19. love ..

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" what are you both doing here?" Arthit voices out Kong's mental thoughts, but Phana and Eva just keep staring at their entwined fingers..what is this now? Haven't he made it clear that day at restaurant that he and phi Kong are dating! Why are his two friends  looking so surprised?

"Stop staring like it haven't registered in your mind that we both are dating!." Arthit is not a person to chew his words especially when he has just come back from kongs house which was far from any experience of a pleasant visit and he really wanted a together time to rub off the bitter taste of the evening..not to mention he is hungry and also craving for the last pink milk bottle in his fridge..

Kong rubs a soothing hand over Arthit'a knuckles trying to calm his irked boyfriend who he guesses was in full mood for a smouldering make out session too before study time! And now because of these two..it's down the drain..

" we are here for madam prithaani's project, it's supposed to be group work, we wanted a little help from you Arthit. Phana here got totally confused about the middle part of the equation and we couldn't proceed further. And I did message you that we are coming to your dorm, we were just about to leave since you didn't answer our incessant knocking ."

" It's only in your dorm  room Arthit, Eva will also be allowed , my dorm doesn't allow girls as you know, so I suggested coming here, but I think we are disturbing your Private time .." Phana stares pointedly at the clasped hands.

Arthit sighs as he looks at Kongpob, but before he can apologise his phi kong speaks in a sweet tone

" go ahead Arthit , do your group study, tomorrow I have Hazers meeting so I will not be able to join you for breakfast or lunch dear, your breakfast will be there with shop aunty, your favourites will all be preordered , but don't be late again, I will give you a wake up call as usual." He kisses Arthit's temple , in front of his friends, one of them smiling and blushing seeing the pda, another one with a deep scowl of disapproval written clear on his face ..

Kong leaves, and Arthit invites eva and  phana inside, for the next half an hour there is only sound of pages turning and discussing equations and explanations, Eva finishes first, she looks at both phana and Arthit.

Arthit is trying to explain an equation but it seems phana is not able to grasp, Eva doesn't buy Phana's lame acting  but her dorm will close soon, thankfully it's just five minutes walk but she has to take her leave . Phana will be alone with Arthit, and eva guesses that was Phana's plan all along. She curses inwardly but she really needed Arthit's help with this, he is the brightest among them .. she bids goodbye to both, but doesn't forget to give a warning glare and an apologetic nod to Arthit, who just softly smiles at her ..

  but the moment the door closes behind him.. Arthit drops the facade of pleasantries

" so tell me why are you truly here ? You have seen me with phi Kongpob, I already told you I can only see you as a good friend and my right hand man in basket ball team. What other things need to be clarified that will make you stop pursuing me once and for all! ."

" He is not right for you.. Arthit he is not a good person, he has broken many hearts and I don't know you are aware or not but his reputation about practicing some not so usual sexual acts with his exes are quite a well known fact among the elite circle. He doesn't do regular dates and commitments. I am repeating He is extremely wrong for you."

Arthit rolls his eyes, another snooping idiot!

" And who is right for me ? You?"

" Arthit I truly like you, I am the good guy here, we both are same age and I am from a good lineage too .. I know you are Rojanapat heir and our heirchies match.. I have done my background search on you. I am an one man guy, give me a chance , your relationship is still new and if you break up now I doubt he will even miss you..I am sure.."

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