11. ice moon

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" stop murdering the pork omlette Kong." Tay admonishes him for the upteenth time,

" I am not murdering anything." Kong retorts back the same answer as five minutes before, though the pork omlette does look like it has committed a grave crime against the said human.

" why don't you just try Arthit's type of relationship and dating?"

" No way I don't do dates and I don't do regular relationships they do nothing for my libido. The Dom Sub is the only way that makes me feel in control of my life Tay."

" Kong but your dad will not get deterred by any of these, just getting the control back in bedroom doesn't give you control back in other aspects of your life."

" Tay .. it's not about my dad, I have told your hundreds of times. Just stop spouting nonsense again. I have no appetite , I am leaving." And Kong storms off from their luncheon together at their favourite cafe, on a pleasant Sunday afternoon.

Tay sighs, Kong's mood is sour will be an understatement. This horror of temper tantrum is going on since the night Arthit decided to formulate his own rules and conditions if Kong wants to be with him again . They were simple conditions like he will be allowed to make new friends, he can talk to kong whenever he feels like and will make eye contact while speaking, and once a week they will have to go for normal dates , and whatever kinky stuff Kong wants to do, will be only during weekends, or the days there will be off days afterwards. Tay finds them all logical but Kong has stormed off leaving Arthit and breaking things off before even beginning again. Tay knows it's all due to his ego and twisted thick brainless brain.

He can never abide by his sub's rules, that will be , every way against his self proclaimed principles and egocentricity.

Kong had confessed to Tay that he can give Arthit his ways only through his rules and conditions , whatever that shit means. Tay had tried, in vain, to make Kong understand that it's ok to loose control to someone you have fallen hard for. But Kong's own limitation which stems from his elite background and his dad controlling and abusing that control over Kong, since his childhood.

Kong's father is a high up officer of military, his uncle one of the richest businessman, unmarried and childless. His father also looks after their family business with his uncle sometimes. But as a son, his father finds him a disappointment since he suffered a spine injury during his elementary, falling down from the stairs which can never make him eligible for military nor Kong has the keen or aptitude for it. So he made him choose engineering to train him to join their engineering farm dealing with the biggest projects. He had to let go of his economics dream.

But what really had happened with all this control and with Kong's mom's death when Kong was 15,who brought the only sense of sanity for Kong at home, he turned to BDSM for sexual satisfaction. It stemmed from all the frustration of loosing control in reality over everything and every decisions of his life. He completely abhors normal dating since that means he has to abide by his partner's wishes sometimes too. He loves to be Dom and Dom only, bending to his sub's whim is a complete nozone for him..Tay failed to make him understand Arthit is not his usual Sub!

Tay sighs again. He tried , he had felt Kong is different with Arthit, and after the Switzerland fiasco he had again tried when fate permitted to get his best friend a real taste of relationship but it seems his best friend is far gone to be brought back. Kong is avoiding Arthit like a plague, even for freshy games he is speaking to all juniors pleasantly and encouraging them while for Arthit is stern eye contact and his famous ice moon cold shoulder. It has not missed Tay's eyes the hurt in those innocent eyes at Kong's attitude. It has caught his eyes too, how Arthit's friends are angry and upset, and whispering against Kong to each other.

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