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Yn's POV

I was sitting in Molly's with a drink in my hand. I couldn't bare to stand looking at Voight or the rest of the team right now. My phone rang with a text, and with one look at my phone, I knew I had to leave. "Otis, put this on my tab. I have to go" I tell the bartender. I sprinted out of Molly's and climbed into my car, speeding down to the hospital. As soon as I got there, the doctors were rolling Al past on a gurney.

"Al" I say and grab his hand. "It's Yn. You have to be strong. Hang in there." "I've got this" Al said weakly. "The doctors are going to fix you up, and you're going to be okay" I say. "Just in case I don't make it, there is one thing I need you to do for me" Al said. "Anything Al" I say. "Marry Ruzek already" Al said. "What" I ask him. "Just marry him. I see the way you guys look at each other. You belong together" Al said as the doctors pushed him towards the OR.

Voight joined me minutes later, and although I had just been mad at him, I couldn't at the moment. We sat together in silence in front of the OR doors for what felt like forever. Finally one of Al's doctors emerged into the hallway. "Excuse me" Voight said and held up his badge. "I'm wondering how a patient is doing. Detective Olinsky." "I'm sorry" the doctor said. "He didn't make it." What the doctor said hit me like a truck. I couldn't believe he was actually gone.

Voight and I made our way to a small waiting room where the rest of the team and Platt were waiting. Voight shook his head at them, and Jay walked out of the room. I ran into Adam's arms, and he embraced me tightly. I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes or the sobs that escaped from my lips because Al was gone, and there was nothing I could've done to stop them.

Once Jay came back and everyone had settled down, Voight stood up to speak. I was sitting on Adam's lap with my face buried in his neck. I didn't want to look at Voight while he spoke, so I just listened. "Alright. I know we're all in pain. I get it. But the best way to honor Al is to find the son of a bitch responsible for this. So, for now, let's pull all our energy, all our passion our love for Al into finding the person who did this. I know that's what Al would want. I guarantee it. Then, when this is over, when we've got the prick, then we'll mourn Al. So take the time you need, but just know that right now we've got some business to do" Voight said.

The prison Al was staying at allowed us a room where we could do our work. We had computers set up and boxes full of all prisoners and guards records. "Alright, where are we at" Voight asked. "The jail is on lock down" I say. "Good. Keep me in the loop" Voight said. "Guards are going through cells, hallways, laundry rooms, looking for blood" Kim said. "Any eyewitnesses" Voight asked. "Not yet. We talked to inmates that were in proximity to the stabbing" Hailey said. "Well, inmates being blind, I get. What about guards" Voight asked. "No luck so far" Hailey replied.

"The weapon's at the lab. They're checking it for prints and DNA. It was a plastic comb before they turned it into a shank" Jay said. "Boss, I found a guard who actually saw the attack. His name is Dietz. He's waiting in the hallway" Adam said. "Yn, Hailey, track down every frame of surveillance video you can get your hands on" Voight said. "Got it" I say. "Copy" Hailey said.

After Voight talked to the guard, he entered our room. "Did we get that surveillance video yet" Voight asked. "Ruzek is pulling it up right now" Hailey said. "Alright, four cameras, all of cell block G. Here comes Al walking right there. Walks up to these two guys. They start jawing. Guard comes, breaks it up, two guys keep moving. Now it's a different angle, different camera. You're gonna see the guard still with him at this point. Now, the guard's gonna get a phone call right here and break away. Al keeps walking towards his cell. This is where it happens" Adam said and paused the video before we could get to the part where Al was stabbed.

Everyone was silent for a moment before Voight spoke. "Okay, run it" Voight said. Adam played the video and I was able to see another inmate appear from Al's cell and stab him more than a few times. "Freeze it and blow it up" Voight told Adam. Adam froze the camera and zoomed in on the inmates face. "We still can't see the bastard's face" I say. "Alright, so we got any other angles? Other cameras" Voight asked. "Pulling it up right now" Adam said. The other camera showed a security guard hiding behind a wall as Al was getting stabbed. "He's just standing there. He's a coward" Kim said. "The son of a bitch is in on it. Alright, his name is Dan Dietz. Run his financials. Antonio, come on. You and me" Voight said and left the room with Antonio.

Detective Ln; An Adam Ruzek Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now