3. past holiday

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" come on Kong ..stop mopping around..you are on a Swiss holiday for fuck's sake." Tay shoves the dejected human playing with his cold noodles as their train passes through beautiful Swiss Alps..

" I just broke up with my boyfriend of more than a year Tay.. I deserve time for mopping.."

" Why did you break up again?" Tay laughs as his best friend scowls..
" because Your dear boyfriend wanted to keep his ass virginity and you wanted to keep yours right!"

" But Tay I have always topped and he has always bottomed with his own ex, that's what he always stated from the beginning of the relationship, I don't know why even the controversy arose ..am I lacking somewhere , he just blatantly rejected my all advances Every damn time and then I find out he is now into girls!! " the train passes through another particularly beautiful part of the alps.. making both of them to stop their conversation and look out ..

" You should have decided about top and bottom beforehand and not assume things and I feel he was a cheat or closeted straight may be??

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" You should have decided about top and bottom beforehand and not assume things and I feel he was a cheat or closeted straight may be??.." someone quipes in Thai, from just behind their seats making both of them almost jump in surprise..

Both friends turn around to see two boys , one thin and one bulkier , both fair, but one fairer than the other, infact almost pale pinkish and both definitely good looking .

The one pale pinkish beautiful maiden like, naughtily smiling at them. He must have been the one to speak earlier since the other one is trying to place a hand over his mouth to stop him from spouting more nonsense to strangers.

" Sorry to eavesdrop but getting to listen to your own language in a foreign country always piques my interest , i am Arthit by the way and this is my cousin Tana" ..the thinner one of the two again speaks while Tay notices the bulkier one named Tana trying to shush him out again and miserably failing .

The thinner and fairer one named Arthit is also the one shamelessly ogling his best friend..who is looking equally happy to bask in the attention of the talkative young man..

" It's still rude.." Tay retorts back .. " but I guess it can be said it's definitely nice to meet fellow nationals so far away from motherland. But what the hell is closeted straight?"

" The one who thinks being gay is some status symbol and starts dating rich gay men for experimenting and then ultimately likes girls when the novelty wears off.."

the pale one proudly states..Tana facepalms, Tay laughs, as Kong's mouth hangs open..wow this is such an accurate description of his ex..where did he find such terms and explanations..! What a queer but interesting guy..

" Wow you are really eloquent with words, I must say, since you already endowned us with your pearls of wisdeom let us also introduce ourselves I am ..

" I am Earth and this is Pete." Kong immediately interjects..

Tay raises his eyebrows, trust his nerdy overprotective best friend not to divulge real name to strangers..though he is not able to keep his eyes off one of them..and the cute man is not helping the situation at all with open smiles and eyes shinning with glee, clearly happy that the handsome man he must have been eyeing from before, is speaking to them..

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