18. Fiesty!

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Kong looks at Arthit as he sleeps snuggled to his chest, his one leg above his waist and face tucked within his chest, right over his beating heart .. he gently removes the brown bangs of hair adorning the peaceful sleeping face ..who can believe that this is the same person who begged to be spanked and wanted it hard and rough almost whole night until he passed away in sheer exhaustion!..

Kongpob smiles, his sun is an enigma but he knows why the younger became so wild in bed yesterday, he sensed Kong's dilemma, his need for dominance and he gave himself up to him.. he trusted kong with his most vulnerable self under bondage, under spanking, subjected himself to Kong's kinky rough sex.. though kong made it doubly sure Arthit is enjoying and aroused every moment of it but he can't help but think how did he get so lucky with such an understanding boyfriend ?

Today more than any other days he regrets loosing two years with this amazing man due to his own insecurities and phobia for commitment! Is he sounding cheesy? Well he is whipped and thoroughly in love .. can't blame him.. how can he not be ? Just look at this angelic face, the alluring skin and the beautiful soul custom made just for him..

Arthit stirs as Kong's phone vibrates, sheesh who is disturbing them today. He has already messaged Tay at night that both of them will not be coming to college. Thankfully the midterm exams are almost over and Kong trusts Arthit's intelligence for coping up with the missed projects and classes.. he is smart.

He picks up the phone and his face looses his contented smile.

" Hello Dad..

yes, I went to Arthit's house yesterday night..

Hmm,okay I will bring him for dinner tonight..

Yes Dad for the upteenth time, I am serious about him..ok..bye.."

Kong leaves his mobile and found the beautiful doe eyes looking back at him.

" Sorry baby, sleep for some time more .. I will prepare healing bath for you again.." Kong tries to get up but Arthit tightens his leg hold on his waist..

" The tables are turning, this time I need to face the music tonight?"

" Babe," Singto caresses his cheeks, " I just said what they wanted to hear, I will just say you couldn't make it tonight."

" You don't want me to go and meet your dictator father and your uncle?" Kong understands Arthit is now absolutely familiar with his controlling family history, his past present everything , courtesy must be his step mom.

But Arthit makes a cute pouting face, stumping his apprehensive thoughts..Kongpob finds himself capturing those pouty lips between his plum ones, who can resist this cuteness! Soon the light nibbling turns into sucking each other's face off but Kongpob reigns in his urges .. Arthit needs to rest and heal today, the night activity was anything but gentle love making between two of them..he pecks those sweet cherry lips one last time before separating  and picks the younger up bridal style.. Arthit starts dangling his feet in glee immensely enjoying the pampering and soft pecks on his forehead cheeks and lips as the elder carries him inside the washroom..

Kong feeds him breakfast in bed and Arthit sleeps most of the day, only getting up again for lunch, he had no penetrative sexual activities for more than two years so the night with kong had seriously exhausted him out and the younger is deliciously sore .. but they do indulge in blow jobs and some heavy petting by the time afternoon rolls into evening, understandably, their erotic thoughts and actions can't resist each other for long..

Late Evening, kong drives Arthit to dorm to pick up his clothes for the dreaded dinner night . Kong tells him to choose anything showy like a designer suit or something posh for his family dinner. He doesn't want his lover to face any scorn from his uncle or father similar to what kong faced with Arthit's mae for dressing up.

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