What I Said!

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Marie sat at the table pissed. She told them not to do nothing until she got there. Now she sitting there wondering where the hell could she be. She looked around the table at everyone there. Shaking her head she cleared her throat to talk.

"Dave I specifically gave you orders on what to do and what not to do. Am I correct?" She said.

"Yes ma'am but." Dave said before he was cut off.

"But nothing. You have got to be better than this shit. And you call yourself a leader?" Marie said looking at Dave.

"Now wait a minute auntie. I don't appreciate you coming down here talking to me like shit. I have ran this for the longest. Now this shit with Desie has nothing to do with me handling my fucking business."

"And who do you think you talking to like that huh?" Marie said sternly.

"Auntie I didn't mean it like.."

"Shut the hell up. Now I told you I wanted to take care of that didn't I?" Marie said.

Everyone looked at her with a lost look on their faces.

"Now that I have made my voice known in this situation let's get this clear. I want that bitch found and brought to me in the next hour."

"Wait now auntie. How the hell am I gonna get that done in a hour? Especially with her knowing I want her?" Dave asked.

"I don't know and I don't care. But if she's not here in a hour there will be some harsh consequences to pay." Marie said.

"This is all your fault Kiki. You had to go and be hard headed and go after her." Dave said.

"Oh now we playing the blame game? Well if you would have left that bitch a long time ago this would not be going on right now."

"Both of you shut the fuck up. Both of you did some foul ass shit. I don't want to hear the bickering. You wasting time sitting here arguing while the clock is ticking." Marie yelled.

Dave, Ovrette, and Kiki all got up from the table and started to the door.

"See what I mean Kiki. You so fucking hot headed and got us in some shit with your damn crazy ass mama." Dave yelled as he walked to the door.

"Man fuck that. And if I find this bitch again I'm knocking her ass off point blank and fucking period." Kiki lashed back.

"And you still at the shit after mama said no?" Ovrette said.

"Man I ain't stun that shit. She ain't gonna hurt her own seeds."

"Yes the fuck she will. I've seen her do it." Dave said snapping back.

"Since when have you seen her do some shit like that huh?"

"I saw her with my own two fucking eyes. And let's just say that nigga dead as a door knob. Now stop with the shit and come on." Dave said getting in the car.

They all got in the car and rode around to some of the places that he knew she would run to if in trouble. She was not at none of the locations. Time was passing and they only had like ten minutes to find her and get her back to Marie.

I was getting restless when I saw her coming out of a store not too far from her house. I hurried up and swung in and hid the car behind the building.

"Keep y'all asses in the car. I got this." Dave said jumping out.

He ran around the store and covered his face up. He followed her to the car and as soon as she walked to the door to open it he grabbed her from behind and took her to the car. The girls opened the door and helped her in the middle backseat.

Dave speeds off and hurries back to the spot. He only has 2 minutes to get back without anything being kicked off. He got there and threw the car in park and ran in to his aunt who was sitting there with her legs and arms crossed watching her watch.

"I hope you got her cause your ass is 2 minutes late." Marie said.

"Auntie calm the fuck down I got her. I just wanted to come in and let you know what was what." Dave said holding his hands up in surrendering position.

"That ain't moving me. Bring her ass in here now." Marie said standing in his face not backing down.

Dave walked out and went to the car to get Desiree. He didn't want to do this to her. He still had feelings for her cause of their many years together and their daughter. How would he explain this to his daughter that her daddy was the reason that he mommy was dead. He already knew that his aunt was not gonna give her no slack and she was gonna kill her.

He got to the door and opened it. He grabbed her and held her arm tight.

"Listen to me carefully. I'm not chasing you so please don't run. If you run you are only gonna make things worse for you. This is out of my control. I wouldn't kill you. So don't think this was me aight." Dave tried to explain.

"Fuck you Dave. You have everything to do with this shit. If you didn't want me killed you would have let me go. But where am I? Here. About to be killed." Desiree said with tears in her eyes.

Dave couldn't say nothing to her at this point. All he did was walk her in the building in complete silence. This was one of the hardest things he has had to do. And he didn't want it done but didn't have a choice.

As they walked in the room Kiki and Ovrette followed behind them and closed the door behind them.  Dave sat Desiree down in front of his aunt.

"Bitch you know you dead right?" Marie said pointing her finger in her face.

What is about to happen????

Dave is getting soft!!!!!

This is about to be serious!!!!

Comment and vote!!!!

I will update this book when the reads hit 9.25k.

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