The News Is Out

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Ghost looked at her as if she was a ghost. He pushed through them and got in her face.

"How the fuck could you do this shit Desie? After all we have done for you and your fucking family? How?" Ghost said.

"Don't question me about nothing I did. This is all y'all fault. Dave did this shit."

"Did what shit Desie? You hear with the same niggas that kidnapped our daughter and killed my fucking parents. I gave you everything and you do this shit?" Dave yelled as he walked up on her.

Amp pushed him back and faced him.

"Hell nah bro. You can't do this shit. Let us handle this."

"Nah imma kill her ass." Dave said.

"Oh you making threats now? I want to see you try. Cause what I've done gonna kill your ass anyway." Desiree said with a smirk on her face.

"And what that suppose to mean?" Dave said.

"Man fuck that let me kill this bitch right here." Ghost said.

All the men pulled their guns up and pointed them at them.

"I would love to see you try that shit." Oliver said.

Amp walked up to Oliver and got in his face.

"Nigga I got heat for niggas like you."

"And if you so bad pull that shit and see where it gets you." Oliver said not blinking his eyes.

Everyone stood there with their guns pulled at each other. And then the unexpected happened. Dave daughter walked out from behind the door. Everyone pulled their guns down and hid them from her.

"Daddy." She yelled running to him.

"Brandi. Baby girl. What are you doing here?" He said nervously.

"Mommy said we was moving to our new house. And I was to meet my new daddy."

"What the fuck? You ain't got but one daddy and that is me. Who the fuck is this nigga?" Dave asked.

"She said his name is Oliver."

"Baby girl go with your uncle Amp and Lance to my truck ok."

"Why daddy?" Brandi asked confused.

"Just do it for me please." He said not taking his eyes off them.

Amp and Ghost walked her to the truck and got inside. Dave walked up on Desiree.

"I will kill you bitch. Don't you ever tell my daughter no shit like that."

"I tell my daughter whatever I want to. And you can't do shit about it."

Dave grabbed her by her neck and pushed her against the door. Everyone pulled their guns out again. Pointing them at Dave Desiree held her hand up for them to hold off.

"So this is what you gonna do huh? You gonna hit me? Huh Dave?" Desiree said.

Dave looked at her with a look that will kill. He bit down on his lips and kept his grip around her neck. They looked in each other eyes and stood there.

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