12. Phana!

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The freshman gathering have been cancelled for a week now , and with the freshy games going on in full swing, it is makeing everything far worse for our dear head hazer as he stands and watches phana becoming closer with Arthit and his gang.

The man is diligent and smart., He has started first with the friend card, easy banter, unofficial dates and Kong seethes when he watches as the girls in Arthit's gang swoon over the campus moon participant, and there's always couple jokes being cracked about Phana and Arthit.. making the later blush profusely.

The basket ball practice and later the matches, are the main torture to watch for now, as Phana takes every opportunity to flirt and praise Arthit. Kong has been noticing for a week how Phana drags his team mates which definitely includes Arthit for evening snacks and ride in his new expensive car, after they win the matches .

Tay has asked kong, multiple times, to drop his ego and make a move soon or things will be far gone but Kong, though turmoiled inside has just ignored his best friend's warnings. He always feel Arthit doesn't like Phana enough to date him seriously. Though he smiles and enjoys talking with him,Kong has felt the missing jubilance and comfort of the younger.

Infact , Arthit has glanced at Kong more than once with longing eyes which has boosted his dying ego that the junior will come to him accepting his conditons soon..

Tomorrow is the final match, and also the campus star and moon contest. The basketball team of their faculty has performed exceptionally well, and they will be facing the science faculty with the pro basketball player in the finals.. every match Kong has stood at the end of the gallery along with Tay and has always found the brown eyes meeting his, before and after the match,  and going down, when he gives his dazzling encouraging smile or a thumbs up like a good phi to his favourite nong. Atleast Tay is glad that kong has stopped avoiding Arthit like a highly infectious disease carrying specimen and is trying to warm up to him, though in his mind he remains as stubborn as before.. Ice is melting in the glacier but the river is in denial!

Tay has smacked Kong's head, in numerous occasions,  and told him not to be so full of himself but all these small incidents has cemented Kong's belief, that how much ever Phana tries he still holds the winning card over his once sub !

.. but todays practice feels different somehow. Arthit hasn't looked at him even once, but has been talking to his teammates and  coach nonstop about strategic planning about tomorrow's big game. They play for sometime more with Arthit practicing his three point shoot out for sometime, alone.

Tay grabs Kong's hand and approaches Arthit, he has had enough of his best friend's attitude , Kong is spoiling everything more..but before they reach the junior, Phana comes in the picture, emerging from the locker room..

" Arthit, I want to ask you something."

Kong stills with Tay holding his arms too tightly.

They both haven't seen the seniors as Phana stands facing his back to them, Phana's tall frame blocking Arthit's view of Kong and Tay just behind them.

" What Phana, why are you looking like you ate the most bitter lime."

" Ahm. Tomorrow will you come for the campus moon contest to encourage me?"

" Obviously what's there to ask? " Arthrit voice sounds surprised.

" No I mean will you go out with me for dinner after the contest?"

" Are you asking me out Phana?" Arthit feels bad for the tall man, he looks so tensed.

"Hmm.. yes I am..but I have understood your hints that you may not be ready right now to date seriously , so we can try just friendly dating and take things forward from there, if we both feel like ..Arthit, I truly...lo...hmm.. l like you."

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