Goodbye Eijirou | Bakukiri

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Suicide Attempt/Self Harm/Angst

Bakugou had always been bad at making irrational decisions, especially when it came to his feelings. The situation he was in at the moment proved that statement flawlessly.

He stood rigidly on the edge of the steel bridge, cold wind blowing against his tear stained face. The blond's heart raced as he slowly peaked into the dark waters that flowed beneath him. This was it, he was actually going to do it, after all this time.

Bakugou looked down at his arm, clenching and unclenching his fist. His vision trailed across his body, but his breath caught once he realized it. He was wearing his shirt. Kiri's shirt.

A moment passed, and he inhaled deeply. "You're the only reason I would stay, but I screwed that up too, didn't I?" the blond hissed at himself.

"I'll miss you, Eijirou," Bakugou shuddered, "I know I never said it much, but I love you so much."

He carefully stepped his foot off the edge, and started to lean forward.

"Goodbye, Eijirou."

-earlier that day-

"I'll be back tomorrow," Kirishima sighed over the phone, "love you, I miss you so much."

"Bye, Kiri," Bakugou's voice cracked softly, but he lingered on the words before hesitantly ending the call. Shoot.

A singular tear fell down Katsuki's face, and he struggled to keep himself together. That was the last time he would ever hear that voice. That voice that made him feel special in a bland, painful world.


Kirishima opened his mouth to speak, but the call was already disconnected. Something was wrong. Bakugou never acted like, well almost never. His voice seemed so distant, so broken. He didn't even say 'I love you' back.

The red head had been on a small trip for the weekend. It hadn't really occurred to him at the time, but his boyfriend had been acting rather odd all week.

He had marked it up to stress, and thought maybe he just needed a break from the pressure of everything. But something in Kiri's gut told him that this wasn't just some 'stress', and he needed to go back and talk to the blond. After all, he only acted this way when.. no. No, it couldn't possibly be.

Kirishima rethought the words his boyfriend had said before hanging up. It would've seemed normal to most, just a moody goodbye, but Bakugou never made a point of saying goodbye. Something about this whole situation was just off.

Eijirou quickly packed his things and got into his car. "Don't do anything stupid, Katsuki," he sighed, turning the key in the ignition.

It would only take Kirishima an hour to get home if he left from where he was now. The red head could only hope that was soon enough.


It was back, and worse than before. 'Sorry,' Katsuki's brain repeated continuously.

The soft fabric of Bakugou's worn orange hoodie was clenched within his own fist. The blond threw his head against the wall, clenching his teeth so tightly his jaw ached.

Ominous afternoon shadows scattered throughout his, otherwise unlit, room from the barely open blinds. Bakugou absently drew his legs towards his chest. Closing his eyes, and begging the tears not to fall. 'Weak,' his mind echoed, he just shook his head ever so slightly. This pain, he wanted it all to end.


Kirishima was a little more than two thirds of the way home. His mind racing with all the possibilities of his boyfriend's odd behavior, but one explanation stuck in his brain, and he'd give anything for it not to be the truth.

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