Training in Love

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Ninette's POV

The next day, the men arrived, ready to begin training. I notice that they were accompanied by Eponine and Joly's lover Musichetta. It was nice to have other women around for once. The ladies and I began socializing as the men gather around Enjolras. He orders them to line up and he paces in front of them with his hands behind his back.


"Let's get down to business, to make Patria free. I am making soldiers, not children who flee."

He examines the group and shakes his head. "You're the saddest bunch I've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Monsieurs, I'll make men out of you."

Guns are passed out to some men, others are made to do push-ups and run laps around the training area.

"Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within. Once you find your center, we are sure to win. You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot, and you haven't got a clue, but somehow I'll make men out of you."

The two women and I watch the men with amusement. We hear them start to complain after a few hours of training.

"I'm never gonna catch my breath" Gasps Combeferre and he pants with his hands on his knees.

"Say goodbye to those who knew me." Yells Courfeyrac, who seems to want to give up.

"One more lap, then that bottle is mine." Grantaire shouts when he sees me shake a whine bottle at him for motivation.

Eponine laughs at the men. "This guy has got them scared to death."

Marius comes over holding his stomach. "I feel my lunch going right through me."

Giggling, I turn to the women and tease. "Seems like all these boys can do is whine."

Enjolras begins barking orders again. I find myself watching him, however I forgot that I had company. I turn and find Eponine and Musichetta giving me knowing smirks. I just roll my eyes and continue to watch the training. Enjolras gathers the group again.

"Time is racing toward us till Revolution arrives. Heed my every order and you might survive. If you're unsuited for the rage of war; pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?"


Later on through the day, the men began hand-to-hand combat training. My mother calls for me to come inside. When I meet with her, she leads me to her room and starts digging in her closet.

She brings out a box and places it on her bed. "Believe it or not, Ninette, but I wasn't known for my etiquette. Drove my mother crazy when she would find mud on my dress after I would wrestle with my brothers." We laugh at her memory. "When I met your father, I was like you. A spit fire who didn't like being treated like delicate flower, when I know I could take down almost any man. I was the one who showed those men that a woman could be a great asset to the revolution, just like you are now."

She picks up the box and hands it to me. "I was growing tired of Mother's constant scolding for the mud, that I had my friend who was a seamstress make these for me." I open the box to find a dark blue long coat with black buttons, slim black trousers, and a black cummerbund. "It's about your size, but we can always alter it."

I quickly wrap my arms around her in a big hug. "Mama, this is perfect!"

I let go and she helps me to change into it. I look at myself in the mirror to examine the outfit. Mother smiles brightly at me. "A perfect fit. Those soldiers will be too busy staring to fight you during battle." This makes me roll my eyes and shake my head in amusement.

Cœur De Pierre (Heart Of Stone)/ Enjolras Les MisWhere stories live. Discover now