herself into the classroom, "I made it!" Uraraka unquirked herself, and fell to the floor. Clearly not estimating the change of weight correctly.

"Uraraka!" a male voice gasped, followed by the sound of quick footsteps. That voice, the girl recognized it immediately.

"Iida," she spoke, lifting her gaze from the ground. Uraraka wiped the hair out of her eyes, and smiled at the boy.

"Are you ok?" he asked urgently, making whatever hand gesture he thought appropriate. The class-rep always had to take his other peers well being into account, but especially this one. She was priority.

The brunette nodded, pushing herself off the ground. Uraraka dusted off her pants, titling her head while looking up to Iida. "Yep, I'm good!"

The blue haired boy nodded slightly before returning to the front of the classroom. She followed behind him before turning off into one of the separate seating isles. Making her way halfway down a row before sitting in her desk.


Aizawa spoke blandly, telling the entire class about section one million of book whatever. However, Uraraka wasn't even interested in the lesson. No, her attention was taken by the class-rep who sat at the near the front of the classroom.

Her mind wandered, 'What would he think.' She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts that she knew were coming. 'If I told-,' Uraraka's mind continued, her inevitable thoughts leaking from her subconscious, 'if I told him I like-."

Suddenly a hand shot up, Uraraka's hand. "Yes?" the caterpillar questioned, raising his eyebrow at her sense of urgency. "Restroom?" the brunette asked quietly, keeping her body stiff. The teacher nodded, and quickly reverted to the boring lesson.

Ochako bolted out into the hallway. She had seen some of the strange looks thrown her way out of her peripheral vision, but it didn't matter. Getting out of that room was her only objective at the moment.

The brown haired girl discreetly made her way to the bathroom. After opening the door, she looked under the stalls to make sure she was alone. Coast was clear, or so it seemed.

She stumbled to the granite sinks. What was she thinking, Uraraka never let her thoughts go that far.

"He's your best friend, don't go screwing it up with your stupid feelings," Uraraka mumbled to herself, leaning on the counter. An almost inaudible click sounded in the air.

"Feelings?" a small voice rang out from behind her, and the brunette's blood turned cold. She froze, lifting her head to look in the mirror.

"Mina..," she sighed, relieved, "yes, I suppose." Ochako turned her body, so she was facing the pink haired girl. Although, she didn't quite notice the tear running down her own cheek.

"Oh," Mina spoke with a sympathetic tone, "hey, it's ok, don't cry." The pink girl decided it was best not to probe her for information, which was so unlike herself. However, she knew that the brunette would explain herself is she felt the need. Ashido walked up to Uraraka gently wiping the tears off the girls face with her thumb.

"Sorry," Ochako choked out, smiling to her, "I'm quite the over thinker." The shorter of the two fidgeted with her hands, and lowered her gaze.

"Nah," Mina placed her hand onto the others shoulder, giving a soft smile in reply, "crushes are normal, trust me, I'm a great matchmaker." The pink girl laughed, thinking of her friends.

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