Guilty Concious | Iidocha

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In this oneshot Tensei died after the Stain attack. Also I found the picture (above) on Pintrest. I take no credit for it.

Iida sat silently in the empty classroom. He was clicking the end of a pen while being drowned deep in thought. I thought, I could avenge him. I thought, I could make that guy pay for what he did. I thought, I was strong enough.

Every single self depreciation that passed was answered with a similar response. But you couldn't, you didn't, you weren't.

"Useless," the blue haired boy muttered into the still air. He frustratedly tossed his backpack onto his shoulder and stood up.

Iida took careful care to make sure every chair in the classroom was pushed in. It was almost time for school to dismiss, and he might as well leave it looking nice.

Iida walked to the door, admiring his handy work for a moment before turning to leave.

"MR. AIZA- WAH," a certain brunette had not been paying attention and ran straight into the taller boy's chest.

"Woah," the blue haired boy laughed softly, and looked down to Uraraka. He felt a slight burn on the end of his ears. "You alright? Mr. Aizawa already left for the day."

"Ah, dang it!" She stomped her foot angrily, waving a sheet of paper around. "I was going to ask Sensei to help me study."

"Oh," Iida thought for a moment, and figured that the best course of action, "you could come over, and I could help you study!"

"Come o-over?" the brunette suddenly acted all flustered, but a smile pulled at her lips.

"Yeah, if you want of course."

She smiled grinned and nodded, "Sounds great, thank you so much!"

The blue haired boy nodded respectfully, and returned a small smile. Although his thoughts were elsewhere he couldn't pass up the chance to help his favorite girl.

Everyone in the class knew they had crushes on each other, but they were both oblivious to such things. Uraraka was sure Iida wouldn't even want a girlfriend because he likes to focus on his training and studies. Iida just honestly didn't think about relationships that much, so it never really occurred to him.

They both exited the classroom, and started the journey to Iida's house together.

Uraraka smiled at the leaves falling off the trees, and the wind blew her brunette locks lightly across her face. "Hey, Iida?"

"Hm?" the blue haired boy hummed, his attention was focused on the ground.

"I kind of have wanted to tell you something for a while, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it."

Tenya tilted his head so he could see the girl while she spoke, "Just get it out there, keeping stuff inside only makes things worse."

"Hm, yeah, I guess you're right," Uraraka sighed and fidgeted with her skirt. "Well, uhm, I think I might.."

"Yes, continue," Iida looked back to the sidewalk, and listened to the other hesitate.

"I think I like you."

"See that wasn't- excuse me?" the blue haired boy froze momentarily, clearly confused if he had understood correctly. "You like me?"

"Uhhhh, maybe."

"Oh wow," Iida reminded himself to walk again, and started to think back, "well, I like you too."

"Really?!" the browned haired girl looked to the boy with hopeful eyes.

"Will you, Ochako Uraraka, go out with me?"

"Yes, of course!" Uraraka smiled happily.

"Does that answer your question?" Tenya looked to his new girlfriend, and then held out his hand.


When they arrived to Iida's house Ochako was a smiling wreck. "Wow, this is so cool, I've never had a boyfriend before."

"I've never had a significant other either," the blue haired boy turned the key to enter, releasing the others hand in the process. His mind was, once again, being numbed with thoughts of Tensei. Why couldn't I save you. Come back. I miss you.

"What's wrong?" the brunette questioned him as they walked to his room.

Iida was so lost in thought he hadn't heard the girl's question.

"Iida?" Uraraka tried again.

"Hm, oh, sorry."

"Everything ok?" Ochako was genuinely worried, her friend never acted like this.

"Yeah..," he pondered for a moment, and placed his bag down near the his nightstand, "actually, not exactly."

"Wait, what?" Uraraka was surprised by his answer for some reason.


The brunette felt her breath catch in her throat, "Oh." The word was hollow, but held realization. "If that's what's been bothering you, you know you can talk to someone about it."

"Infact I have thought about it," Iida sighed and sat on the surface of his bed, motioning for her to follow. "Anyway, which paper did you need help on again?"

"No," Uraraka said in the strictest voice she could manage, "I don't care about that right now." She moved onto the bed, and then scooted close to the boy, wrapping him into a hug.


"Ochako, call me Ochako," she snuggled her head into his chest, and made sure her pinkies weren't touching his back.

"Ochako, what's this about?" he spoke slowly, clearly perplexed by the current situation. Although, he had been returning the hug.

"Talk to me," she reassured him, hopefully giving him confidence to open up.

"You mean about..-"


Iida exhaled shakily, "I feel guilty.. I guess I just think about that day, and how if I hadn't gone to the sportsfestival.. I might've been able to help him some how."

"He was a Pro Hero, they risk their lives for our safety daily, there is no reason you should feel guilty.. it could've been anyone," Uraraka tried to explain.

"But what happens when its you, or when it's Midoriya?" Iida defended, his tone becoming more frusrated as he held back tears.

"Then at least I'll die knowing you knew the truth about how I feel."

"Don't go," the blue haired boy clung to the brunette's shirt.

"I'm not going anywhere," Uraraka reassured him once again. She gently tilted her head and kissed the boy's cheek, "Unless you do."

Chapter dedicated to tiseren. I hope this was ok!

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