7. so you do date?

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Knock knock..

Kong gets up, and realises he was sleeping spooning Arthit, making him the side pillow instead, they have switched position conveniently while in deep sleep. Arthit's temperature seems back to normal and he is still in dreamland.. Kong gets up hurriedly, he doesn't want the persistent knocking to wake up the recovering younger..

And no surprise there.,voila

...it's Knot..

" khun Kongpob!! Knot's eyes looks like they will fall out from his face..

" hmm what do you want.. he is sleeping.."

" What are you ..how are you..why are you...?" Knot doesn't know how to finish his sentences or how to react to this situation, his head hazer in his best friends room, on a Saturday morning..what should be the ideal reaction at this situation other than fumbling and faltering in his speech!

" He was buying pink milk and cognee, fell ill and was puking , so I brought him back, gave him medicine and he is sleeping feeling better for now." Kong spoke mechanically, not liking the junior's invasive presence ..

" Thank you khun phi, he must have been lot of bother to you..I will take care of him ..I will just get food and come. He will be hungry when he gets up."

" I will order lunch for both of us when he gets up..you can take your leave" and he slams the door upon a stunned Knot's face, who is left standing with his mouth agape shell shocked at the door, as Kong goes back nonchalantly to check on the sleeping man. He notices the time it's almost 11 . They were sleeping for more than three hours, it felt like minutes before the door was knocked, the power of deep slumber..

Kong deducts they both can have an early lunch, he places a hand on Arthit's forehead , no fever but his forehead is all sweaty and clammy.

He decides he will give another sponge bath to the younger, after the food arrives, before eating, let him rest for now. He orders some bland meal from a well known restaurant and turns around to see the younger already waking up..

" Hey" Kong softly calls when Arthit opens his eyes.. Arthit tries to get up, the moment the elder's presence and what has transpired since morning between them dawns on him. , but he is too weak and his head ache is not fully gone so he falls back on the pillow like a sack of potatoes as he tries to get up fast from supine to sitting..

" hey what are trying to do, you could have fallen back on the head board of the bed and would have got seriously hurt, you are so immature ." Kong scolds .. the younger seethes at hearing the word 'immature' . But he decides he will not retort and delve into a coughing bout again. His throat feels itchy and he hates getting scolded unnecessarily from anyone .

" I have ordered some nice chicken soup for both of us, and some other food. You want me to give you another sponge bath? You are all sweaty." Kong eyes dance with mirth as he senses the rising panic of the younger who almost shouts but controls at the last moment to politely answer..

" no .khun... I will take bath by Myself, I am feeling better." He gets up this time slowly, taking care not to do any sudden movement, and kong keeps his distance sensing his discomfort by his mere presence. He feels a unknown sadness by the younger's aloofness towards him ..

" I will not eat you up. Let me help you get the clothes and arrange the hot water bath ."

The words said casually by Kong stills both of them in their path.. bringing back hordes of memories.. as the brown eyes lock with the black..


Kong's length aligns at the entrance of the puckered and prepared hole.. as his lips devour Arthit to take away the pain of the first time .. he inches inside and he can feel the younger trying to say sunset, sunset again, like when his finger has intruded him for the first time

the junior's Moon (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now