8. hush..

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Eva pinches Arthit's arms..

" Owwww, why in the bloody hell you people keep on pinching me..! Have you seen my skin tone it's so much lighter than you..my skin becomes angry pink and red wherever you idiots decide to pinch me.." he lines up his arm parallel to Eva's and starts to show her what he means..the pinching place has definitely turned a bright red on his fair, almost porcelain skin..

" It's not my fault that you have more flawless and delicate skin than even girls..you fool..and your skin feels so soft and silky, well, I am getting distracted from the main topic of why did I pinch you, in the first place.. he is here!" She hush whispers..her face all excited.

" Who?"

" Phi Kongpob our head hazer..and he is about to murder me I guess..that eyes are throwing daggers literally at me.." Eva quickly removes her hand from Arthit's arm which was caressing the smoothness of it.

They are sitting at the library.. Eva passing him all the class notes which he had missed due to fever last week..it turned out to be not a simple viral like Arthit thought but acute pneumonia and Arthit had to go home, on Saturday evening itself , when knot found him almost passed out in fever at his dorm room, door half open and the delivered lunch boxes unopened, untouched... thanks to the stars, that he tried to check on Arthit again late afternoon... ignoring the fear of the head hazers wrath..

" just Ignore him. And tell me which presentation template to use for this project."

" he is coming over here." She hits him hard on his shoulder, excitedly..

" Ouch that hurts, he is!?" Arthit doesn't raise his eyes and keeps on looking down at the open books as Eva stares dazedly at the approaching head hazer..all eyes discreetly have turned towards their table.. especially oak and maprang's , the famous third year gossip monger couple, unfortunately present in the library for their very own project, they are ogling the scene openly.

" Hello Arthit.. how are you feeling now... I haven't seen you around for so long ..heard you went home from Knot on Saturday evening!" He politely enquires , but inside Kong is feeling anything but polite, he was so damn worried for the younger. He even ate Knot's head for every bit of information about his health ,when he cornered him at the gym on Sunday.

" Yes khun..I am fine now.." Arthit rudely answers , shocking Eva.. who was drooling at the honey toned voice of the head hazer as he is speaking to her friend..

" What's your name nong." Kongpob asks with a smile at Eva's direction.

Eva feels she is turning into a puddle, ohh my my.. what a dazzling smile!

" E..Eva..student ID 00405."

" May I sit here Eva, and can you go there and sit. I need to speak to nong Arthit regarding the freshy games coming up. He missed the gathering and some important informations." And that smile again, Eva conviniently digestes the spoken lies and gets up hurriedly and goes to a far table..giving both privacy.. well, as much privacy possible with a student filled library, all busy in doing the grueling projects thrown upon them..

" Arth, I came back in the evening and you were leaving with your parents..you even left your phone with knot... listen, I just had to go for that idiotic brunch.. dad's business partner.."

Arthit doesn't let him finish his words..

" I don't want to know, do whatever you want, meet whoever you want..I don't want to know anything" he whispers trying to avoid the onyx eyes boring hole on his face..Kong is not even blinking..

" But I want to say.. Arth..look at me baby.." he softly whispers..

" I am no baby.." he pouts exactly like one though...Kong smiles..'cute and fiesty as always'

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