17. scorned!

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Kongpob keeps on washing his face.. yet it feels hot and flustered after the whole dinner fiasco at Arthit's house..he can't believe what happened tonight .he can feel the tears pricking at the corner of his eyes . He never could think his family history will come and bite on his ass, so hard.! Will the younger even think of dating him again?? 

Kong sighs, he has all but somehow passed the time tonight at the Rojanapat house. The night itself had started on a wrong footing with Kong assuming dressing in an expensive suit with his new Tag huer watch and arriving at the mansion in his latest model car is the first step to impress Arthit's parents. He could not have been more wrong! He completely had forgotten the fact that Tana and Arthit stayed at a hostel at Switzerland rather than any five star hotel..  he now  knows their decision was governed by Arthit's step mom.

Kong, first was faced with a rude shock when he arrived at the address given by Arthit, the house was a simple two storey middle class Thai house in a simple neighborhood, with no show of pompousness..

Arthit's mom had come out with Tana in the humble driveway and Kong could see from inside his car, how her face darkened seeing the new model two seater Mercedes-Benz.  Kong had got out and her scowl had increased seeing his show of riches from head to toe.. Arthit had broken the awkward silence as Kong had become speechless seeing the open hostility in Arthit's step mom's eyes..

" Hello phi Kong , let me introduce you , this is my Mae and this is my cousin Tana. Dad has gone out for some company meeting and will be joining us for dinner directly. Pls Come in phi.."

Tana had extended his hand with a knowing smirk but his eyes clearly spoke he was not finding it pleasant to meet Kong either ..

" So Kongpob Sutthilak not Earth right?, Arthit's mom will not be thrilled to know your hidden lifestyle choices.." he whispers for his ears only , as they make their way inside the house with Arthit's mom holding Arthit's hand frimly and  literally dragging him away in the front, not even bothering giving a courtesy glance to Kong.

Kong couldn't help but be feel guilty and ashamed under Tana's judging stare, and his heart had started hammering oddly, already apprehensive of the night. ..

He had felt relief inside the house but that was also short lived . The house inside were beautifully and tastefully decorated and Kong has felt instant homeliness and warmth rather than the cold arrogance of his own large mansion, triple its size.

" Let's have dinner first, I like to have early dinner and even Tana and Arthit too. His father is anyways running late. You will not mind right to have dinner at 8?" Arthit's mom had spoken  after  they entered and  sat for sometime in the quaint drawing room and they made small polite talks..

Kong tried to warm up to her but failed Everytime .he tried again at dinner time complimenting the soup and delicious snacks with a bright smile, but her next question made it clear, while having their respective soups,  nothing can be done ..she had already made up her mind about him ..

" So you are going to take over your father's business, do you like business yourself or you are just fulfilling their wishes like a obedient boy, which I am sure you are."..

Kong had tried to smile at her while answering, the dormant distest in the sentence not escaping him

" It's my father's and uncle's wish."

" So you are dating my son as they have wished too, and if they wish for a better pasture you will leave him I guess without batting an eyelash."

" Mae! Phi Kong is not like that." Arthit spoke up quite loudly, Kong have seen him countless of times trying to smile  at him apologetically.

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