15. boyfriends?

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Morning , ssu engineering campus. The first years have early class and all are in a extreme hurry to reach the third floor lecture hall, teacher prithaani is coming and she is a strict one. Out of the hoards of student hurriedly making their way to the top floor class room, jostling their way through second years on the stairs, hurrying to go their own class on the same floor.. two men from first year, fall back talking to each other..both not bothering much about the hustle bustle going around them.

Eva looks back, knot pushes her forward..

" Hurry don't stop..we only have three minutes, that pink milk monster got all of us quite late ."

"But look at that pink milk monster unperturbed at the back, Is Phana and Arthit dating?"

" Seriously, even now you want to gossip, when we have three minutes before the door of the class will shut on our faces."

" Just look at them , they are not even trying to catch up to us, not even bothered that seniors are also giving them stares ."

" Eva ..leave them ..if they are dating we will come to know sooner or later."

" Did you see the hickey or not on Arthit's neck?"

They start pacing again, forced by the students from back shouting hurry up..Eva turns back again to see Arthit and Phana have started running too, trying to pace upto rest of their classmates, many of them are also late . Eva gets a glare from Knot and she shuts up for now,..the last information she knew before their  holiday after freshy games, that Phana was declined by Arthit..then where did the hickey come from ?

Though Phana has become quite close to their whole group, Eva expected some awkwardness due to the rumoured failed confession but in the morning Arthit though came super late yet his breakfast was already bought and ordered. Even his pink milk was pre-ordered, yet the late baby of the group complained about more ice and got more late ..

The burning question! Who pre-ordered for him? Did Phana do it. He arrived before all of them and was waiting in the canteen at their usual table for breakfast..

Hmm..They were definitely pleasantly speaking to each other , interesting..Eva's detective brain has started working overtime, the hickey by sheer luck which she saw when Arthit bended down to retrieve the fallen money changes with his two shirt buttons in his hurry undone,..Eva's eyes had gone bigger like saucer but she didn't get any time to probe him further .. they were by that time  super late for class .. 

They reached their assigned seats in their class just in time, as the professor walked in and everything settled down..for now ..

Meanwhile in a hazing room, two third years were busy throwing daggers by their eyes to each other.

" Jose told that you ran behind your date for the evening..?"

" Don't talk about that idiot cousin of yours..just let him count his lucky stars that I didn't punch him. Overacting is his middle name"

" So you really ran behind your blind date and Arthit is past now? What the..."

" Hey hey idiot my blind date was Arthit..!"

" What the...."

" You are repeating like a parrot my dear friend .. And also gulping like a fish.. speechless huh!! I was too, and guess my situation when all the disaster i had planned for that night kept on happening to the man I was thinking of pleading for mercy.
Cherry on top..your awesome cousin Jose arrives on the scene declaring loudly how he used to love being my sub."

Tay burst out laughing but seeing Kong's deathly expression, composed himself immediately..

" did you clear the misunderstandings or not? Is everything solved ?"

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