6. ill fated

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Kong pats the back of the younger, as Arthit keeps on emptying his stomach..only fluids come out...but Kong starts to feel nausea himself .

This always happens to him if someone pukes in front of him but he tries to control the urge to turn around and puke himself or run off from the scene..he knows he just can't..though his whole being is telling him to remove himself from the scene, he continues patting the younger's back until he stops dry heaving after all his stomach contents are puked out .

" Come on get up..let's get you to your room and take your medicines. Where's Knot' s room I will call him"

Arthit tries to get up with the help of the elder but miserably fails.. his legs feels like jelly..and he starts to shiver violently and sits down again feeling extremely guilty because he can sense the raw discomfort of Kong being stuck in this situation , tears almost prick Arthit's eyes feeling Kong's disdain for him but he tries to keep control of his haywire emotions, he just keeps on looking down trying to avert the disgusted eyes of the elder..

But Kong goes into full panic mode switching from disgust rapidly which he was  feeling seeing the puke and not for the younger ... he sees the younger's teeth chattering like crazy ..his eyes looks blood red and when he touches the naked skin of the pale arms he can understand the younger is having extremely high fever...

Kong's all plans of depositing Arthit to knot and escaping from the scene as soon as possible, since he hates taking care or nursing some one and all that hanky panky stuffs which comes along with the package like cleaning puke, giving medicines etc.. but every aversion flies out of the window when he sees the younger's tear glazed eyes,  feels his hot skin, his chattering and shivering making Kong go weak in his knees .. he just wants to make the younger feel better as soon as possible..what is happening to him!! But he has no time to ponder over his own unknown emotions, the younger needs his care and being there for him stands more tall than anything else at this very moment .

He picks Arthit up bridal style , the younger doesn't even squeak a word of protest, instead curls himself into almost a ball, almost trying to merge himself into warmth of the tanned chest, seeking releif from the shivering cold through the body heat of the elder..and Kong holds him as close as possible as he steps into the elevator.

" Which floor Arth?"

" Third, room no 8.. knot is in room 2, second floor.." he hoersly replies, somehow audible..

Kong doesn't say anything he just wants to reach the room and give him his medicine and maybe a sponge bath, his nanny used to give him warm water sponging, on the rare occasions he used to fall ill.. and that definitely used to make him feel better. So he decides that's his course of action for now..reach room-medicine-sponge bath-no calling knot...

No way he is allowing knot to give Arthit any sponge bath!

He reaches the room and some how maneuvers the key of the room out of the younger's back pocket and also not letting him out of his arms.. he is shivering, he can feel his body heat increasing and Kong can also make out easily how weak he is feeling just the way he clings to Kong, his arms around his neck..

Kong puts him down gently on the bed and start running warm water for sponging.. it's only 730, Arthit's friends are definitely not up.. while the water is getting filled in the tub he finds the fever medication and tries to make the younger take it..the first obstacle of  the day begins..Arthit has slept off and doesn't budge..

" Arth take med ..open your mouth..say aa.." he just try to follow his Nanny's actions..

No budging, fever rising and Arthit dead to the world..

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