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Tw:Sympathetic!remus & deciet, unsympathetic!light sides, Thomas hating on princey, questioning self-worth,suicidal thoughts.

He did it again...he fucked up again.

Now they all hated him,no change there but now Thomas- his own host- was shouting at him.

"W-what did I do?" He whispered as he refused to let tears fall.

Suddenly all the shouting was blocked out


It'd be better for everyone if you'd leave


'N-no he doesn't...h-he l-loves me...right?'


'Am I really...? D-does deceit think I'm useless too?' He thought as he fell to the floor and curled in on himself. He began whispering mutters.

"Useless,worthless, can't do anything right, why are you creativity?, you shouldn't exist..."

"I HATE YOU ROMAN!" All of the shouting stopped as Roman's head  whipped up to see Thomas covering his mouth "I-I didn't mean-" but it was too late roman knew ." It's fine thomas..."

Told you.

'I know just be quiet for a minute'

And once again the sides started yelling at him again. Criticising everything about him."YOU'RE SO STUPID ROMAN!" "CAN'T YOU THINK OF SOMETHING ORIGINAL!?" "DROP THIS RIDICULOUS FANTASY!!YOU'RENO PRINCE" The only thing that went on in his head as they spewed insults was 'I know' as he smiled through tears, curling up in a ball again.

All he felt where arms wrap around him and all the shouting silenced by a loud "HISSSS"  He looked up only to see his brother holding him growling at the others as Deceit stood infront of him.

Feeling safe Roman uncurled a little and hugged remus back as he sobbed. Deceit began arguing with thomas saying that "ROMAN DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS!" "HIS BROTHER IS BETTER THAN HIM AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!" Roman tensed and obviously remus noticed. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK NOW THOMAS SANDERS!" He screeched.

"R-remus?" Roman whispered everything silenced. "Yeah bro?" Remus replied softly rubbing comforting circles onto his back. " D-do..." Roman stopped himself, he didn't want to bother anyone..."Ro you can ask me anything, the two of us won't judge." He said softly as deceit sat sat on the opposite side to roman,running a hand through the prince's hair softly.

"D-do you think I'm u-useless?" He sobbed into remus's chest. The dark sides' eyes widen along with the others. Remus hugged his brother tightly holding him close.
"You're not useless roman, you never have been and never will be" remus told him." Roman you are one the most important sides here, without you and remus we wouldn't exist." Deceit told him.

"But I thought patton was the reason we exist?" Logic asked. "Are you really that smart? You are not imaginary and roman & remus controls creativity. Without them we would have human embodiments" deceit snapped. " Nerdy wolverine you are meant to be the smart one!" Remus mocked still holding roman close he then glared at thomas.

"You hating a side has a big impact on them,it breaks them causes them to question self-worth and why they exist. So next time I suggest you keep your mouth shut." He barked picking up Roman and standing along with deceit. "Expect some extremely detailed thoughts tonight Thomas. I'm running dreams tonight." (Not like that pervs) he and deceit then sank out with roman in his arms.

That night roman slept in his brother's room to afraid to return to the light sides. Remus made sure that he made thomas think about what would've happened to roman if he and deceit weren't going to help him.

Well that was absolute shit.

This is a shitty excuse for angst damn my writing sucks.

Welp bye

roman angst one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now