13. Papa suthilack

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After the night fiasco, Kongpob for the first time got horribly drunk, Tay had fortunately followed him outside the auditorium after ten minutes to visualise the result of Kong's confession only to find his best friend tear glazed and almost running away from the place . He had caught him but one look at kong had confirmed to Tay the result of his best friends super late love confession mission. He has not sprinkled salt on his raw bleeding heart's wounds and had just taken him to a nearby bar and let him drink to his hearts content, old cliche movie style .

So, morning, with splitting headache kong finds himself sprawled on Tay's couch  rather than his own dorm room bed.

" rise and shine mr dumb head hazer, no college for you  today but I will wish that you utilise this day to think about your future game plan,  to win our nong Arthit back.. obviously, only after this strong cup of coffee and my famous bacon toast."

"Tay, he was in Phana's embrace and phana was about to kiss him."

" he was hugging phana and about to kiss him on the lips!" Tay exclaims , his best friend has no chance then!!

" no no, phana had pulled him into embrace and I saw Arthit was crying and well phana was about to kiss him on the forehead." Kong closes his eyes in pain, remembering the scene..!

" and so what are you going to do.." and Kong's mobile rings on cue..

dad calling ..

" yes dad, ...no Dad .. I am at Tay's . ...Ok will come soon." And he leaves the phone with a more dejected expression, if possible,

" uncle has come and dad wants me to be at home immediately."

" yes yes go, you can't argue with uncle or your dad, but think about what to do with Arthit too, if I am in your shoes I would have again pursued him to confirm whether I have really lost my chance or not , or atleast would have tried one more time sincerely, since I am the one who behaved like a complete douche bag and lost everything."

Kong looks with doubt at his friend's suggestion, can he match upto Phana in dedication and romanticism? will Arthit give him a chance again after all that has transpired? But he has no time to broode, and he takes a quick shower and downs fresh clothes borrowed from Tay and takes his best friend's bike to be at his home in record time! God knows what his dad and uncle are upto now!

Jane, their old housekeeper opens the door with a smile and leads him into the huge white lounge room where the two old men are busy in discussing something but stops seeing Kong enter..

" Come take a seat don't stand there like a fool" papa Suthilack the ever loving father greets him by his usual tone..

" Come on dear brother, don't be so harsh on the boy, come seat Kongpob, we have decided on something for you and your nonexistent dating life."

Kongpob sits down opposite both the old men in the big white couch, his uncle's soft tone bothering him more than his father's normal harsh words

"We have tried to set you up on dates in the past with various beautiful girls but always have found you royally spoiling those beyond repair , so we jointly came up with this decision. Blind date with a man ."

"Ok, before you react there is a little back story" his uncle continues seeing kong getting startled with his declaration

"one of my dearest friend's son has come back to study here. I don't know why but she saw you at the last party and liked your manners and decorum! Pfff!! . She is a supremely important partner for a new business project in fashion world we are planning on embarking. You can meet her son, once for a dinner date tonight and see where it goes from there. I don't want , because of you our family name getting tarnished, that's the least you can do to keep up the Sutthilak legacy! Be gay but be gay for someone worthy in our circle ok?"

His uncle stops, Kongpob's anger reaches a new level but he reigns it all in..before speaking, but this time for the first time he looks back eye to eye with his dad, Arthit's face with Phana swimming in front of his eyes, no he is not letting go of his first love and following his uncle and father's order so easily this time..

" I am planning to ask someone out on date, I have realised I really like or may be even love that person. I am not dating any stranger anymore just because you both want me to"

" Kong..! Mind your tone." His father starts but his uncle stops him, seeing Kong seething in anger for the first time.

" Krekhai, let me speak. Kong ..our family has a different position in the society." He starts but seeing Kong about to get up and leave without listening to his words he looses his temper, and pulls the boy by his arms harshly and literally throws him on the couch again, unceremoniously,..this time his real tone comes out..

" Listen boy and listen well.. we are not against you dating boys, but this date is non-negotiable. it's not like you have to get married to this person. You can marry that love of your life and all that bullshit crap when time comes,. But you are doing this date, if you like it or not! Tonight dinner. We have already given our word."

" I can be with the love of my life when time comes ?" Kong arm is aching , his uncle is one strong man.. it must have bruised the way it was yanked and pulled harshly!. But his uncle's one sentence stands out in all this regular manhandling he suffers at the hand of this two ! He knows his uncle is a man of his words., did he really mean it when he stated that kong has a say in choosing his life partner at the end?

" Kong I know how you view both of us as the villain in your life story, but we just want the best for you. You are my son too, my only heir .. I have never seen you any differently. Yes, if our plans of setting you up fails, you can marry whoever pauper you have decided for yourself, as pathetic as he or she gets. I will not mind and I will make sure krekhai can't do anything about it too. But for now you have to try dating our selected elite ones too. It's a good deal.. both parties getting satisfied.. what do you say?"

Kong looks at his dad's scowling expression but also sees the positive nod at his brother's spoken words.., he feels the guilt and again helplessness washing him away as he also nods his head in a yes to both men. He has no choice, as Kong quite well understands if he ever wants a true future with Arthit, he has to abide by this two men for now .

Arthit.. what can he do to redeem the situation and how the hell will he get in the mental  frame to go in this setup farce date, by his uncle and dad, with his mind and heart both aching so badly for his nong.

Jane comes in with refreshments , the moment he can only hear the sounds of two men again back to discussing business, totally ignoring Kong. Jane feels bad for the young master in this household, after the death of his mother he is ruled by two Hitlers , but what can he do other than soothing Kong with his favourite iced coffee and snacks .

Kong helps himself to the food brought by the kind housekeeper. He is feeling hungry and the headache is not at all helping his jumbled thoughts . He takes his leave when he feels full, two old men dismissing him nonchalantly, not even sparing him a parting glance .

Hmpff , love and care .. these words are never to be shown , they are signs of weakness for Sutthilak men, and Kong can feel clearly where that stupid emotionless behaviour impregnated within him by both the men in his life, has landed him. His love danced, jiggled his fine ass in front of him and he has just like a certified moron handed him on a plate to another man!! Stupid, stupid kong and now he has to even go on a more idiotic, irritating blind date rather than his plan of stationing himself in front of Arthit' s dorm, pleading for forgiveness .

He can noway go and face Arthit today when he has a date with another man in the evening. He will feel like a cheater on top of feeling a total jerk.

Arthit deserves a clean slate and tomorrow, he decides, after clearing this dating hurdle he will pursue him relentlessly . Screw Phana , he is Sutthilak after all,  he will never give up!

But tonight he has a date to spoil gruesomely and a dad and an uncle to irritate in such a way that they never dare to play with his life decisions, ever again..Kong has had enough..now it's time to revolt, revenge and gain control back where they really count..


A/n::: fun will begin again..

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