5. dom sub

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🔞🔞💥💥💥💥💥🔞 (Ok not so much)

The door bangs shut as two bodies tumble together on bed.. their lips not leaving each other's warmth, the kisses are sloppy, devouring  and rough ..both kissing ardently not even ready to take the required oxygen..

Kong breaks the kiss when he feels arthit gasping but again smashes their mouth as he moves towards his small suitcase..to get the things needed for the night to start..

" Arth..strip." he commands,suddenly stopping the kiss..

" Huh." Arthit stares, not at all liking the loss of the other's lips ..but definitely liking  the tone of voice..

" Wow..will we play Dom sub!?" His brown doe eyes go wider..

Kong smashes their lips again forgetting all his earlier command of strip, the cute face asking innocently like he is about to play the most interesting game is making Kong's own self control, and wish of commanding  toss and turned..

He starts stripping the younger..

"How far have you gone before.." he asks to lips touching his lips..not letting go of the feel of the soft pink kissed ones..

" Third base I guess.. jerking each other off" Arthit nimbles on the addictive plump ones as he answers..

Kong puts Arthit's hands together, takes out the tie from his suitcase and starts binding them..

" Enjoy the final base then with me..but if you are not ready then we can.. ." This time Arthit stops his sentance with his own ardent kisses ..

And Kong starts where he stopped .. binding the younger's hand and then tying it to the headboard skilfully with another silk tie..

 binding the younger's hand and then tying it to the headboard skilfully with another silk tie

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" Safe word is sunset..ok baby..just say that and I will stop and call me Master from now on." Arthit can feel his boxers already damp in anticipation..as Kong starts taking his sheer gray shirt off .. his pants follow next along with the boxers as his erected pink veiny length springs free, Kong spreads his leg and ties them one to each side of the bedposts..

He loves this Victorian bed this hotel has provided, the moment he has entered this room this was his burning fantasy and he has to agree Everytime he has pictured it in his head , it has always been the younger  spread eagled exactly like this ..

his own pants feel tight. and he starts stripping off under the open ogling eyes of the younger his pink length dripping precum... Kong takes the pink penis between two fingers and gives a squeeze, a drop of precum leaks out, earning a sweet moan from him.. he doesn't ever like his sub's making sound during sex but he wants to hear Arthit's moans ..his dick gets more harder as he moans gets louder , as Kong starts playing with the slit, he can't resist much longer and his is mouth possess the veiny length ..

the drop of precum gives off the younger's unique bitter salty taste Kong decides it is addictive and sweet,  as he twirls and sucks the length now,  moving the tongue around and over it, pressing it inside his cheek muscles, nibbling on the length in between

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