2. pink milk monster

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Kongpob mental dilemma doesn't end that day nor by late night till wee hours of the morning, as he keeps on tossing and turning trying to tune off not so innocent images invading his mind about a certain someone..

.. next morning as expected,  he finds himself, for the very first time in his three years of engineering, he is extremely late for hazers meeting and for his first class..

As he is seen running through the corridor in mere fifteen minutes after getting up.. First time, his hair is disheveled,his red workshop shirt not perfectly ironed..the black t shirt is getting sweat drenched and he keeps on running, shouting excuse me, excuse me to everyone possible, well he is a gentleman
.. he continuously tries to snake his way through the horde of seniors and juniors ,all on their way to the early morning first class... the seniors who encounter their distraught junior like this, looks on amazed as juniors try not to ogle at the disheveled but unknown to kong, smexy looking senior.. the unkempt hair and t shirt hugging to his body ..just adding to the oomf factor..

And sure enough what he feared .." crash..."

" My pink milk.." someone shouts pitifully..

Kong gets up and his nightmare is right in front of his eyes..now on his bum and his pink milk completely spilled on the floor.. thankfully not splattered on his white shirt.. but the junior is not thankful for that fact at all..if glare could have killed, Kong would have been six feet under by this time..

" You made me drop my pink milk!"

" Yes .and sorry ...and get up first.. you are creating a scene and I am very late.." 

" Only sorry..you dropped my pink milk..it's all gone" his tone is becoming menancing whisper , no one drops his pink milk and gets away..nonone

" Yes..I can see that clearly..I will buy you one in the afternoon for lunch, ok baby.." and tranced in a long lost memory reflex Kongpob does the unimaginable, he pecks the chubby angry red cheeks , still sitting on his ass on the floor of the busy corridor..and waves a bye and almost flies off to his class..not even understanding the enormity of the situation he just created in his super hurry state..

" Did the head hazer just kissed your cheek.." Eva is the one who exclaims first..she is an ardent boy boy lovestory fan..a die hard fujoshi and this!! This is boy love story gold ..she has got the gleam of winning a million dollar lottery..

" Yes that idiot sure Did..now get me up Eva.." nam, bright Prem and Knot are surprised and shocked into living statues..bright pinches Prem hard..

" Oouch, what was that for?"

" Did you see what I see."

" Bright..I think the whole corridor saw..Arthit what the hell just happened." Prem even forgets to pinch back bright or to smack him..

" How the fuck should I supposed to know that..he pushed me , he made me drop my precious pink milk..he is the one who did everything..ask that stupid senior,." He huffs and puffs as he gets up with Eva's help, still taking pitiful glances at his dropped liquid gold, his offhand loud declaration making the juniors and seniors again resume their fast walk to the class, shaking their head at the oblivious junior and for some their own classmate.

. Just for two minutes,it seems , the time at the corridor definitely did stop..making them statue to an unfolding gossip bush fire..

Eva, nam, prem , bright and knot exchange looks but seeing Arthit still grumbling about his pink milk rather than the unexpected kiss, and spiralling into quite a dark mood decide to keep their mouth shut for now..

" idiot .. spoiling my morning pink milk..nonsense.." he keeps on muttering even during class.

" What about the kiss Arthit.." when even after their first class his muttering is related to his dear pink milk loss..Eva cannot help herself but ask the buring question reverberating silently through the whole class.

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