Trouble 2

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"Come on man. This shit is gonna have to stop. You can't keep popping up to my shit with trouble. My fucking newborn baby here." Dave said pissed.

"Says who bitch? We come where we want to come. Now where's the bitch at?" KeKe said as she pointed her gun.

"Dave just tell us where she at so we can get this shit over with. I'm tired of being in your fuck ass city. We can just kill the bitch and go." Ovrette said.

"Man y'all ain't about to shoot shit at my fucking house with my newborn here. She ain't here. Now leave." Dave said pointing the other direction.

"And you really think we believe that fuck ass lie?" Marie said rolling her eyes.

"Man auntie I don't want to hurt you or my cousins. Now I ain't gonna say that shit no more. I got one daughter already hurt. I don't need another one. Or my girl. So leave." Dave said getting even more angrier.

"Who do you think you talking to? You just keep doing the fucking most. Give us the girl and we will kindly leave your shit." Marie said walking towards him.

"Man I just told y'all asses she ain't here. Ghost and Amp got rid of her. Now leave my shit now." Dave said.

Amber heard the commotion upfront and couldn't take it anymore. She went and grabbed the baby and walked out.

"Baby are you coming to bed? I'm ready to lay down and the baby is cranky." She said walking behind him putting her and the baby in eyes view.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in bed. Go. I got this." Dave said.

"No I got this. Now I don't know what y'all think this is. But you got to leave my fucking house. You will not bro f this shit to my house where me and my daughter lay our heads at. Desiree is not here and wouldn't be here at my shit. Fucking with me y'all wouldn't have to shoot her ass." Amber said as a matter of fact.

Marie, KeKe, and Ovrette stood there and looked at them both for a second. Marie puts her hand on the gun that KeKe was holding and pushed it down.

"Let's go girls. I guess we did overstep our boundaries here." Marie said not turning her head off Dave.

"Yeah you fucking did. Now leave my shit. And don't ever come back here again." Dave said.

"Fine Dave. We will leave this time. But trust me. This is not the last of me. You can bet your life on that shit." Marie said.

They put the guns on safety and put them away. They walked to the car and got in and drove off. Dave closed the door and ran his hand down his face through his beard. Leaning against the door he faced Amber.

"Babe I am so so sorry for that." Dave tried to explain.

"Fuck that shit. You got these bitches bringing guns and shit to my house and my child is here." Amber yelled at him.

"I know and I'm sorry for that. I didn't expect them to come here." Dave said trying to explain.

"And for that I don't give a damn. I want you and your bitch out my house and I want you gone now." Amber said.

"Wait what? That's not my bitch. That's just my baby mama. And I ain't leaving." Dave said walking to her.

"Yes the fuck you are. Do you realize you could've had me and my child hurt or killed behind this trouble making hoe?" Amber said.

Desiree heard the conversation and burst out the room.

"Who the hell you calling a bitch? I got your bitch." Desiree said coming towards Amber.

Dave stepped in between them and put his hand out.

"No the fuck you aint. You will not disrespect her in my fucking sight and my baby in her arms." Dave said.

"Wow. So you taking her side over mine?" Desiree said hurt.

"This shit ain't about sides. This is about my family being fucking safe." Dave snapped back.

"Your family? Your FAMILY? I'm your fucking family too. And so is Brandi." Desiree said.

"I ain't say you wasn't. Don't fucking put words in my mouth Desie." Dave said as a matter of fact.

"Hey hey. Fuck your little family reunion. I need both of y'all to get the fuck out my shit." Amber said interrupting their argument.

"So you really bout to put a nigga out?" Dave asked Amber.

"Damn right. You are not about to have my daughter life be threatened by your crazy ass family."

"Really Amber. I'm not in the game anymore. You know that shit. I got out for you." Dave tried to explain.

Desiree started clapping her hands and rolling her hands. Dave and Amber both looked at her confused to what she had going on.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Amber asked.

"Please. Y'all act like y'all in so much love. You broke up my damn family and all you can think about is you and your fucking daughter. What about my baby huh?" Desiree screamed.

"This has nothing to do with that Desie and you know that shit. So don't bring my baby up in that shit." Dave said.

"Wow. And you still taking her side I see." Desiree said.

"I don't give a fuck about that shit. Get the fuck out and I mean right damn now. When I put my baby down I want the both of you out." Amber said walking to her room.

Amber walked to the room and laid the baby down. She walked back out and saw them leaving out the house. She closed the door to the room and walked back to the living room. Dave stopped in his tracks and looked back at her.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Dave asked her sadly.

"Yes I do. Now go." Amber said pointing to the door.

Dave walked to her and kissed her lips softly.

"I love you. Just remember that." Dave said to Amber.

Tears filled Amber eyes as Dave walked out the door. She closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. She put her hands over her face and cried. As soon as she started crying she heard gun shots.

Amber jumped and fell to the floor. She heard multiple shots. After the shots was done she crawled to the phone and call 911. She opened the door and looked out and there was no one out there. Then she looked at the ground and saw Dave and Desiree laying at the car shot.

Omg they came back!!!!!

Will they survive?????

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I will update this book when the reads hit 12.50

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