1. hazing

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Arthit tries to peek , as the third year seniors make their way inside the hazing hall and an ominous silent reverberates around the great hall .

Just few minutes back they were enjoying with the second years , they were dancing and asking them fun and tricky questions, they were also casually answering them.. then the second years suddenly stilled themselves and told them to keep their head down.. the third year Hazers are coming in..

Arthit , his curiosity always winning his brain, immediately tries to sneak peak rather than his mind's wholehearted wish of blatantly stare to  check all of them out. He tries as sneakily as possible, trying not to get caught, and ignoring his best friend's pinch on his waist to keep his head and curiosity down! .

Till now , He didn't like any of the second years look wise , none of the boys interesting enough to his taste .. he promptly looks down as he finds the eyes of the third year seniors and also second years,  scanning the juniors sitting head down..he doesn't want trouble , at least not on the first day of his engineering college.

" First years, my name is Kongpob Sutthilak ,  i will be your head hazer and will be taking care of you all from now on." A deep voice echos inside the hall.. sending shivers down his spine , he likes this type of voice .. ohh Lala Lala.. that is one his type of  voice , does it sound familiar? .. then why is his junior twitching  a little thinking how it will sound when his hands are feet are tied and he is blindfolded under that voice's command .. that is definitely a man to check out .. his ears become red with suppressed imperative need of a glance of the senior speaking in that deep baritone ..

Arthit again sneaks, he just has to.  ..but immediately catches a second year senior's eyes who glares him to look down.. fuck .. what is their problem, can't even get a one time look..

" whenever you need to speak to me .. you have to raise your hands up and say your student ID before speaking .. am I clear .." the deep voice booms again .

" wow .. that's one command tone again.. he will make a great dom." Arthit's brain goes to gutter again .. knot pinch's his waist, again,  and softly murmurs " focus idiot"

" 1000 signatures in one week .. your first task and I want you to be extra vigilant about it .. show us that you have got what it takes to be our juniors ."

Arthit can't wait anymore as he raises his hand .. knot fails this time to stop him and scowls miserably.. this horny idiot ..

" Arthit rojanapat , student ID , 00206 , may I get the permission to speak Khap." And then he stills seeing the man in front of him .. " someone pls dig a grave and bury me alive" he thinks ..

" hmm .. you .. you may speak .."

" hmm .. well .. ahm .. mhmm" Arthit doesn't know what to speak anymore ..his brain has short circuited nicely, the first years around him tries to stifle their smile .. most of them definitely thinks , over smart boy! Will get us all into trouble for sure!!

" student ID 00206 .. pls speak .. I don't have all day .. do you have a problem with the signature collection task.!"

" ohh yea .. yea.. that .. that ..can we get two weeks ." He tries to avoid those piercing onyx eyes ..dominant in Bed !! Of god, what was I thinking !! Why am I here again!! Ohh! obviously because of knot who dragged into this god forbidden mechanical engineering.. and is why my luck like this again!! Well obviously because its me!!

" have you tried even working things out .. I mean try collecting the signatures in one week before giving up!! 100o signatures in one week and sit down before I punish you ."

" but .. well not but .. I will sit down." And he meekly sits .. earning a glare from many around but also some admiring glances , which he never fails to notice ..
" hmm some people really did like me standing up to that man !" But Arthit can feel the stare of the head hazer piercing his bowed down head .. " what he wants now !.. no wonder I thought his voice was sexy and got me aroused ! Why the hell is he in engineering wasn't he supposed to do economics!!" Arthit mentally keeps on having a great conversation tuning out rest of the instructions boomed out by the head hazer ..

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