Horror Scene

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As the blood ran down the driveway Amber ran outside and went to Dave side. Her cries got louder and louder as she laid across his chest.

"Omg baby. Please don't die. I'm sorry for telling you to leave. I got help on the way." Amber said hysterically.

Dave looked at her shaking from the gunshot wounds he had taken.

"Go inside Amber. Get to my baby." Dave said through a soft windy voice.

"Don't talk baby. Save your energy. I love you. Please don't leave me and our daughter." Amber said rubbing her hand through his hair.

Dave started coughing. Amber put pressure on the gunshot wound that was in his side and chest.  The ambulance pulled up and came and picked both Desiree and Dave up.

Amber ran inside and called Ghost phone. It rung a few times before he answered it.

"This better be good." He said in a groggy voice.

"Ghost it's Dave." Amber said crying hysterically.

"Wait what happened? Why are you crying?" Ghost said clearing his voice.

"Ghost he was shot. And so was Desiree." Amber yelled.

"What? How? When?" Ghost asked in a panic.

"Just now. I think it was his aunt and her girls that did it." Amber said still shook with what happened.

"Fuck! I didn't think they would find them there. Look I'm on the way ok. Go inside with the baby and stay there." Ghost told her.

"No I'm coming with you."

"Hell nah. I don't need nothing else happening. Please stay there. I'm gonna get Amp and we gonna take care of this." Ghost said.

Amber wanted to go with him so bad. All she wanted to do was be with Dave. But she knew that Ghost was right. Driving down the road as fast as he could, Ghost pulled up to Amp house.

He put the car and park and raced to the door. Knocking on the door constantly he was pacing back and forth. When Amp didn't come to the door he knocked some more.

Finally Amp came to the door looking at him sideways.

"Man what the entire fuck! Didn't I tell you I was done for tonight once I got the fuck home." Amp yelled at Ghost.

"Man fuck that shit. Dave and Desiree was shot man." Ghost said in a panic.

"What the hell? I thought they would be safe there."

"I thought the same thing too. Now they on the way to the hospital. Man we got to get there." Ghost explained.

"Man my girl ain't hearing me leaving again man." Amp said.

"Well let me tell her. Val was on some shit too. But this is life and fucking death man." Ghost said still pacing.

"Aight come in. Give me a minute to tell her. Have a seat in the living room." Amp said as he made his way to the room.

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