16. Step up

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Kongpob is busy discussing the last hazer activity with Tay and his hazer team when a message pings in. He takes one look at the mobile before putting it down again. No, it's not the message of his coveted person.

Tay notices but continues to discuss the agenda of the meeting. They are planning to do the wrist tying ceremony at the campus but the gear giving ceremony at Tay's father's seaside resort at Krabi. They have already got the dean's permission for the same , but all the Hazers can see the head hazer looking distracted and not really participating in the meeting per se.

He is just nodding his head to the suggestions of his vice hazer Tay's proposal of room divisions, junior' fun competitions and music and dance for the night. But his eyes are continuing, fleeting to his mobile lying on the table, in front of him .. Tay coughs loudly to again bring Kong back to the conversation when a message pings..this time Kong's whole face lights up and then a deep frown adorns his face..

" Excuse me all.. I will go to the washroom and come back.." Tay gives him a enquiring look but Kong ignores his best friend and enters the washroom and starts dialing the number from where the message came..

" Are you back" he whispers, desperately hoping his best friend doesn't come inside the washroom and evsdrop or anyone of his hazer nosey group of friends. He doesn't want to get his leg pulled to the extreme..or his head flicked by Tay for his lack of concentration and romance overriding his call of duty...but the voice on the other end is honey to his ears after two days of complete silence..

" Yes phi Kong, I am full body back.. where are you , why is your voice echoing..are you in washroom!"

" Smart ass .. yes I am in washroom and I am coming in ten minutes..be there at the cafe. "

" I can come in the washroom too."

Something in his nether region immediately twitches, hearing the husky seductive voice..but he knows Arthit is just playing with him, the naughty first year understanding extremely well that he is hiding from his friends and speaking..

" Don't, or the consequences will not be good for you..just wait at the cafe in ten minutes I am coming..you cannot just disappear on me like this for two days Arth, you will seriously get punished.."

" Yes phi kong..but I can always get a part of my punishment, if I come ..right now..right there..ahhhhh." Arthit moans and cuts the call, this devil with Angel's face! Kongpob looks down, he definitely has a hard on and Tay calls on cue..

" Hey idiot head hazer, come out.. you went to take a leak or doing phone sex!!"

Kong curses his luck, trust his best friend to always be near the bulls eye..if not hitting it completely and making him totally embarrassed. Kong tries to adjust his shirt to cover his pant's obvious tent, moan of Arthit still ringing in his ears.

His idiot boyfriend went completely missing with a single incoherent message
" will be back in two days" and it's been a torture for Kong, with again Arthit's phone remaining switched off for this entire forty eight hours duration.

They have not even made out after their very brief but very fruitful confessing conversations and Kong is hungry, thirsty and everything in between for his boyfriend.. the boyfriend word sound not at all threatning in his mind when it is related to Arthit..it sounds so good, he is so whipped..Kong has an earsplitting smile as he faces Tay, who has a knowing smirk on his face..

" He is back and you are ditching the meeting right? "

" Cover for me..lunch on me tomorrow.. whatever you want." Kong promptly bargains, completely knowing the drill to draw a deal with his best friend

the junior's Moon (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now