14. non date ,date

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Kong has discussed at length with Tay, the arrangements for the date for tonight. The result of the discussion is completely to his satisfaction, his best friend's mind is as twisted as him, that's why they click, obviously..

Kong starts his preparations with vigorous enthusiasm, the mission, To make tonight's date as the worst date of the century. Tay, after finishing his tips has left the phone to get ready for his real precious second date with New, hopping in the hopes that he will score more than french kisses this time where as Kong prepares for the various possible things that can go wrong in a one particular date.. poor his blind date .

Kong  even arrives at the restaurant half an hour before, and bribes the waiters to do his bidding assuring them the restaurant name will not get tarnished.. anyways,  nobody messes with Sutthilak heir's wishes.. after the underhanded arrangements with the waiters, he awaits at a different table for his date to arrive, and the horror show to start..

From the position he is sitting, kong will be able to get a clear view of the first obstacle, his poor unsuspecting date will have to endure.. he wants horrible reviews to reach his father's and uncles ears, to hell with their business deals!! He has decided, that later, he will personally apologise to the poor soul but right now it will be a hell ride for him ..with everything possible, going wrong and Kong's own devilish charming self enjoying every minute with fake pity and  below the belt, surprises..

As a message pings on his mobile from Tay, he gets distracted for mere two minutes and his date arrives to sit on the assigned empty best table of the hotel, booked by his dear uncle.

Though as his date is about to sit the waiter pulls the chair a little more back, according to Kong's earlier instruction, and the first evil plan becomes successful, as Kong looks up surprised to see a beautiful man fallen hard on his ass, rubbing his glorious behind pitifully, as all eyes of the restaurant has turned towards the fallen soul.. pitifully and some in mirth..

..and next moment Kong realises all blood has drained from his own face..as he rushes to his date of the night , before the second evil plan can get carried away, but his luck is definitely not on his side, as that exact moment when the first waiter who pulled the chair decided to help the man, the second bribed waiter tripped with a plate of spaghetti, while going to another table, and it's full contents very conveniently drops on the light pink shirt and pretty head .

This is the very cue of Kong's arrival at the scene with a fake apologetic expression, and helping the poor date to clean up like a gentleman. But fate laughs as she douses water on all his evil plans,  instead enjoying he finds himself trembling in fear and facing the young man, who looks as surprised as him but also fuming , discovering kong as his blind date .

Kong definitely could have just fled from the scene, but he is not a coward, well, scratch that sentence, the truth is Arthit has already spotted him when he fell unceremoniously on the restaurant floor. There's no escape but to face his doom ..

" so are you the blind date for me this evening." Arthit enquires as kong hurriedly tries in vain to get the spaghettis and meatballs off him, the younger stops Kong's fumbling fingers ..

" wait here, I am coming from washroom, I think we need to speak." If glares could start fire kong would have been a live barbecue right now ..he can just nod his head like a puppet as Arthit leaves to the washroom. Kong hurriedly tries to talk to waiters regarding all the other evil action plans being suspended for the night .. but the waiters are all busy serving other tables , and one even gives him a thumbs up sign , where as our Kong here, desperately wants to shout ' Mission Abort, May Day, May Day"

As Arthit arrives back at the table with a thunderous expression on his face and sits down , he doesn't speak a word but his eyes command kong to take his seat which the elder follows meekly. Dom? Who Dom?

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